Become Top Student In A Second

Chapter 114

Qin Luo, who has been standing in the same place, finally moves up. He stares at his feet and pats his right hand on the kitchen table. The egg suddenly rises to the sky.

You know, it was a basket of eggs, dozens of them.

Everyone can't understand. This is dozens of eggs. If you throw them into the sky, even if you come up, ten people can't follow.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, Qin Luo's body holding the bowl in both hands turned into a flash of lightning. When the mouth of the bowl touched the eggs, the eggs cracked. The clear white and yolk fell into the bowl.

Then in the eyes of everyone's surprise, Qin Luo gave a violent drink, and then made a lightning like hand.

"Dada, dada, dada!" The rhythmic beat egg flower sound again.

Qin Luo beat eggs with one hand, pulled over the iron pot with one hand, ignited the fire, and cooked the pot!

The three iron pans turned red.

Boom! The whole scene exploded!

"Good! How wonderful it is

"It's a fantastic technique."

"How could he be so fast?"

However, Qin Luo did not stop at all, directly from the stove under a meter long shovel.

At the foot of the work step, people, waist and horse, right hand shaking, like a rainstorm pear flower, a gun flower appeared out of thin air.

At this moment, Qin Luo doesn't look like a cook at all. On the contrary, he is a general who goes to battle to kill the enemy.

At this time, the music also suddenly rushed up, Qin Luo smile, directly began to sing: "Qu Zhi, I have fried rice for three and a half years."

"Every day, I'm not lazy."


"Hey, fried rice with eggs is the simplest and the most difficult. The rice should be separated and stained with eggs."

"Hey, egg fried rice is the simplest and the most difficult. This topic is too tricky, but my craft is not extensive. Hey, egg fried rice is the simplest and most difficult "

outside the kitchen, people are in a daze, how to cook dishes and how to sing songs! And it's very good.

"I'll go. What did this guy eat to grow up with?"

"Math, computer, and cooking?"


Qin Luo stirred the eggs and turned a deaf ear to the people's words. He swept the egg liquid with his big arm and fell into each pot evenly.


A burst of egg flavor suddenly hit, diffuse the whole kitchen.

Then, qinluo clapped the table again, and the green onions, which had already been cleaned, rose directly into the sky, drawing a wonderful arc in the air and falling neatly on the chopping board. Qin Luo held a knife in his right hand and began to cut scallion.

And this time, the scallion is not honest to stay on the chopping board, but all up, shooting up, to the edge of the prepared pot to fall.

However, Qin Luo still did not stop, his right hand heavily to the stove, prepared "overnight meal" accurately fell into the pot.

Scallion, egg juice and rice are mixed together at the same time.

"Hey, fried rice with eggs is the simplest and most difficult..."

The audience outside the kitchen have been attracted by Qin Luo's dazzling performance. They are singing with rhythm. It's not like a kitchen at all. It's more like a concert. It's just a visual feast.

"Singing, chopping, cooking, my God, he has three uses at one time."

"What kind of culinary attainments is this..."


"Crash!" Carrots under the pot, the smell of the moment came, the eight famine.