Behind the Scenes from Naruto

Chapter 112: An old friend who arrived at Konoha

The latest website: Hattori Hirakawa.

A conscientious tool man.

Since the death of Sansho Fish Hanzo, Hattori Hirakawa was the first to be surrendered, and gradually began to be entrusted with important tasks by Xiaonan and Uehara.

Today, he got another special task, acting as a leader for Shinnin, leading Uehara Naraku, Kaguya-kun Maro and Shiro to take the Zhongnin exam.

This task made Hattori Hirakawa really want to understand.

The future leader of Yuyin Village still needs to take the Zhongren exam?

However, Hattori Hirakawa is only a tool man, he can only perform tasks.

Except for Uehara Naraku's team, there are no other ninjas in Uehara to take the Ninja test, because Uehara Naraku knows that the Ninja test will not be peaceful.

Even if the four generations of Fukage were killed by him, Konoha's collapse plan is likely to be staged as scheduled. After all, Uehara himself was the black hand who pushed Konoha's collapse plan!

When Naraku Uehara used the name of Shimura Danzo to trade with Eurazo, he reminded Eurazo that the Konoha collapse plan was an action to promote Danzo to become Hokage.

Coupled with the hatred of Chi-dai mother-in-law towards Konoha...

No matter who wants Konoha to collapse, the current Chiyo mother-in-law will definitely take Sand Shinobu to help the place. This is a debt left by Kakashi's father.

"This is your certificate of registration."

Xiaonan handed Uehara Naraku a registration certificate and helped him sort out Yureno's forehead: "How did you convince Nagato to agree to take the Zhongnin exam?"


Uehara Naruko patted her forehead and explained softly: "Master Nagato told me that he will put the Six Penn on standby at any time, and he can directly channel the Six Penn as long as he encounters an unsolvable danger."

This is also related to the gradual recovery of Nagato's body.

Six Penn needs Nagato to provide chakras, but now Nagato can fully support Six Penn’s actions for a long time under the treatment of Uehara Naruto. It is no longer necessary to put Six Penns into the secret room to reduce the chakra. Consumption.

Hearing Uehara's words, Xiao Nan nodded, feeling a little at ease.

But she was still a bit dissatisfied: "Nagato has been more and more laissez-faire towards you recently. If you continue to do so, you will spoil you. Tsunade, one of Konoha Sannin, became infected because he was spoiled by his elders when he was young. Bad hobby..."

"Teacher, I have grown up."

Uehara Naraku glanced at Konan a little speechlessly.

Because in the past four years, as Naraku Uehara grew up, the relationship between him and Nagato gradually became better and better. Generally, if you have anything to go directly to Nagato, if you want to sneak out and play for a while, Nagato also needs cover.

How should Uehara explain this to Xiaonan?

Generally speaking, the younger boys are curious about women, and they prefer to play with girls; as boys get older, they will realize that they are more willing to play with boys.

Nagato seldom disturbs Uehara Naraku. Only when something happy is worth sharing, he will call Uehara Naraku to find him.

For example, the weapon modification of Shura Road. Every time Nagato succeeded in the modification, he liked to pull Uehara to test the actual combat effect. Guns and artillery were originally a man's romance.

So every time Uehara saw Nagato, he was very happy.

Unfortunately, these cannot be shared with Xiao Nan.

Xiaonan is a woman who likes to fold out different paper flowers and put them as decorations in Uehara Naraku's room, but Uehara Naraku can't even understand the flower language of each bouquet.

Compared with the beautiful paper flowers, Uehara actually prefers Xiaonan to use the detonating talisman to make him a simple grenade to play with.

It's really impossible to make an explosive pack.

This wish is of course impossible to realize.

Uehara Naraku sighed and glanced at his ninja registration certificate. The picture in it shows him squinting and smiling. He looks very friendly and is really a good person.

Career advancement task: Become a formal ninja (1/1), the task has been completed, rewards 100 points of life energy and 100 points of Chakra.


Uehara Naraku is not feeling very well. He is sixteen years old this year. Why does he still have an advanced mission? Isn't it a big loss in the past few years?

