Belief In The Kingdom of God

Chapter 265

"It\'s a pity. In the future, it\'s impossible to meet an opportunity like the last one."

Child sighed softly and suddenly felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

With the reincarnation constantly affecting the real world, governments all over the world began to find the space of God, and formed their own reincarnation forces.

Once an opportunity like the last one comes out, it will only be divided up by the reincarnation forces with national background. It is impossible for people like him to turn.

"Do you really want to take a risk?" he hesitated and took out some medicine from the front drawer.

With the establishment of the God forum and the continuous communication and collision of reincarnation, although the selection mechanism of reincarnation has not been disclosed, some laws have been summarized, that is, people on the verge of death have a greater chance of entering the god space.

"No, there is still a long time to go. Once this method fails, there is really no other way."

After a while, he put down the things in his hand and let out a slight sigh.


Time never stops because of anything. Soon, two years pass quickly.

Under the gaze of countless people in the main god space, a door far larger than other doors around slowly shines, and then turns into light and rain, which dissipates in the whole main god space without leaving a trace.

"The dark world has been captured..." at this moment, countless reincarnations look at this moment with complex eyes and only feel that a new era has come.

The resources contained in a world are quite rich, especially in the secondary world such as the dark world. In the past two years, countless reincarnations have been going to this world. Although there are countless deaths and injuries, they have also gained for a long time.

Originally, two years ago, the mainstream strength of reincarnation was still an apprentice. Now it has been generally promoted to about level 1, and even many strong people at level 2 and level 3 have come out, almost changing the external situation again and again.

The lights gradually lit up.

In the radiance, Chang Tianxiong and others came out here and looked at the familiar and strange main god space, revealing some vicissitudes on his face.

"It\'s been twenty years," he sighed softly.

The passage of time between the real world and the reincarnation world is different. The outside world has spent the past two years in the reincarnation world, which is equivalent to 20 years.

He looked around. At this time, the familiar team had changed a lot. Almost everyone\'s strength had increased greatly and became extremely powerful.

Not only the strength changed greatly, but also the appearance changed greatly. Almost everyone\'s appearance changed and began to favor the world. There are some people, began to become some aging, black hair, a little white hair began to come out, aging a lot.

After all, after 20 years in the reincarnation world, the consumption of vitality is real. If we had not been prepared to send out some people with insufficient life expectancy, I\'m afraid some reincarnators would die of old age in the task world.

However, for most extraordinary people, 20 years has not changed much. After all, extraordinary people live a long life, and a mere 20 years is nothing.

"Unfortunately, there are still some comrades in arms who can\'t make it back." some people are counting the harvest in front of them, while others are sighing silently, silently mourning for the comrades in arms who once fell in the mission world.

Chang Tianxiong looked aside and saw Tengyi and Guerri standing in the distance. He nodded silently.

At this time, their strength has changed. In the 20 years of reincarnation, they have made rapid progress and reached the limit of level 3.

Here, he couldn\'t help looking forward. There, a tall, powerful middle-aged man was standing there.

It was Ye Kaihua of the Chinese dragon slaughtering group. At this time, he also returned. Just standing there, a shocking evil spirit was constantly revealed, which surprised countless people.

At this time, the breath of the other party was revealed, which was more powerful than Chang Tianxiong. I don\'t know how much.

Feeling this, Chang Tianxiong couldn\'t help sighing: "it\'s worthy of being the first commander of the Dragon slaughtering group that year. Indeed, he has excellent talent."

In the last few years of the mission world, the reincarnation\'s combat power has been constantly transformed, which is far from being comparable when it first entered.

The three commanders of Huaxia dragon slaying group, neon Samurai regiment and star strip special operation group broke through level 4 one after another. On the dark senator\'s side, three vampires such as jasm, Aria and Kurus also broke through the level 4 boundary, greatly improved the strength of the reincarnator side, and finally counter attacked the task world.

At that time, the ancestors of werewolves and blood clan ancestors were born one after another. Ye Kaihua and a blood clan ancestor blood station killed each other for a few days and subdued countless blood clans.

