Become Top Student In A Second

Chapter 159

"Hua ~"

seeing this dramatic scene, the melon eating crowd in the stands immediately exclaimed.

Qin Luo looked back silently. His indifferent eyes swept Zhang Lei and sneered in his heart: "do you want to Yin me? Deserve it

After that, Qin Luo did not look at him and rushed to the end.

10 seconds 68!

At the end of the line, the referee, who was the timer, looked at the stopwatch in his hand in disbelief.

10 seconds 68! This has broken the sprint record of Beishan No.4 Middle School for so many years.

It can even compete with some provincial team athletes.

What's more, it's not the most important thing. Qin Luo wasted a lot of time all the way.

He is the slowest start, the interference is the most, but he still ran into the 10 seconds 7 mark!

If the starting point can be better and the midway is smoother, what will be the result?

City team players? Provincial athletes are possible!

The referee was stunned and the whole person was in a mess in the wind.

"Crash!" The applause broke into a big crowd, and almost everyone got up to applaud Qin Luo.

The dregs of class three and seven in senior high school are even more red in an instant. They stand up one after another and yell at the top of their lungs: "big man, you are forced to do it!"

"Learn to be a bully!"

Qin Luo held up his hands with a bright smile on his face and enjoyed the winning moment.

"Ding! Congratulations on the completion of the host task and breaking the record of the school sports meeting. The reward for learning hegemony is doubled. "

"Congratulations to the host, Xueba + 1776..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, achieving the all science hegemony, learning hegemony value + 10000, and winning a lucky draw. "


Qin Luo was very happy, not only because he won the 100 meter race, but also because of the huge amount of learning value and the chance to draw a lottery.

Wash your hands? No washing?

Qin Luo recited the lottery directly in his heart.

The next moment, a virtual wheel appeared in front of Qin Luo.

95% garbage, 4% fair, 1% excellent.

Qin Luo wants to ask a question about the system. Are you funny? But he knew that there would be no reply.

Go directly to the program, Qin Luo pressed the lottery button, and then directly invested 1000 points of Xueba value to slow down the speed of the runner.

Others hope that the network speed is faster and faster, Qin Luo just wants the wheel to be slower and slower.

The garbage is gone, but it's OK. The boutique is gone

In the end, garbage comes back

Hehe, it's funny.

”Ding congratulates the host, obtains the basic soccer use complete book. "

" understanding: Thomas whirls, the pendulum clock passes, the fish jumps to the top, and the spoon shoots... "

At the same time, some basic football skills filled Qin Luo's mind.

At the moment, Qin Luo just want to say: coach, I want to play football.

”Qin Luo, take the prize! "Just as Qin Luo continued to be confused, Li Wei, the head teacher, had come to him.

”Can the teacher still report items now? "Qin Luo turned his head and asked earnestly.

”What would you like to join? "

" football! "

" football? "Hearing Qin Luo's words, Li Wei is in a mess." if you run fast, you can win the championship, but that's football. Football is not a win if you run fast! "

" teacher, can you sign up? "

”Yes, yes, but "

Qin Luo walked towards the podium with his hands behind his back, and his voice came from afar:" sign up for me "

" cough, cough "Li Wei has a feeling that his throat has been swallowed.