Befriending The Most Powerful Person

CH 61

The most impressive aspect about the second floor was that an inn could actually be found there.

Shao Ci had no idea how these people managed to come here and book a room in the inn not long after the secret realm had opened. Unless there were other teleportation arrays that could transport them directly to the second floor? 

For these past few days, Shao Ci had been trying to find individuals from the dragon clan to who he could entrust the egg. But as they were extremely rare, and he didn’t even know if they had come here as well, he hasn’t seen them at all these past few days and could only drop the matter for now.

The auction finally started after a couple of days.

There were several entrances to the auction venue. The entrances were all hidden in discreet places, and only one guest could enter at a time. Bamboo hats that could conceal the identity and presence of guests were given as well.

Tickets to the auction were naturally not cheap. It cost a hundred medium-grade spiritual stones per person. As for private rooms, they cost a few thousand medium-grade spiritual stones. 

Demon cultivators used spiritual stones as well. As for demons, they used demon crystals, which were similar to spiritual stones.

Ling WangChen had already long ago reserved a private room.

When the three entered the venue, they directly entered the private room. They were able to remove their hats here, as people outside were unable to look in.

Shao Ci used to always see Xdian novel protagonists sit at normal seats down below, while those second-generation immortal cultivators and experts would all sit in private rooms. It felt cool to be able to experience sitting in a private room as well.

The auction venue was extremely big. What led people to be most surprised was the fact that the seats were completely filled. Shao Ci couldn’t help but think just how many cultivators had to come in from other entrances to achieve this result.

Everyone was wearing hats. Even if two people who were familiar with each other sat side by side they would still be unable to recognize the other party.

Once everyone had entered the venue, the host very quickly walked out.

The host had used a secret technique to conceal his appearance, cultivation base, and any other distinguishable traits. Unless one had an extraordinarily high level of cultivation, they wouldn’t even be able to distinguish the host’s gender. Even till now, the audience members had no idea what race the organizers of the auction were from. 

The host briefly introduced the rules of the auction. The rules were essentially when bidding for an item, one had to raise the price by at least fifty medium-grade spiritual stones. And if the person had insufficient spiritual stones when bidding for an item, they would be directly kicked out of the auction venue and so on.

Thereafter, the first auction item was pushed out. It was a spiritual grass placed onto a jade plate. The color was light blue, and the whole thing looked to be covered in frost.

“This item is the frost spiritual grass. It can only be found in the lands of the cold northern region. It’s very useful in refining the shape-changing pill.” The host’s introduction was quite brief. “Starting price is three thousand medium-grade spiritual stones.”

The shape-changing pill was important in the transformation of demons, so it was tempting to some people. Especially for some beast tamers as well as demons. 

The frost spiritual grass ended up being sold for seven thousand medium-grade spiritual stones.

The second auction item was the ZiJin wood that Ling WangChen was interested in. The starting price was three thousand spiritual stones as well.

But the audience lacked interest. It seemed like not many people were willing to buy such an expensive and useless item.

Only a few sparse voices rang out, and only fifty medium-grade spiritual stones were added each time. The item in the end got sold to Ling WangChen for a price of four thousand medium-grade spiritual stones. 

Following that, the items auctioned were all rare medicinal pills, cultivation manuals, etc. Shao Ci didn’t know if these items were rare in the outside world. He couldn’t afford them anyway.

The item after that was a jade slip placed on a jade plate. The moment he saw the jade slip, Shao Ci felt tempted by it and felt attracted towards that item.

“This item contains the method of soul cultivation. It is said that it can temper the soul and possesses simple methods on how one can use the soul as a weapon for attack.” The host said. “Starting price. Seven thousand top-grade spiritual stones.”

This having been said, gasps could be heard coming from the crowd. 

After all, the soul was the most important existence for cultivators, but also the most mysterious one. Most cultivators had no idea how to cultivate their souls, so they just let the soul grow naturally with the growth of their cultivation base.

As for the method of using their souls as a weapon for attack, even fewer people knew how to do such a thing. They only at most knew how to use their strong divine sense to suppress the other party. Like how the divine sense of nascent soul stage cultivators could immediately shock a foundation stage cultivator into turning into a fool.

