Belief In The Kingdom of God

Chapter 117

At this time, on the earth, the night gradually came.

But in this silent dark night, there is still a little magic light flickering gradually.

In the far north, in a grand church, a sacrifice is beginning.

On a tall altar, there is a section of green branches, as if they had just been taken down from the main body, with a natural fragrance.

On the other side, a tall statue of God stood quietly, and the pupils of one eye were specially painted gold, looking dignified.

The statue of God is tall and looks like a young man. Standing quietly, it seems to be overlooking the distant distance, and countless God badges are engraved all over.

A little bit of divine power fluctuates on the body of the statue and gradually circulates, gradually storing and transforming the power of faith from distant places.

At this time, under the statues and in the church, countless sacrificial faces were serious and solemn, reading ancient legends.

Ancient gods

You are the sky, you are the earth, you are all living beings, you are the tree of the world.

Merciful God, you are the God of nature, you are the embodiment of the world.

You are the God of nature, ADIS, the eternal king on the earth.


Led by an old man in a pope\'s robe in front of him, many priests silently read out sacrifice words.

As their words gradually fall, in the depths they can\'t see, a line of faith is flashing, which gradually coincides with their body and mind and turns into the purest idea.

These ideas are inconspicuous. In ordinary times, when a person\'s idea changes, countless ideas will be born or disappear. Under normal circumstances, although these ideas exist, they are very weak and can not affect anything at all.

But at this time, with countless people praying at the same time, at this moment, all people\'s thoughts are briefly unified by faith, leaving only pure thoughts.

These thoughts are weak, but pure.

With the birth of these ideas, countless lines of faith slowly converge in the void, with a little pure essence as the core, slowly condensing together with countless ideas.

Suddenly, the void vibrated and was influenced by a strong will.

At this time, countless similar scenes are taking place on the earth.

In addition to the northern regions, the eastern and western regions, under the command of ADIS, countless people silently worshipped the God of nature in front of the new temple and altar.

These altars may be simple, but as countless people on the earth began to pray towards the same core, a change began to occur.

Countless ideas from different sources but from the same source began to gather, like a bright river of stars, countless pure ideas like stars began to ripple, and then a great consciousness began to be born.

This is similar to world consciousness, but different.

World consciousness comes from all the spirits of the world, and is born by the confluence of the thoughts of all the spirits and the immortal origin of the core of the world. However, this consciousness comes from countless believers and is born with the essence of God as the core.

Although this consciousness is not as powerful as the world consciousness, it is pure. In it, countless scenes of pious prayer began to emerge.

The dying old man knelt to the ground, his eyes were pious, his heart was neither sad nor happy, and he was silent. He was praying.

A child looks ignorant, follows his parents, has the purest brilliance in his eyes, and is also praying.


Scenes are concurrent, and the power accumulated in previous decades begins to flow gradually. In the deepest place, an ancient tree appears quietly, standing quietly with eternal meaning, like an eternal God.

"The great God of nature, may you last forever."

Deep in the temple, the old man in colorful papal robes muttered to himself. On his head, a little light of faith began to fade, and then the pure light of true spirit began to bloom. It seemed that something was about to be conceived.

On the other side, in the void, an incomparably bright light emerged. In the light, a grand consciousness broke through the blockade of the world, and then went directly to a young man covered with divine light.

Suddenly, an incomparably powerful feeling hit again, with a little familiarity.

Chen Ming opened his eyes. In his golden eyes, the terrible power escaped. At this moment, the power that had reached the limit of level 5 rose again, and directly increased to level 6 under the blessing of countless believers.

"It\'s a little similar to the last time I pulled the power of the world, but it\'s a little different."

He felt the strong power in his body and said in his heart, "after all, one is a borrowed power, the other is the blessing of his own believers. It belongs to himself, which is naturally different."

"However, although the power is much weaker than the world consciousness, it is enough to face the present."

"What is this?"

Across from him, Chris ya, who had been standing quietly, was shocked. Looking at Chen Ming in front of him, a faint sense of crisis surged into his heart, which made him vigilant.

This is amazing, which means that at this time, Chen Ming has the power to really threaten his life.

No more words, in the next moment, the two collide again.

Only this time, the natural field, which had been severely suppressed, suddenly expanded, in which countless natural changes gradually took place.

A series of terrible waves exploded in the void, disappearing countless spaces.

On the other side, Chris looked back. Gradually, under the traction of strength, a dark long sword came to his hand across countless distances.

On this sword, Chen Ming clearly sensed a long-lasting power of the world and immortality, and wrapped the sword tightly with a unique power.

This is the demon sword. It is said that Krishna used the weapon to dispel the demon disaster and killed countless terrible Warcraft.

At the next moment, the sword swung down and the unbreakable natural divine realm was broken.

But then, as the sun flickered in the void, it fell with the pious thoughts of countless believers and hit Chris directly.

Suddenly, the two essences entangled again.

While the two supreme combat forces of Wang Tingzu and the God of nature were deadlocked in the void.

On the earth, ADIS looked up at the sky with a faint light in his golden eyes.

"Is it finally blocked?"

He sighed softly, with some relief.

If there is no corresponding force to stop the existence of level 6, one person can destroy the whole yadixu duchy. The war and power among mortals are too powerless in the view of such existence.

"So now, there is only the battle in front of us."

He looked at the wall with a faint smell of blood in the distance and thought silently.