Behind your Mask is a Beautiful Smile

46 Chapter 46- What should I do...

After leaving the hospital, Ya Nuo didn't talk to Huan Hei at all. He thought that she was mad at his childish act from earlier so he pulled her in an emptied alleyway and hugged her. "Nuo, don't be mad at me."

"Hmm?" she questioned confusingly because she was in deep thought about something when he suddenly pulled her in a dark alleyway.

"I'm sorry... don't ignore me" his tone was miserable like a wronged puppy left at home by his owner.

"Huh? I thought you pulled me to the back here because you wanted to do something else. Tch... why would I be mad at you?"

"You were so quiet" he complained in a low voice as he rested his head on her shoulders.

"I was thinking about something. You could've spoken to me and I would've responded to you silly goose."

"First I'm a potato head and now I'm a goose?" he lifted his head and looked at her with puppy eyes.

"Haha, why not? you're still mine. What difference would this make? Muahh" she pecked him on his cheek and left a sheer colored mark.

"That's not enough to make up for the worried me. hmph." he turned his head sideways.

She cupped his face and marked her next territory, his lips. "What about now?"

"Not enough."

"Oh?" she pulled him closer by his waist and pinched his sharp chin. Both met face to face, nose to nose, and lips to lips. This time, she slowly nibbled on his soft lips and sucked them gently until her lips felt numb. She smiled enchantingly and whispered in a gentle as water voice making her extra enticing, "Well? What about now?"

His lips curved up creating a charming smile, "Far from enough. Let me show you how it's done."

His hand caressed the back of her head and lips smacked against hers. His tongue actively explored her mouth and playfully exercised with hers. Her arms circled around his neck to look for support when her legs started to lose strength from the intensity of his passionate kisses. His hand held her nape and other arm around her waist to give her stability. He knew he should stop sometime soon, but her lips were like poison, so addictive and dangerous. 'Heh, Ya Nuo, I'll never get enough of you.'

While they were acting intimately, they didn't know that trouble that is coming for them.

After getting bailed out of jail, The Boogeyman went straight to Yang Mansion to meet with Master Yang.

"Master Yang, thank you for cooperating and helping me get out. As I've promised, I'll bring Ya Nuo to you very soon. On my way here, I heard that your companies have met a pretty huge loss. Don't worry, once Ya Nuo is in your hands, you can marry her off."

Master Yang: " You discourteous bastard better have her presented to me soon or else your whole family will die miserably one by one in front of you. Your dear wife will have her eyes plucked out and while she's screaming in pain, I'll have someone stuff maggots up her nostril. As she suffocates to death, your daughter will be raped in front of your eyes by me and then thrown to underground brothels. I'll make her repay the loss that I've suffered from and have her hate you for the rest of your lonesome life. Videos of her will be delivered to you and I'll make sure that my men makes you watch it before coming back to me. You hear my words? Even if you do have dirt on me, so what? I can find it eventually. If you died and all your friends and friends family also died, nobody will ever know. This is your last chance."

"Y..Yes. I'll follow your orders and get Ya Nuo back to you as quick as possible."

Master Yang: "So tell me, what great plans do you have huh?"

"From what my daughter accidentally slipped out last time, Yang Ya Nuo is her friend. It is impossible for them to have met without me knowing so I remembered what my daughter told me in the past. That's when I realized why I wasn't able to find Ya Nuo for these years. IT is because she was disguising as a male and attends the same school as my daughter. If I use my daughter as bait, she will definitely appear. I promise!"

Master Yang: "Oh? You aren't so smart yourself huh? It takes you this long to realize she's been disguising? How could you still call yourself an expert? Hah, go. You better get that bitch back and I better get a fortune out of her. Or else, don't expect me to let any of your family and friends go. You are not an exception."

The Boogeyman knew Hen Qing could feel his presence so he waited till she was alone and appeared in front of her.

"Hen Qing... Daddy.."

"Don't use that disgusting voice to say such a precious title. Daddy? You still think you are even 0.00005% worth that title? After all that you've done? To hurt me? hurt my classmates? destroy my future???"

"Hen Qing.. listen.. I really have a reason this time."

"Reasons? or excuses? What? Are you going to tell me that you did all this because some big boss captured mom and to save her life you are forced to harm other people including dig for my classmates?"

"That's exactly it! You're so smart."

"Please. Even these asian drama episodes are better than this crappy excuse. Make up a better one. If you can't, then I won't blame you. Just don't ever show up in front of me again."

"Your mother will die and you wont get away either if you don't listen to my instructions. Not only you will be involved, everyone you've interacted with will also be in danger."

"You jerk!! You better be joking because this is not funny at all!!! We're going to the police you hear me??"

"Hen Qing, do you want your mother and friends to die? Just help me get Yang Ya Nuo and everyone will be saved! She's only going to be married to a rich family. Her life will be happy and full of luxury. This is for her future too! She's a rebel. Hen Qing, you want to go to your dream school right? I promise you. After this is done, we can all leave. Our family can be together again like it used to. We only need Ya Nuo and everything will be good. I'm not lying so please consider it. You can call me anytime to tell me after you think about it."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Here's a picture of how your mom is doing. She is alive and imprisoned. We need to save her."

"Why can't we leave it to the police? They will find mom! We don't need to hurt anyone!"

"If they were useful then why am I not in jail for publicly strangling a girl? Because the big boss behind me is too powerful. Understand? If you want to save your mom, our family, your friends and their family, then help me get Yang Ya Nuo."

"Give me time to think about it."

"A week. We'll meet here in a week. I don't have time to play the patience game with you."

"But.." when she turned around, he was already gone.

'What should I do....'