All the Igniting Star sect has done was some random research on remnant souls and created some soul cultivation methods to be regarded as an extremely mysterious sect by the cultivation world. Of course, they were really quite powerful considering the fact that they were able to successfully revive the remnant soul of the immortal sovereign.

Shao Ci: “……!?” Wait wait. Meaning to say, that the mental attack methods he learned in the ABO world were actually similar to the divine sense here. 

Remembering the incident a few days ago where he had accidentally knocked away the demon cultivators with his spiritual sense, Shao Ci felt as though he had opened the door to a new world. It seemed like he could still use the skills he practiced in the previous world here, despite the world having been changed.

His body this time also wasn’t as weak as the previous Omega’s body, so his body probably wasn’t in any danger of collapsing after using it.

“Are you interested in this item?” Ling WangChen asked.

“No……” Shao Ci replied, “It just caught my attention that’s all. I’m not interested in it at all.” 

He knew how to do those things, so there was no need to look at other cultivation methods. Besides, seven thousand top-grade spiritual stones were way too expensive. A thousand medium-grade spiritual stones were only equivalent to one top-grade spiritual stone ah.

Meanwhile, people outside have already hiked the price up to nine thousand top-grade spiritual stones. It was simply terrifying.

It was extremely difficult to start learning the method of soul cultivation, yet it was a spell that every cultivator dreamt of. Upon mastering it, It could perhaps even help save one’s life.

Shao Ci was still speculating how much this cultivation method could sell for, when Ling WangChen who was beside him said, “Twenty thousand top grade spiritual stones.” 

His voice wasn’t loud, but everyone in the venue heard him clearly.

Everyone was immediately stunned and was unable to say a single word.

This was twenty thousand top-grade spiritual stones ah! To double the price at one go, who would want to pay so much for a cultivation technique that they didn’t even know could be successfully cultivated?

The place then fell into a strange silence and the technique naturally became Ling WangChen’s. 

Even Shao Ci was shocked. “Why did you buy that?”

“Since you’re interested, why not.” Ling WangChen replied.

Shao Ci: “……!” Woah, what’s up with this feeling of hugging a local tyrant’s thigh!

He had almost forgotten that Ling WangChen had the support of the Igniting Star sect. He didn’t even know how many spiritual stones he had brought with him this time. Twenty thousand spiritual stones seemed like a lot, but for the rich Igniting Star sect, it was merely a drop in the bucket. 

Then, an attendant walked into the private room with the jade slip.

The auction site’s treatment of the guests in private rooms was very good. They would directly send the item over. Of course, guests in private rooms were seldom unable to pay for the items that they had purchased.

After Ling WangChen handed over a storage bag containing twenty thousand spiritual stones, he passed the jade slip to Shao Ci. His body then swayed a little as he frowned.

Shao Ci immediately asked, “Are you alright?” 

“P’w olcf.” Olcu QjcuJtfc tfiv tlr obgftfjv jcv obgmfv j rwlif. “Gbc’a kbggs, P’nf pera yffc j ilaaif algfv gfmfcais.”

Vtjb Jl: “!” Ktfgf kjr mifjgis rbwfatlcu kgbcu klat tlw!

Xfcfgjiis, meialnjabgr ja tlr ifnfi kbc’a offi algfv ecifrr atfs tjnf obeuta j ugfja yjaaif obg j ofk vjsr klatbea gfra.

Could it be that something has happened to the main body, causing the remnant soul to be affected? 

Shao Ci couldn’t help but think about how Ling WangChen had often appeared absent-minded lately.

And when Ling WangChen’s expression had returned back to normal, his face appeared to be slightly pale.

He didn’t know why, but for the past few days, he would suddenly at times feel like he was asleep in an extremely cold and dark place.

The feeling of dead silence was even more terrifying than the thousands of years he had spent in the ice coffin. Only after seeing Shao Ci beside him upon regaining his consciousness could he finally calm down. 

And such a situation has been occurring more and more frequently lately. There were even several times where this has occurred continuously.

Despite Ling WangChen having no memory of his past, he vaguely understood his identity. But he didn’t want to admit to such a thing. He wanted to be his own independent person and not a part of someone else. Except, it seemed like he had no other choice but to confront this situation.

