Belief In The Kingdom of God

Chapter 331

A little divine power flowed silently. Looking at the complicated and chaotic lines of fate intertwined here, ADIS waved and directly put forward some of the clearest lines.

"Good. Next, wait quietly."

ADIS turned and looked at the many worlds ahead. In his eyes, there were strands of purple luck emerging, slowly and firmly flowing to a place.

Following this clue, ADIS looked forward and came to a world.

This is a very barbaric world, but primitive civilization has begun to cover this land, and primitive countries have begun to be established.

In this world, there is a small country called heratu, in which the king is old, but no children have been born.

The country is poor, full of death everywhere, spread by war and famine, and filled with resentment.

However, in a corner unknown to ordinary people, strands of purple are condensing and tilting towards the country.

This seems to be an opportunity, triggering a series of follow-up on this land.

Soon, the old king found that one of his wives began to be pregnant. This discovery made him very happy and cherished the hard-earned son more and more.

A year later, his child was born in the war and attracted the unanimous attention of all nobles in the country. In order to commemorate the hard won child, the king named the child hetus and hoped that the child would inherit the country and continue the royal rule in the future.

Although heratus is a small country, the king is equally noble. As the only descendant of the old king and the destined successor in the future, heratus has attracted everyone\'s attention at the beginning of his birth.

His father is a king and his mother is a princess of a neighboring country. His blood is impeccable enough to convince anyone.

As a prince, hetus also showed an extremely excellent side after growing up.

Heratu has been firm and calm since childhood. He has often acted differently from ordinary people. He is appreciated by local priests and baptized him personally.

When heratus was fifteen years old, his father, the old king heratus, officially died. As the only heir to the king, heratus put on the crown and officially became the king.

"Long live his majesty hetus in the name of the Creator!!"

In front of an altar, countless people congratulated heratus and prayed for him in the name of the creator.

Hetus turned, his tall and straight body looked strong and firm, and his handsome and serious face looked convincing and reassuring.

He has been excellent since he was a child. In the process of growing up, he has convinced countless people and won the love of many people.

However, even so, standing on the high altar and watching the people cheering him with excitement and fanaticism, hetus, who was only 15, still had a sense of anxiety and excitement in his heart and turned to the altar behind him.

This is the altar of the creator. It is said that the altar of the Lord of the world and the God of ADIS, who opened the world, is praised by many worlds.

"My God, please bless heratus."

Looking at the altar in front of him and the hungry people dressed in rags below, hetus raised his right hand on his chest and prayed from his heart.

Where he could not see, with his official accession to the throne, strands of light purple began to diffuse, gradually gathered over his head, hovered and shrouded.

It seems to have been dialed by something, and the line of destiny began to flow and run towards the front.

In the distance he could not see, looking at the scene in front of him, the figure of ADIS slowly disappeared and no longer appeared.

On the stage, hetus kept his original posture and prayed, unaware that the object of his prayer was already beside him.

Time passed quickly. At the place where he had just succeeded to the throne, hetus did not do much. He just collected his father\'s body and began to deal with affairs formally like the kings of the past.

Compared with the past, there seems to be no change, which has quietly relieved some people in China. However, compared with the previous king, hetus was more careful and seemed to have endless energy.

Compared with his father, he has to deal with at least ten times more affairs every day, and protect the interests of others as much as possible.

He worked hard and thrifty. In order to save money, he transformed his palace into a place for soldiers\' daily training.

Although heratu is a country, it is still in an extremely primitive stage. In addition to a few small cities, there are tribes and even slaves composed of many wild people. Divide the whole country into primitive classes.

At the bottom, of course, are those slaves without any human rights, mostly from foreign plunder and war. Followed by the wild people in each tribe, they not only have to bear heavy taxes, but also bear the obligation of conscripts in war, bringing their own weapons and food to fight for the king. At the top are the citizens and nobles in the city. They only need to bear a few taxes and do not need to fight for the king. The nobility served the king and even assisted the state to rule the whole country. It was the absolute ruling class in the whole country.

Of course, in this primitive country, there is no clear official position in this fashion, only a few positions.

For example, serving horses for the king, collecting taxes for the king, and so on.

These are often hereditary, controlled by those aristocratic families and survive on the will of the king. However, among the tribes composed of wild people, there are classes such as chiefs and warriors.

Hetus changed that.

Just after he succeeded to the throne, in order to prevent the wilderness from being full of wild people and indigenous people, he ordered to recruit some standing soldiers to serve as the country\'s standing force.

In the past, there were few standing soldiers in heratus, most of them were the king\'s personal guards, and most of them were held by the nobles in the city.

But this time heratus chose to recruit the wild people in the country and selected the brave people among the wild people to serve as his escort.

In heratu, this is almost equivalent to selecting nobles, which naturally aroused the great enthusiasm of those tribal savages. Therefore, those selected are basically the most powerful and prestigious people in the tribe, either warriors or chiefs.

The number of these guards is small, but there are only more than 100 people, but they are all people with prestige and strength in the tribe. Even everyone has a certain personal power in his hands. To win over these people is equivalent to catching those wild tribes.