"Okay, the weather is getting cold soon, pay attention to it at night..."

Xiao Nanxu asked Uehara Naraku about the precautions, and after walking with him to the meeting place, the gentle expression on the woman's face disappeared.

Xiaonan glanced at Kaguya-kun Maro and Shirakawa who were at the meeting point, leading the team to Shinobu Hattori Hirakawa, and said coldly: "In this kind of Nakanin test, protect Naraku, understand?"

"Yes, Lord Angel!"


Uehara Naraku couldn't help but patted his forehead. If something goes wrong during the Chunin test, he should protect these guys!

The high tower in Yuyin Village.

Tendo Payen pushed Nagato’s wheelchair and appeared by the window, looking down at the back of Uehara and his group leaving Uyin Village. His eyes were a little heavy and hopeful: "Little guy, shoulders the future of Uyin Village and Akatsuki. , Fly out!"

Heavenly Path Payne stood behind Nagato, and calmly began to close his hands to form seals, and released the magic lantern body art to summon Akatsuki's two active members near the country of fire.

Dried persimmon ghost shark and Uchiha Itachi.

When the two men were summoned by Payne, they were still a little puzzled. Heavenly Dao Payne directly explained their next mission.

"Uehara went to Zhongnin for an exam to collect information."

Tendo Payne's gaze slowly stayed on Uchiha Itachi, and he whispered softly: "Your mission is to lurch in the country of fire. If something happens in the Zhongnin exam, immediately respond to Uehara and leave the danger."

If Uehara is in danger, Payne will be exposed to Konoha now.

Then only one team member can be sent.

The dried persimmon ghost shark is a bit speechless.

If Uehara Naraku is in danger, what use will he and Uchiha Itachi have in the past?

Are you going to give heads away?

Ghost shark's teeth are a bit sour, his boss is too latent, right? Four years have passed. Why does Payne think that the intern in the organization is too weak?


Uchiha Itachi nodded indifferently, anyway he wanted to take the opportunity to return to Konoha to secretly meet Sasuke, who has become a ninja.

Some time ago, Taodi was injured by Kakashi Hatake without cutting. The guy claimed to kill them the next time he met Kakashi Hatake and the seventh class.

Uchiha Itachi was a little worried about his brother.

After the dried persimmon ghost nodded, his eyes flowed slightly and fell on Uchiha Itachi. Obviously, he knew what Uchiha Itachi thought in his heart.

The dried persimmon ghost shark will not pierce Uchiha Itachi.

The Yuyin Village is in the light, and the Xiao organization is in the dark.

Uehara Naraku crossed the border of the country of fire under the protection of light and dark, and arrived at the village of Konoha where the Chunin exam was held.

This was also the first time he came to Konoha Village.

Whether it is the environment or the scenery, Konohayin Village, which is located in the richest area of ​​Ninja, is obviously much better than Shayin Village, Yuyin Village and Wuyin Village.

"The air is not bad."

Naruto Uehara landed on a boiler in a tall building, and he had an unobstructed view of Konoha. Below the Hokage Rock was a small red Hokage building.

Side mission: Arrive at Konoha (1/1), the mission is completed, reward 100 gold coins.

Side mission: Find the best view point of Konoha in Shippuden (1/1), the mission has been completed, reward 500 gold coins.

"This kind of task is too intriguing!"

Uehara Naraku couldn't help but clenched his It is indeed the most popular place in Naruto, how many treasures there are waiting for him to dig!

Just when Uehara was in a good mood, Bai suddenly jumped up along Uehara's footsteps, and whispered: "Uehara, the ninja from Sandyakura is here too!"

"I know."

Uehara Naraku lowered his head and glanced at the large number of sand hidden ninjas.

The leader of the team is still Maji, and it seems that Maji's status has not fallen too much after the mother-in-law of the thousand generations took office.

Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro are still three little guys following Maki, and the rest are insignificant people.

Uehara Naraku touched her chin and smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth: "Tsk, it seems that I have to say hello to my old friend, lest he say something wrong here, and delay my enjoyment of this peaceful journey! "