Beloved Enemy

Chapter - 106 Yuanyang Rushes Out with Suit And Slippers to Gu House

also kimeshamurray..for spreading this novel translation to other people...thanks massively....also everyone who has worked to make this story known out were nearing the end...I just wanna thank y'all for everything

Let's read on****

GuQingPei was awakened by the phone ringing, when he opened his eyes, he found himself in front of a dark room only a little moonlight leaked from the window, so he barely was able to see himself in the living room.

He must have fell asleep, or haze fainted. He felt as if his body was pressed by the stone and he could lifted his fingers even if it was so heavy that his head ached as if it was trying to split. Reluctantly, he touched the phone on the coffee table, pressed the call key, "Hey?"

Sound exited and his voice is dry.

YuanYang at the other end of the phone heard this voice and wanted to ask why was he like that.

"It's only a cold," GuQingPei said weakly. " come give me some medicine."

"Wait for me." YuanYang hanged up the phone, grab the car keys, didn't even change clothes, he was wearing slippers when he was rushing out. .

GuQingPei had some difficult breathing, he felt dizziness, and drowsily he fell asleep again.

He didn't know how long he slept before the doorbell rang, very rapidly.

GuQingPei was so annoyed by the noise and that he was exhausted he still nurtured a strength to climb up from the couch and staggered to the door and opened the door.

When he saw YuanYang, he froze stunned. He had already burnt a blanket, and had simply forgotten that he had just talked to him on the phone. He simply didn't know who he was talking to at the time. He only felt that he might have to be silly to do so, so instinctively he asked for help.

YuanYang grabbed his waist and held his crumbling body, and then hugged him horizontally and walked him to the bedroom.

GuQingPei looked at him, "it is you."

YuanYang looked GuQingPei face is not normal flush, his heart emerged a fire, "who else can it be ?"

He put GuQingPei on the bed and blamed "If you had fever and didn't tell me, if I didn't call you, were you going to burn your self to death?"

GuQingPei skimming his head, "pour me some water."

He looked weak, but refused to show signs of weakness or some distressed, YuanYang poured a glass of water, and held it to GuQingPei's head let him drink down slowly

GuQingPei sighed, he looked very uncomfortable .

YuanYang undressed his stiff suit down. His body was sweating massively, the wet bullet underwear was plastered wet to the body, GuQingPei baby panties under the arch of a translucent cyst bag traces of his body white powder, the whole body had marks all over .....yesterday when YuanYang marked his body, now Gu was limp in the bed unable to resist his ways, this scene here now really makes YuanYang bloodthirsty for sex right now....if only Gu wasn't sick.

***I know I'm like what the fuck??...Gu weakness is his weakness...literary Bonner popper...????????????????***

YuanYang doesn't know how to think of them.

For the first time that GuQingPei is not well, YuanYang life felt unforgettable. He had given spring-medicine that night to Gu, and GuQingPei, who was as soft as mud, had given him an unprecedented temptation. For the past two years, he relied on that video to fill his poor fantasy, but he knew he will never be satisfied unless he can own Gu heart forever.

YuanYang patted his face, restraining the body's impulse. He got a towel into the bathroom, wiped GuQingPei over and over, and then put him in a soft pajamas, stuffed him into the quilt.

He touched his hot forehead and called his private doctor.

Just hanging up the phone, a hot hand caught YuanYang wrist.

He lowered his head to see GuQingPei looked at him with a wet deer like eyes and asked him, "What did you come to look for me?"

"It does not matter.....ask me when you wake up ."

"Today there will be." GuQingPei said after a few breaths breath, "the meeting will be, there is hope of adoption your contract."

"Why are you thinking about work at this time." YuanYang sat on the bed, stroking GuQingPei's hair and gently treating his fingers as if they were the most fragile things in the world. "I bother you so much , you seems to work to near lifelessness, for you and your parents , how much do you need? Is money is so important to you? "

GuQingPei didn't understand, he only shook his head.

YuanYang finger skimmed across the GuQingPei handsome features, touched his hot cheeks, his eyes are filled with his own imperceptible affection.

"If you've been like this all the time, you know, when you're awake, it's too damn much to hate someone, and when I see you I keep thinking about how you abandoned me."

GuQingPei closed his eyes, rubbed his head gently against YuanYang palm.

***okay fuck...this is romantic...its like he knows his protector and lover is here.... there is nothing to worry***

YuanYang could not help but also get into the quilt, GuQingPei hot body hugged his arms, no matter whether if Gu didn't hear, he murmured in his ear and said "I will give you anything you want, Then you give yourself more relaxing time to yourself. "

Half an hour later, the doctor came to measure the body temperature of GuQingPei. GuQingPei opened the clothes, "aah" a cry, he saw YuanYang and gave him a look,

"This is your person?" GuQingPei body was abused all night last night and he left behind the sex - marks, combined with YuanYang..... GuQingPei ambiguous attitude, it is difficult not to think that way.

YuanYang frowned and opened his hand. "Look .....what are you seeing."

The doctor face turned to him "was this all done last night?"

YuanYang gave "eh" reply, he and GuQingPei's sex habits were private affairs, he does not want to share with anyone.

"He is burning ..... there must be inflammation, I will see him below."

YuanYang glared at him, " you are not allowed to see."

The doctor was helpless, "then you look for yourself, if it's irritated, give him this medicine."

YuanYang took medicine, "you first put him on the IV needle, and then you go."

The doctor sighed, he needled Gu with good medicine hanging water.(I suspect a mix of dextrose and antibiotics)

"After the bottle finish will you be able to change it ? "

"Nonsense, how many times I participated in the field combat, but also you used to teach me how to do injections, you go now."

