Behind your Mask is a Beautiful Smile

39 Chapter 39- Brooch

After the phone call, The Boogeyman whistled his favorite tune, 'Master yang, Did you really think that after working for this long I would trust you with saving my ass? Haha, I have plentiful evidence of your dirty money for all these years. Each task you sent me out to do are all recorded and you'll never find them. Hen Qing.. even though you are my daughter and you sent me to jail, you leaked out such useful information for me. I'll forgive you for interrupting my work this time. Next time...I'll definitely get Ya Nuo back to Master Yang.'

At the same time, Master Yang threw his cellphone across the room and stomped it to pieces. "Good! Very well! After I get Ya Nuo back, it'll be your death. Since I can't keep you under control're a useless chess piece."

"What are you all standing still for? Don't you see the broken cellphone? Why can't any of you be a bit smarter and learn to read my mood?? Someone clean this mess and another grab me a new phone! Go! Do I need to say everything?!!"

Maids: "Y..yes.. Master Yang.."

Within the next 5 minutes, maids lined up after cleaning the floor and handed him a new cellphone .

Master Yang called Lawyer Yi to bail The Boogeyman out of jail and bring him back to Yang mansion. Afterwards, Master Yang's cellphone started vibrating and ringing nonstop. His company stocks dropped drastically and he was very close to bankruptcy.

"Shit!!!!! How did this happen???"


Nana woke up and saw everyone around her bed. The first thing she did was sit up and look for Ya Nuo, who was standing by the door getting ready to leave. Shi Xue handed Nana paper and pen to see what she wanted.

Shi Xue: "Nana, write what you want on here. You temporary lost your voice."

Nana wrote: "Yang Ya Nuo!!!!"

Shi Xue : "Ya Nuo? She's right there. This child, you worry for others than yourself when you are the one resting on a hospital bed?"

(The rest of Nana's words are written on the paper and pen given to her)

Ya Nuo walked to Nana's bedside and was greeted with warm hands on hers. Nana smiled showing her white teeth and sweet smile, "It's great that you're fine! If you're going home, have Uncle Tut or our drivers give you a ride. I don't feel safe having you go alone."

Ya Nuo's wet eyes met hers, "Thank you for saving me earlier. I'll come another day to see you. I'll keep in touch with you through texts okay?"

Nana nodded and pulled Wei Wei's sleeve, "Go see her out for me. Make sure she's safe."

Wei Wei: "She's a grown teenager. I'd be more relieved if you cared more about yourself."

Nana frowned, pushed the blanket off herself, and tried to get out of bed.

Wei Wei: "H..hold it!!! Fine, fine, I'll go with her. You stay in bed. Zhen Qi, you come with me."

Zhen Qi silently followed Wei Wei and Ya Nuo out of the room.

Shi Xue: "Haha, he knew he would lose to Nana since the beginning, why bother?"

Wei Wei: "It's worth a try!"

Zhi Hei: "Hurry go and come back. We'll have Chen Mu give her a body check again while you two are gone."

Wei Wei: "Okay."

At the entrance, Wei Wei blocked Ya Nuo's way to the car.

Wei Wei: "I want to thank you for saving Nana. At the same time, I hope you'll stay away from her. You're a decent person, but I don't want to see my sister getting hurt again. I'm sorry for asking you this. Our family will help you in any way to get revenge, but before Yang Qiu Rei and that Boogeyman creep are gone...I hope you'll meet my sister less."

Ya Nuo: "Can I at least visit her for the time being? She saved me and I don't want to suddenly disappear on her. She was my first female friend since I was a child. I don't have the heart to leave her like this."

Wei Wei: "Alright. Until she gets dismissed from the hospital."

Ya Nuo: "Thanks. I'll try to avoid seeing or meeting her in the future until the bastards get what they deserved."

Zhen Qi: "I don't think that's a good idea. If what I assumed is correct, The Boogeyman already recognized Ya Nuo in her female clothes, male disguise, and Nana's face. It'll be more difficult for them to hurt Nana if someone we trust is with her. Also, Nana already attached herself to Ya Nuo. She cares more about her than herself. This means that she treats her as a friend. Your decision will hurt Nana more."

Wei Wei: "If I have a choice, I wouldn't be asking her for this favor. I could tell how much Nana cares for her. Do you have any other suggestions then? To prevent Nana from getting hurt?"

Zhen Qi took a small brooch out of his pocket. "This is a brooch that has a gps tracker in it. If I give this to Nana, she might not wear it everyday. Ya Nuo can easily attach it somewhere on her undergarments or in her shoes. As long as it's a place where normal people won't reach, it'll be fine. If you meet any trouble, we will know where you're located. If Nana happens to be with you, we will also know."

Ya Nuo took the small brooch, "You're right. The Boogeyman probably already scanned our faces in his pig brain. Yang Qiu Rei is busy with his company now so he probably has less time to care about Nana even if he does know about her. I'll keep this with me in case of trouble. How are you guys going to know about me or us being in danger though?"

Zhen Qi: "The side of the brooch has a small click button. If you click it, the back opens and there will be a button in there. Press it and the alarm on our side will go off."

Ya Nuo: "Thanks. I'm sorry that Nana got involved. I wont let anyone else get hurt anymore. If there is a next time, I'll protect her."

Wei Wei: "We should be the ones thanking you."

They watched her get in the car before going back to Nana's room.

Nana went back to Taekwondo house after being gone for a day. The moment she stepped in the house, Huan Hei hugged her firmly in his embrace as if he would stop breathing the moment he lets her go. The warmth of his hug was a spell that casted all her negative thoughts and worries off to a Land of Ease. 'Everything will be okay.. I still have Hei..' Just when she was about to return the hug...

Qi Yang separated the two, "Hey, Hey, hands off!!"