There was nothing Shao Ci could do if Ling WangChen Wasn’t willing to talk about it. Pressing the jade slip against his forehead, images began appearing in his mind. And the next moment, the jade slip immediately vanished from his hand.

He didn’t expect that this jade slip could only be used once. These jade slips were extremely hard to replicate and would disappear completely after a few studies. No wonder it could be sold for such a high price. 

The images that appeared were unexpectedly practical, and Shao Ci was for a while immersed in his studies. By the time he woke up, Ling WangChen had already purchased quite a few things.

The current auction item was a demon cultivator slave.

Shao Ci was shocked. Damn, they actually really sold slaves here. This place finally felt like a dark underground auction.

The host said, “This demonic cultivator practices the dual technique and can be used as a furnace. With half the effort, one can get twice the result. This slave’s cultivation is at the golden core stage and has been branded by a great master with a mark that causes him to be unable to go against orders. Starting price is two thousand top-grade spiritual stones.” 

Demon cultivators were often auctioned off. After all, if they auctioned demons, some demon clans would cause problems. As for the demon cultivators who often couldn’t see eye to eye, they wouldn’t care if someone had been auctioned off.

Then, the auction started. The slave looked at everyone coldly, a gloomy smile appearing on his face, and his body directly exploded. He actually chose to blow himself up.

If not for the protective array placed in the auditorium, many people would have been affected by the explosion.

Even the host was shocked at what happened. 

“It actually self-destructed!” “Didn’t you say that he had been branded by a great master?” The audience immediately shouted in dissatisfaction.

The host tried to explain, but the next moment he suddenly coughed, and a bloody hand protruded out of his chest, grabbed his heart, and tore it apart from within his chest cavity. A golden core immediately escaped out from his dantian but was directly crushed by the bloody hand that followed it.

The audience was dumbfounded, and for a moment, no one could comprehend what had just happened.

Then, as if they had just received an order, several cultivators in the audience took off their hats and started aggressively attacking whoever was near them. 

Every single one of these people were demon cultivators.

It took the rest quite a long time to react, before finally coming to an understanding that these demon cultivators were trying to cause problems, and immediately started fighting with these demon cultivators.

But the more they fought, the lesser their strength became. In the end, they were shocked to realize that their body had been entangled by a mysterious translucent green arm.

At the same time, the temperature within the auction venue was rapidly dropping. The negative energy was also becoming more and more saturated. 

Shao Ci: “!” Damn, this was no longer just a matter of demon cultivators causing trouble. This place was haunted!

No no, there shouldn’t be hauntings in the cultivation world. The demon lord who has the closest relationship with these demonic cultivators. Could it be Si WuYue?

The outside world was noisy as well. It was obvious that demons in the outside world had started causing problems as well. Many demons have also reverted back to their original demon forms to fight with the demon cultivators. Shouldn’t such an explosive plot appear only when the original male protagonist has arrived?

In short, in just an instant, the scene at the auction site became chaotic. 

Various cultivators scuffled in groups, but the demon cultivators still retained their advantage. This was because the way they fought was extremely tricky, and many cultivators died even before they could figure out how to defend themselves.

Shao Ci, on the other hand, was still relatively safe due to him being in a private room, protected by formations. So demonic cultivators weren’t able to easily barge in.

“Let’s leave first.” Ling WangChen frowned, obviously not planning to stay here. Plus with his level of cultivation, no one could stop him.

Shao Ci nodded. As they prepared to leave, Ling WangChen’s body swayed and directly fell forward. Shao Ci hurriedly went to support him. 

Shao Ci had a bad feeling, “What exactly happened?”

Ling WangChen’s face was extremely pale, raised his hand and saw that his hand had turned transparent and seemed to soon disappear.

Shao Ci: “! !”

Ling WangChen looked gloomy. He didn’t expect the influence of the main body on him to be so strong. 

The body formed by the remnant soul wasn’t half as stable, it even got impacted by the strong negative energy today.

Ling WangChen immediately set up formations within the private room, then told Jin Kun, “Don’t let anyone barge in no matter what. Just give me half an hour…”

He seemed to no longer have the strength to continue talking, directly sat on the floor, and meditated to absorb spiritual energy.

Jin Kun was shocked by this new discovery. He was momentarily unsure of whether his master was even human or not. 