"Go away." The young doctor blinked at him and jokingly said " fuck in moderation, this one is a gentleman not a woman.... put your rogue love session to rest ... ... hey, is this that Gu Zong from those years ago? Man he sure looks good. "

YuanYang wanted to kick him, "let's get you going."

"Please let FangPeng know were having a drink on Saturday night."

"I get it, run off now."

After the doctor left, YuanYang sat at the bed guarding GuQingPei, like a most dedicated dog.

Until two hours later, GuQingPei finished the needle. YuanYang pulled him another needle and then gently turned over to take off his pants.

GuQingPei Private - really was dense that part of the site is really inflamed, YuanYang felt a little old regret, playing last night too much. As soon as he heard GuQingPei admitting that he had not been fucked by anyone else for more than two years, he was hard to restrain himself he felt his wolf getting excitedly. In fact, he has been looking for people spying GuQingPei, GuQingPei had a lot of movement in Singapore.... he is almost familiar than seen, but he would like to listen to GuQingPei telling YuanYang himself, that fact that GuQingPei told him that he has never been fucked while he was in Singapore this was the signal saying GuQingPei belonged to him alone....that even Gu himself knew it instinctively.

YuanYang endured the touch of impulse to fuck Gu ....instead he focused to apply the medicine, so a lot of frustration GuQingPei produced out a lot of sweat with fever, YuanYang also sweated out a lot of a sweat, holding himself back.

He went to the bathroom to take a shower and calm himself down. Then made a meal, and GuQingPei home was packed again. If he does not find something to do for himself, he will always think about how hot the body of GuQingPei-fei feels when he is plugging in that hole is certainly extraordinarily comfortable.

After all this has been done, at nine o'clock in the evening, he decided to wake up Gu for a meal, with no meal without physical strength, Gu was slow to wake up.

He patted GuQingPei's face, "GuQingPei, woke up, lets eat something then you can go back to sleep."

GuQingPei slowly woke up, he felt a little relaxed in his body for a bit, he looked at YuanYang, the eyes gradually getting back the focal length, he felt dumb "What's time?

"don't mind that, you have just hit the needle for you, do you feel better?"


"Have a meal," YuanYang held him up, pulled him in his arms and brought a bowl of porridge, spooning a spoon to his mouth, "open you mouth."

GuQingPei held a long breath, behind the broad warm chest he felt comfortable and reassured, he could not help but relax into the body. He opened his mouth a little slow, suddenly, light and soft porridge poured into the mouth, bitter taste of the mouth was diluted by some degree.

***I want to be sick right now and have YuanYang take care of me....minute the can do that to Gu...I just want the cuddles***

"Is the taste OK? You like these porridge with a variety of things."

"Its Ok."

YuanYang looked at him with a rare gentle look, he could not help but be satirical "wanting to make a person comfortable? Not one to care for the sick, what are you in the end?"

"I don't have to ... who cares."

YuanYang smiled a self-deprecating smile, "No, and to think I rushed to take care of you, but you don't want my care."

GuQingPei whispered "No, no."


"No, no ..."

"what is that?"

GuQingPei licked his dry lips, his eyes closed again, as if he was asleep.

YuanYang sighed, he put aside the remaining half a bowl of porridge, he put GuQingPei back lying in bed, he caressed GuQingPei's back, "sleep."

The two embraced each other and found in each other the strength that gave them the most warmth and relief from each other.

The next day, the two woke up in the dazzling sun.

GuQingPei opened the bleary eyes, felt some burning on his back, but the head still hurt.

When he moved, YuanYang woke up. He squinted and looked at him. "Awake? Are you Better?"

GuQingPei nodded, "much better." He realized he was still in his YuanYang arms, gradually awakening..... finally he felt awake mind, he slowly looked at the distance, "when did you come yesterday?

"don't you remember?"

"I don't remember when." GuQingPei shook his head, softly "Thanks."

YuanYang pull mouth smile, "You're welcome, anyway, you have a fever because I overran you."

GuQingPei glared at him, that wet eyes coupled with a weak look, that at this glance there is no "GuQingPei" sharp in the weekdays, it somewhat spoiled his taste.

Tearing up inside with horniness....YuanYang can not wait to steal his clothes now.

GuQingPei turned over, "I want to drink, give me something to eat."

YuanYang pinched his face, "You call me to make it here .....I'm very easy to call ah ah."

GuQingPei said "don't you say it, I am sick you have to take responsibility, go quickly."

YuanYang chuckle, whispered "Do you remember the first time this happened , after we finished, you had a fever."

GuQingPei frowned, " i don't remember."

"You can not forget that, I will not let you forget it." YuanYang fiercely hugged him, he whispered "don't fall asleep, I will go to prepare hot meals."

YuanYang got out of bed to walk outside, GuQingPei opened his eyes, looking at YuanYang back, his heart was invaded with an unspeakable touch. When the prince was beside him, he felt that there was no more openness and loneliness in the room. He felt that even if he was sick and he could not climb the bed and there wasn'thing to worry about because YuanYang was there.

In his thirty years of life, he has been playing the masculine character to be relied upon, and he can only steal his laziness when he was originally a top and now he allows himself to be lazy when he was with YuanYang .

For so many years, YuanYang actually has been the only one who can make him trust in trying to be in this whatever they are....he feels warm when YuanYang is nearby.

***Okay seriously more today...I need to go finish some stuffs...god I love you all...but I need to sleep...I will love y'all some more after I wake vote comment...***

Let's see each other in two days....????....I will give more shout outs....
