Belief In The Kingdom of God

Chapter 373

The war between the two universes is over. The original two universes disappear and will be replaced by a more powerful new universe.

But after the merger of the two universes, ADIS has something new to do.

He turned his eyes to the starry world and looked at the seven level strong there.

Unlike the God universe created by Yates, the starry universe has a long history.

In these endless years, a huge bottom culvert has been accumulated.

For example, there are not a few strong people of level 6 in the whole starry universe. There are also a lot of strong people of level 6 limit in such a long time. Even the strong at the eternal level have a number of thirty or forty.

After the merger of the two universes, these belong to ADIS.

For these people, ADIS decided to give them a chance.

In exchange for a chance to light the divine fire at the cost of the cosmic origin they originally held in their hands.

Of course, opportunities can be asked to cash or not.

However, once you can\'t successfully seal the gods and regain the power of the new universe, the power obtained by occupying the origin of the universe will slowly fade until you return to the level 6 limit.

An idea spread out gently and was understood by these people in an instant.

As soon as their faces changed, they took a deep look at the familiar starry sky around them.

The twinkling stars in the starry sky are still so familiar, but at this time they have a strange smell of law, which seems to be more perfect than before.

This is the new universe. The old power will no longer be common in the new universe. If they can\'t adapt to this change, they will only be eliminated in the end.

Thinking of this, this group of strong people sighed and made their own choice.

No one chose to step back.

In this place, the huge sea of laws gradually converges, bringing together all the law forces of the two universes, which is larger and more terrible than ever before.

Dozens of divine fires are shining. At this point, they begin to ignite. Among them, the past gods accept the law and power of the existing universe and begin the process of sealing gods.

Watching this process, ADIS smiled on his face.

"The two universes have just completed the merger, and the power of these strong people has not completely dissipated. There should be no big problem in lighting the divine fire with their original personality and promoting them to a new God."

"At once, there are dozens of new gods, enough to bring terrible new forces to the new universe."

ADIS walked between the new universe, feeling the familiar and strange laws and environment around him, thinking.

"There\'s another group..."

He muttered to himself and turned his eyes to the space of the LORD God.

There, a group of reincarnations are cultivating in it.

Because the original starry universe was completely absorbed, all the worlds in the spiritual sea were merged into the new universe in an instant, and the main god space naturally lost the goal that can be raided, which made a series of reincarnations feel a little confused.

In the present main god space, only some construction tasks are still going on, and the rest reincarnations stay quietly in the main god space, waiting for the judgment of the main God.

Quietly feel the situation of the LORD God space, and ADIS was speechless.

The role of the main god space is an indispensable link in the original design of ADIS, and it is absolutely impossible to stop.

In the future, the LORD God space will act as the sharpest weapon in the hands of ADIS to plunder the multiverse.

"But now, another thing needs to be done."

Looking at some of them, ADIS smiled.

With a wave of his arm, the newborn universe began to move.

The source force, which was so terrible that it could not be described, rushed out of the sea of source force in an instant, came to the hand of ADIS, and poured into the space of the LORD God under the control of ADIS.

When the war between the two universes is over, those who have made great reincarnation in the previous war will naturally be commended. This is the time to pay off.

The source force of terror rushed to the main god space and condensed into a purple sun above the main god space.

"That\'s!" a reincarnator was shocked and felt the power in the sky representing the origin of all things.

This is a huge feast. Except for a few reincarnations who are unwilling to help the LORD God to attack the star universe, almost all reincarnations have been commended by the source force.

The source force is flying all over the sky, and those powerful reincarnations are boiling. Several people have reached the condition of God worship almost in an instant.

They didn\'t choose to worship immediately, but chose to meditate for a period of time and try again, unwilling to waste the hard-earned opportunity.

When the scattered things are finished, the time has almost passed for a long time.

After doing all this, ADIS walked quietly to the center of the universe, ready to open the channel to another universe.

After the merger of the two universes, ADIS himself gained great benefits. At this time, he almost reached the peak of level 8. The weakness period obtained by just being promoted to level 8 also disappeared and was spent in this way.

He did not forget his original purpose, nor did he forget that two children and believers were still in another universe.

Raise your arm quietly. Under the huge force, a deep channel is opened. On the other side, it is the huge force of faith. At this time, it is used by Yates to stabilize the channel.

This is an eight level force. As long as the coordinates of the universe exist, even at an endless distance, it can break through out of thin air and forcibly open a channel.

Of course, if you want to bring people in, the situation is different. The consumption will increase greatly and more power is needed to maintain the channel.

Looking at the passage, Yates strode in without hesitation.

On the other side, the thematic plane is on the continent.

At the moment when the noumenon of ADIS came, ADIS\'s separation was suddenly stunned and felt the arrival of the familiar breath.

"My noumenon is coming," he said to the people around him with a smile. The figure disappeared in a moment, turned into pure divine power and returned to the noumenon.

In an instant, all the memories of the separation came back to my mind.

ADIS looked up at the sky.

With his current strength and personality, we can clearly see that the powerful Qi of robbery is spreading in this universe.

The cosmic consciousness is wailing and crying. It seems that it has been eroded by some force and is very weak.

"This is... Looking at all this, ADIS\'s eyes gradually became dignified.

In the thematic plane, with the arrival of the noumenon of ADIS, a powerful cosmic channel is stabilized.

At the command of ADIS, all his descendants and believers began to move to the universe of ADIS.

The true God of ADIS stands in the universe. With his power, the weak consciousness of the universe cannot be stopped at all.

Where there are believers of ADIS praying devoutly, as long as there are more than ten devout believers praying together, the gate of heaven will come and lead them to the kingdom of ADIS.

Although it will cost a lot, for ADIS, he can take care of his believers to the greatest extent and end the cause and effect of the past.