But since his lifeblood was with the other party, he had no choice but to remain loyal even if that person wasn’t human. With extreme vigilance, he scanned his surroundings. He should be able to keep this place safe since it was just for half an hour.

Besides, this place also had formations personally cast by Ling WangChen, which made it impossible for a normal person to break in.

Meanwhile, Shao Ci was cautiously examining the situation below. The cultivators were still fighting, and the auction venue had sent out quite a few cultivators as well. Weakening the momentum of the demonic cultivators who originally had the upper hand.

“That’s great……” Just as Shao Ci breathed a sigh of relief, an accident happened. 

Only the sound of wind chimes was heard and all the cultivators immediately fell into a trance, including Jin Kun who was in the private room.

But Shao Ci was unexpectedly sober. He saw clearly with his own eyes the dantians of these cultivators bursting open, the fresh blood taking the form of a hand similar to what had formed on the former host’s body, which directly squeezed the nascent souls and golden cores of these cultivators till they shattered.

That’s right…… This trick was clearly Si WuYue’s favorite move!

Shao Ci immediately turned his head to look at Jin Kun. Not sure if it was due to the huge distance between them or the formations, he was still safe. 

As the God of the Underworld, Si WuYue was only half-human, and he has never regarded humans as his own kind. As for demon cultivators, he only saw them as chess pieces.

Moreover compared to torturing the bodies of cultivators, he’d much rather torture their souls and would feed their souls to the evil spirits around him as nutrients.

In fact, from this point of view, He and Si WuXing were pretty similar as brothers.

But most of the time, Si WuYue would just kill someone off directly. 

The next moment, the stage in the middle of the venue was full of corpses. A gentle wind blew past, and a youth appeared from the center.

At his feet were piles of corpses, which even had ghosts gnawing on them. All the demon cultivators stood around him. Upon seeing the youth, their faces appeared fanatic as they excitedly kneeled onto the ground. “Demon Lord.”

There wasn’t a drop of blood on the youth’s body. He had a bashful smile on his beautiful face, appearing harmless. One couldn’t even tell that he was actually a demonic cultivator. That’s right, this person was definitely Si WuYue. [Beep beep beep… Detected a more powerful character… Initiating a change in capture target in accordance with system regulation… Change is complete. The current capture target is Si WuYue.]

Damn… Si WuYue’s force value was even higher than Ling WangChen’s. Then again, Ling WangChen was after all just a remnant soul. No one could surpass his cultivation level if the main body were to appear. 

But why on earth did Si WuYue appear so early on! Was the former demon lord alright?

But it was pointless to consider such a problem right now.

Shao Ci thought that he should be safe inside the private room. He was just a salted fish at the foundation stage, so he should be able to escape Si WuYue’s attention for now.

That should have been the case according to logic. But Shao Ci forgot an important thing… 

He had been staying with Qing Xuan for the past couple of days. As a result, his body smelled like that of the dragon clan’s, and it wasn’t easy to hide the dragon clan’s smell.

Si WuYue raised his head and looked towards Shao Ci’s line of sight. His eyes curved as he smiled, and said in a soft voice, “How are you?”

Si WuYue unexpectedly was able to spot him immediately despite him being in a private room heavily surrounded by protective formations.

Shao Ci immediately trembled as he took a few steps back, but then found out that he couldn’t move at all. When he looked down, all he saw was a few pale green hands grabbing onto his feet. 

What the hell? This was essentially the plot of a horror movie!

As for why the protective formation couldn’t defend against Si WuYue, it was simply because he wasn’t even human.

Shao Ci’s mind was in chaos and felt as if he was going to faint. His body was completely stiff. Even if he tried to hypnotize himself into believing that in the cultivation world, ghosts were nothing to be afraid of, he still felt scared.

Moreover, he was already bound to Si WuYue as his capture target. Just thinking of what his life was going to look like every day made Shao Ci want to just die. 

No, before that, he would probably already be dead if today didn’t turn out well.

This place right now was definitely unable to defend against Si WuYue.

Shao Ci turned his head to look at Ling WangChen who was still meditating, and knew that he was at a very critical moment right now. If he were to be disturbed, his body would probably disperse. He never thought that such a coincidence would occur.