"Unfortunately, although the harvest is not shallow, most of the harvest of that world is probably in the hands of the three vampires of the dark senator."

In front of him, Gary suddenly opened his mouth with some regret.

"This is also a helpless thing." Yamashita fujiichi didn\'t know when he had stood beside him. At this time, a little smile appeared on his originally firm and cold face and enlightened him: "that world is too strong to be eaten by both human beings and those dark creatures, so we can only work together."

"In the final analysis, that world is the home of their dark creatures. It is normal for them to harvest more than us."

"At least, we killed those ancestors. With this harvest, even if we suffer losses, we won\'t be much worse."

Yamashita fujiichi seemed to be in a good mood and said at this time.

In advance, in order to invade the world, the dark creatures in the reincarnation and mankind had to cooperate and make a covenant under the witness of the LORD God space.

In the covenant, the dark senator will unify the whole blood clan and werewolves, and the human world can kill those ancestors. It can be said that both sides have achieved a lot by jointly completing the strategy of that world.

Hearing what he said, Grassley nodded: "this is an agreement agreed in advance. With the witness of the LORD God, even if the other party gains more, we have already expected."

"However, I\'m curious. After the four guys of the dark Senator come out, can those European Blood families still sit as the winner?"

It seemed that he thought of something interesting. There was a little sneer and a hint of irony on his face.

Around, Chang Tianxiong and others looked strange and nodded.

Since ancient times, Europe has been the center of the dark world, where there is the world\'s most powerful dark race, vampires.

Today\'s vampires, although not as prosperous as before, also have three princes, all located in Europe and sitting there.

However, it is ironic that in recent years, there are few vampires or even many high blood families in the recruitment of the main god space.

This is naturally because, on the one hand, the number of human beings is much more than the blood clan, but it also proves that the willpower of the high blood clan is weak.

Under the same suppression of many organizations, although they have the power to subvert the real world, they forcibly restrain and do not start. The mentality of those blood families towards reincarnation may still remain on the impression of some extraordinary organizations.

"This time, the dark senator\'s group of people returned from the task world, and the power of the blood clan will be overturned. The decadent blood clan and the princes don\'t know if they can sit still this time?"

In front, ye Kaihua sneered, as if he thought of some interesting picture.

In the past days, those blood princes, relying on the power given by their blood, continued to dominate in this world of extraordinary inheritance and decline, killing countless people and almost using people as slaves.

Of course, for the lower blood families, these high blood families are not friendly. They are also very oppressive, only better than ordinary people.

At present, those high-ranking blood families still indulge in the ancient glory of blood families, but among the humans and lower blood families they regard as mole ants, they have born strong people comparable to their ancestors.

"I don\'t know how the princes will react when they see the four level vampires of the dark senator."

Many people present thought of this scene and couldn\'t help raising a strange smile on their faces.

With the golden radiance falling, many people called the LORD God here, opened the golden list of gods and began their own brilliance.

After twenty years of world mission, almost everyone has accumulated some divine coins. This is the time to use them.

It must be some time before this group of returning reincarnators digest the previous harvest, and their combat power can be further improved.

On the other side, the glory of the LORD God is also blooming.

In the light, a group of dark creatures came out and stood in front of them were three vampires and a werewolf.

"It\'s a long lost glory, so great and so real." Kurus looked intoxicated on his face, looked at the main god space around him and sang praises.

"Hum, Kurus, can you stop being so disgusting?" beside him, a large, hairy man frowned, as if he was very dissatisfied with him.

"Hey, Mr. Dooku, don\'t you think it\'s a great luck to be here?" Kurus refuted him very seriously.

"Like us, if we don\'t come to the space of the LORD God, how can we break the damn blood shackles."

"No, I just think you\'re a little disgusting?" Duku took a swipe from the corner of his mouth and said.

"It\'s just that our aesthetic level is a little different," Kurus shrugged and said casually.

"Stop arguing, anyway, just come back." jasm stopped their quarrel and took out something from the.

"Come on, look at our booty."

This sentence successfully transferred their attraction, so that they stopped talking and focused on jasm\'s actions.