Belief In The Kingdom of God

Chapter 115

After the chaotic war gradually subsided this year, the king\'s court sent envoys to the north after wiping out the last resistance in the southern region.

The king\'s court, as the co Lord of the city-state, ordered the newly established Yadi Duchy of Syria in the north to surrender and return the eastern and western regions.

Traditionally, these two regions have a close relationship with Wang Ting. Even in the past, these two places have always been the subordinates of Wang Ting.

However, for this request, yadixu king yadisi of course rejected it, so the situation that had gradually averaged all over the world became tense again.

The royal court was opposed to the Principality of ADIS.

This result has really made countless people afraid, excited and uneasy at the same time.

After all, by now, the situation in the whole world has become extremely clear, and the final winner is born in these two sides. At present, the surviving nobles have almost decided to belong to the two sides.

No matter which side wins, the final winner will occupy the whole world and reproduce the glory of the ancient king\'s court, which naturally makes countless stakeholders nervous.

One side is the final winner of the last century. From ancient times to now, there is a king\'s court supported by the Savior God Chris. On the other hand, it is the newly rising Yadi Syrian duchy, which established a country in the north with a sweeping trend and supported by the mysterious God of nature.

As time goes by, the collision between the two is inevitable.

That year, after the autumn harvest, Wang Ting began to send troops from the northern border, and the war was imminent.

With the announcement of this war, both sides felt an unprecedented pressure.

On the side of the king\'s court, as the world\'s Orthodox and inherited for countless years, the king\'s court has the most powerful knights and soldiers in the world. Moreover, compared with the enemies of yadixu duchy, the soldiers of the king\'s court are more elite and large enough to suffocate any enemy.

On the side of Yadi Syrian duchy, because of the great investment of Yadi, Yadi Syrian duchy has a powerful bow and crossbow, and the arrows of divine blessing are enough to make anyone suffer. Moreover, with the vigorous implementation of the belief in the God of nature, countless sacrificial rites mastering divinity appeared. Although most of them were not even white robed sacrificial rites, they were better than the large number of knights in the king\'s court. There are also various kinds of magic combined with the fighting will maintained by relying on fanatical belief, which also shocked the king\'s Court on the offensive side.

Both sides are very tenacious and difficult. So this war was particularly difficult.

At the beginning, facing the rapid attack of the king\'s court, nadir, the chief military commander of the Syrian duchy, ordered to stick to it. But over time, defense became more and more difficult. So, under the command of ADIS, nadir retreated backward in an attempt to drag down the other party by relying on the huge depth of the northern region.

At the same time, except for the northern region. In the eastern and western regions, the armies of both sides fought in some key defense lines at the same time. For a time, the calm situation was broken by the renewed war.


In the palace of Yadi Xucheng, Yadi Si frowned at the herald sent from the front line.

"Have you lost another line of defense?" he said, looking at the message in the herald.

In front of him, hearing the words of Adams, a knight suddenly knelt down, his face with fear, but he didn\'t dare to say anything to defend.

"It\'s all right, you get up." looking at the knight like this, ADIS just shook his head and said.

After the knight went down, after a while, a burly man slowly came out, with thick hair, but Carter.

He looked at the absent-minded ADIS ahead, bowed slightly and said, "Your Majesty, you don\'t have to worry too much."

"Although Wang Ting is too strong, we will not be too weak. With the full support of the Holy See, we can hold it in the current form."

Hearing his words, ADIS nodded silently, "how\'s the front line preparation?"

"It\'s ready."

Carter responded: "at present, most of the leaders of the front-line settlements have moved away. With the assistance of sacrifice, this progress is very fast."

"Well, it\'s already very good."

Adidas said so.

At this time, in his eyes, there was a touch of gold, emitting a touch of majesty, straight through the soul. Now it\'s becoming more and more obvious, almost undisguised.

Sensing that dignity, Carter was awe inspiring, his head was deeply lowered, and he didn\'t dare to look at ADIS positively.

"God of nature, are you finally going to wake up?" he couldn\'t help thinking.

This is a recent change. Since the war between the two sides, some unspeakable changes have begun to take place in Yates. Something seems to be awakening

Even at this time, the Royal Palace is shrouded in a huge majesty. Ordinary people can feel a great pressure just walking around the palace, which almost makes people want to kneel and worship.

All this excited Carter, the faithful believers of the God of nature, and believed that at this juncture, the God would finally awaken.

But the next moment, the dignity suddenly disappeared. ADIS looked back, calm and looked at him: "after the relocation of the people, order nadir to retreat."

Carter was stunned: "Your Majesty, we have no place to retreat."

"If you retreat again, the enemy will hit the city of yadixu."

He bowed with some doubt in his eyes.

"Then let him call in."

ADIS responded softly: "let them come, and we will meet the enemy at the foot of the new adixucheng."

With the order, the battle situation in the northern region, which was originally fierce, changed again.

Nadir retreated a few days later to empty the defense line that had been guarded for many days.

However, when the king\'s court occupied this land and prepared to plunder it, it found that there were few gathering points on the surrounding land.

Originally, the northern region belongs to that kind of sparsely populated area. It has the shortest development time and the smallest population. And from time to time, there are demonized animals and demonic tribes, so their strength is the weakest.

At this time, under the early preparation of Yates, a large number of people in the original northern region were moved to the rear, leaving only an open line of defense.

However, for this, Wang Ting had long expected that after breaking the line of defense that had hindered the March, countless troops swept up and were transferred to yadixu city in the north.

As the situation changes, at this time, the strategies of both sides are naked in the open.

Yadixu side chose to lure the enemy in-depth, trying to bring down the other side with the huge strategic depth of the northern region and the solid defense of the national capital yadixu city. The king\'s court directly attacked Yadi Xucheng and planned to destroy the country in World War I.

You know, as the capital of the country, yadixu city is of great significance. Especially for the Duchy of Yadi Syria at this time, once the capital of the country is captured by the king\'s court, almost half of the northern region will be occupied, and the originally attached Eastern and western regions will have twists and turns again, almost sure to lose more than half.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone can\'t help looking at the new city of Addis Ababa and preparing to witness this unprecedented war.

While the battle on the earth is going on, at another place, another battle is about to begin.