All he could do now is bite the bullet and return to his original position. He looked towards Si WuYue’s direction and started talking nonsense in an effort to buy time. “You, what are you trying to do?” 

“I don’t plan on doing anything.” Si WuYue said with a smile on his face. “I’m just curious, how did you remain sober while under my spell?”

The other demon cultivators appeared to be in awe, no one jumped out to say anything along the lines of killing off the mice in it’s foundation building stage.

They have personally witnessed what happened to those who interrupted the demon lord while he was talking.

The current demon lord was much crueler than the previous. But at the same time, he was a lot stronger. Even though the spells he used were a little weird, no one minded it. It was fine so long as it got the job done. 

Shao Ci figured that it was because of his strong soul, but there was no way he was going to reveal this life-saving trump card. Hence he just replied, “I, I’m not exactly sure either…”

Si WuYue said, “If you lie, you will be punished.”

When he first spoke this sentence he was still on the ground below. But by the time he had completed the sentence, the sound came from beside Shao Ci’s ear.

Shao Ci was shocked and turned around to find that Si WuYue was unexpectedly standing behind him. 

Shao Ci: “……!”

Si WuYue smiled as he reached his hand out to caress Shao Ci’s face. “Looking closely, you’re actually pretty cute. I really can’t bear to be cruel towards you.”

Despite him saying that, Shao Ci suddenly felt pain as if his chest was being ripped apart. While the feeling was much weaker because of the system, it didn’t prevent Shao Ci from distinctly feeling the blood in his body bursting out from his blood vessels and coagulating, before finally bursting out from under his skin.

Shao Ci immediately fell onto the ground and coughed out a mouthful of blood. 

Shao Ci thought hard about what he should do, and wondered about what would happen if he directly used his soul to attack the other party. Afterall, ghost cultivators were most scared of this form of attack. Except, if anything went wrong he would immediately die.

But right now, he wasn’t very far off from dying either.

And the worst part was that he would be resurrected near his capture target.

So meaning to say, he was going to resurrect before dying again, resurrect before dying again, and resurrect before dying again! 

“Oh? Speaking of which, there’s unexpectedly a remnant soul over here as well.” Si WuYue raised his eyebrows as he looked towards Ling WangChen.

Shao Ci: “……!”

They were in trouble. Si WuYue, being a ghost cultivator had several ways of dealing with Ling WangChen who was a remnant soul.

Even though Ling WangChen still had his own body, he was nothing but a remnant soul. Shao Ci’s intuition told him that if this remnant soul were to be killed by Si WuYue, the Ling WangChen he knew of would die for real. 

Just the thought of never seeing Ling WangChen again, caused Shao Ci to have a strange feeling in his heart. The feeling was heavier than the pain he felt from having his chest ripped open by his own blood, causing him to be unable to breathe.

Could it be that he has really fallen in love with Ling WangChen?

Shao Ci still had no idea what Ling WangChen had done with the formations on his back.

Just as Si WuYue was slowly walking over, Shao Ci abruptly rushed over. 

Rather than being killed by Si WuYue, it was better to just personally kill him first.

So what if Si WuYue had the strongest force value, the system never said that he wasn’t allowed to kill his capture target. As long as he could kill Si WuYue, the person with the strongest force value will change again.

This was the first time Shao Ci had such an idea.

The very next moment, using the method he had learned from the jade slip, Shao Ci used his spiritual consciousness to directly collide with the opponent’s body. 

If it were just the spiritual consciousness and soul of any normal cultivator, it would be within his area of knowledge. But Si WuYue was half a ghost cultivator, and his body was made out of a condensed soul.

At once, their souls collided and a terrifyingly cold feeling emerged. Instantly, Shao Ci couldn’t help but feel shaken.

The next moment, the other party’s soul tried to devour Shao Ci’s. If it were any other normal foundation stage cultivator, their souls would have been pitifully weak and should have been swallowed directly.

But Shao Ci was different. His soul was not only extremely strong, it was also under the system’s protection. 

At this time, Shao Ci suddenly remembered his experience with using his mental strength to drive a mecha back in the ABO world. With a self-sacrificing mindset, he directly drilled towards the deepest part of Si WuYue’s soul.