In fact, the reason why there can only be so many people is also the limitation of khram\'s national strength. The cost of training a professional soldier is very large. Once the number is too large, it will bring great pressure to the king. Unlike conscripts, you don\'t have to pay anything at all.

The following year, hetus ordered to recruit a group of young people to train intermittently. These people are not standing soldiers and do not need to be paid. They only need to provide food and shelter during training. The origin of these people is very complex, including both wild people in tribes and citizens in cities. Most of them are poor people.

In this era, famine and war are spreading all over the world. People who are too poor to eat are everywhere. Even if it is just a full meal, it is still very attractive to these people.

Taking the previous group of professional soldiers as the basis, we trained these young and strong people and soon developed a foundation.

However, in this process, in order to save some food for these trainers and make them train better, hetus forced himself to train with these people and cut his expenses again and again.

In this way, after two years, these forces have become his most loyal supporters and the foundation for him to sit firmly on the throne.

The security in heratu is very poor. Although the territory in the country is not small and there are occasional businessmen, it is full of wild people and bandits.

These wild people and bandits do not produce and can not bring a little tax to heratu, but wantonly steal the national finance and land, causing many problems.

In order to clean up domestic chaos and tidy up public security. When hetus reached adulthood at the age of 18, he began his official journey.

After three years of training, his bodyguard army had already expanded to 300 people, and these bodyguards were either warriors, chiefs or nobles of the tribe. Everyone can pull out two or three more slaves or clansmen.

And those young men who participate in training intermittently can also play. In this way, if hetus is willing, he can even pull up a strong team of two or three thousand people.

This strength, let alone just bandits and wild people, can not be taken out by any country even in this wilderness.

Of course, hetus would never do that unless he had to. Because this will not only bring panic to the surrounding countries, but also bring a great burden to heratu. You know, during the war, these people can\'t go back to farming in the farmland, which is equivalent to the direct disappearance of thousands of young labor force, which is almost a disaster for his country. Moreover, even if it is really necessary to recruit, the supply of thousands of people will bring a great burden to heratu.

Therefore, hetus sent out more of his 300 bodyguards and began to gradually clean up the bandits and wild people in the periphery.

The world is still quite primitive at this time. There are a large number of aboriginal tribes in heratu, which are collectively referred to as wild people. Some of them obey the country and start half grazing and half farming, but more of them hover in the wild, destroy the production and construction of domestic people and steal women and property.

These people are of no use to heratu, which not only seriously hinders the development of the country, but also makes the communication around them difficult.

Therefore, without any mercy, hetus ordered his subordinates to attack and drive the sword to these wild families.

A little black smoke rose from the ground and condensed into a shape above. On the ground below, houses were burning and bodies fell to the ground.

Around, the guards of hetus wreaked havoc in the wild tribe and enjoyed their victory.

Around, primitive moans are constantly ringing. Some soldiers loot property in the tribe, and some soldiers forcibly hold down wild girls and wreak havoc on them.

Watching this scene, hetus frowned and instinctively felt uncomfortable.

As the king of heratus, he was no stranger to this environment since he was a child. Moreover, after a victory, letting the soldiers wreak havoc is the best way to boost morale. Therefore, even if he was uncomfortable, he still forced himself to adapt.

He himself is not a kind-hearted person. The slaves and soldiers who killed themselves in the past three years have already dyed their hands red. Now he is only carrying out this kind of looting for the first time, and he feels a little uncomfortable. Rather than pity the wild people here, he was dissatisfied with his soldiers and their unbridled and almost undisciplined style after the war.

However, after all, he personally trained the guard for three years, and soon recovered from the current chaotic state and began the division of labor. One part went to clean the battlefield and collect property, while the other took weapons and mended knives for those dying wild warriors.

These soldiers are so badly injured that it is almost impossible to save them in this era. A direct knife is the most favorable choice.

"What are you doing?" suddenly hetus shouted, looking at the scene ahead.

Ahead, one of his soldiers was holding a long knife, and under him were children.

Most of these children are only seven or eight years old, and the youngest is even a baby. At this time, they are all placed in front and look at the soldiers in front of them with fear.

The soldier had a knife in his hand and was holding it high to cut forward, but he was scolded by hetus\'s voice, and the knife in his hand couldn\'t help stopping.

After three years of training together, the resolute, tall and mighty hetus has a strong prestige among many soldiers, and no one dares to violate it.

"What are you doing?" hetus asked, looking at the children in front of him, his eyes shrinking, looking at his soldiers.

"Your Majesty, these people are of no use to us."

The soldier looked at hetus and said seriously, "children under the age of ten will only waste food."

Hearing this, hetus instinctively opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but at last he didn\'t say anything.

On this continent, famine spreads all year round, and no one can stay away. Saving food has become almost everyone\'s instinct, and it is impossible to waste valuable food on some useless waste.

These children are too young to be used even as slaves. The cultivated land in this era is hard work, and there is not enough tools and animal power. Even a young man will be tired when he wants to farm, not to mention these children. Compared with the food they need to raise them, the little labor they can provide can\'t get back at all.

Quietly, he looked at the children in front of him.

It seems that hetus\'s appearance is not as ferocious as others, and even looks very soft. The children can\'t help but take a little emotion in their eyes when they look at him.

That emotion, hetus saw clearly, was prayer.