From the perspective of outsiders, it would look like Shao Ci had thrown himself into Si WuYue’s arms.

After breaking through several mental defense barriers, Shao Ci felt a sharp piercing pain in his mind. Despite having a strong spiritual sense, he still felt fatigued, but the most vulnerable part of his opponent’s soul was right in front of him.

“Found it!” Shao Ci abruptly opened his eyes, looked at Si WuYue who was near him, sharpened his spiritual consciousness, and stabbed him in his chest. 

A powerful ghost cultivator like Si WuYue can’t be killed through the normal methods used to defeat ordinary cultivators. Their true forms were their souls, so no matter how many times their bodies were destroyed, it wouldn’t be of any use.

This was why in the original text, Shao YueZhao fought Si WuYue multiple times to no avail. It was only after receiving the admiration of the saintess of the underworld did he finally learn the method to defeat ghost cultivators.

Thankfully Shao Ci had the plug-in of knowing the plot, or even if he rushed up and self-destructed, it wouldn’t have affected Si WuYue at all.

Shao Ci’s spiritual sense pierced into the other party’s body. No sound was made and no blood spilled out. But at the moment, he could feel Si WuYue’s body showing signs of collapse. 

Shao Ci was overjoyed. He didn’t expect things to go so smoothly. Si WuYue didn’t resist at all. Could it be that he has yet to realize what has happened?

Shao Ci raised his head to observe and coincidentally looked into Si WuYue’s eyes.

Si WuYue looked astonished as if he couldn’t understand how Shao Ci who was merely a foundation stage cultivator could accomplish something like this.

Then, his paler-than-normal face unexpectedly started blushing. 

Shao Ci: “? !” Hey! This is a very serious battle where I’m risking my life. You’re about to die, why are you still blushing?

The next moment, Si WuYue’s body turned half-transparent, a sign that his body was about to collapse, but he didn’t mind it at all.

Shao Ci, who didn’t expect that he was really able to so easily kill Si WuYue, was stunned.

Then, Si WuYue lowered his head and spoke beside Shao Ci’s ear in a soft voice. “…I like you a lot as well.” 

He even kissed Shao Ci’s cheeks after saying that.

Shao Ci immediately felt uncomfortable all over. “???” Wait, he didn’t even confess!

[Host, among ghost cultivators, using one’s own soul to blend with the other party’s soul is a sign of courtship.]

No, they weren’t blending, alright?! 

[In addition, ghost cultivators also admire the strong, and like individuals with strong souls. What the host did just now was actually the correct courting method.]

He wasn’t courting ah! All he wanted to do was to kill the other party!

Shao Ci felt as though he was about to collapse. It was rare for him to so seriously want to risk his life to kill off the villain boss, but all he got was such an ending.

But a major antagonist like Si WuYue shouldn’t have been killed off so easily. 

[Of course, because this is just one of his clones]

Shao Ci: “……” Great, all you antagonists are amazing for all having clones.

After Si WuYue’s soul dispersed completely, Shao Ci lost his strength and fell onto the floor. It was only now that he finally realized that the greatest threat had been eliminated by him.

Even though the ending was a bit complicated, at least Ling WangChen’s life was no longer in danger. 

Except Shao Ci’s forehead was still in pain, and the hole in his chest caused by Si WuYue was still bleeding.


Shao Ci felt like his body had not had much strength left.


[Host, your body is unable to handle such strong spiritual strength and hence has started to collapse.]

Shao Ci: “!!!”

What the, he has already changed worlds, yet why was he still unable to escape such a character setting!

Is the body of a foundation stage cultivator still not strong enough! 

Shao Ci knew that he still had a chance of resurrecting. But in his next resurrection, he would be by Si WuYue’s side.

Looking towards Ling WangChen’s direction, Shao Ci, for the first time felt unwilling. If he could, he really wanted to just stay by Ling WangChen’s side.

Then with great difficulty, Shao Ci walked towards Ling WangChen.

His body, which was on the verge of collapse, lost all strength only after taking a few steps. Shao Ci looked at Ling WangChen, and the rims of his eyes felt hot. 

Shao Ci reached out his hand to caress Ling WangChen’s extremely good-looking face, lowered his head, and softly kissed the other party’s lips.