Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Xing Jian walked forward and patted Qing Feng, "You met the Duke on the first day? That's the future wangfei! "

"Let's go!" Let's keep up with them and help the prince settle his affairs. "

Soong Jinyu and the other two rode their horses all the way towards Yuzhou City. It was a bumpy journey, and she stayed in the wilderness at night.

Suddenly, Cheng Soong stood up, and vigilantly looked ahead. Soong Jinyu turned his head to look, only to see a red horse in front of him. The young master dressed in white was wearing an exquisite mask on his face.

"Who are you?" Cheng Soong stood in front of Soong Jinyu.

She lightly sighed and said, "Haven't seen you in a long time?"

Mask Young Master jumped down from his horse. "From your tone, you seem to miss me?"

Soong Jinyu gestured for Cheng Soong to retreat, "What are you doing here?" The young master lifted his lower hem and gently sat beside her. He added a few handfuls of firewood to the fire.

"Go to Yuzhou!" What a coincidence! Soong Jinyu was disdainful, she did not believe that they could coincidentally meet. I promised to do something for you. Have you forgotten? " Mask Young Master held his face in his hands and looked at her with a smile.

Soong Jinyu frowned, "I do not need you now, you can go!"

"Truly heartless. I came from over a thousand miles away just to help you settle the matter of your Tianmen Mountain."


"There's no need to worry about Tianmen Mountain." The two of them stopped talking. Soong Jinyu did not dare believe him, after all, from the moment she appeared in front of her, she had not been able to find out where he came from even after such a long time.

Early the next morning, just as they were getting ready to go. Soong Jinyu said to silver-faced young master: "No matter what, you cannot come with me."

Her tone was firm, but so was the young master. Although her mask was covered, his eyes were truly beautiful. Being stared at in such a way made Soong Jinyu a little embarrassed, but she suddenly laughed.

Come, let's fight. If you can match up to my speed … I'll take you with me. " Seeing that he could not get rid of Yue Yang, Soong Jinyu decided to let him retreat.

When silver-faced young master heard that she had let go, he was overjoyed. "Good!"

With a complacent raise of her eyebrows, Soong Jinyu happily mounted her horse and gave him a bright and provocative smile before immediately galloping away, running as fast as the wind!

Infected by her smile, silver-faced young master thought for a bit before following her. Not long after, Soong Jinyu had already ran more than ten kilometers, and did not even wait for her to turn back and look at that person. Suddenly, something flashed in front of him. silver-faced young master actually jumped onto her horse, and carried her in his arms, "Riding pretty fast?"

"Hmph …"

Soong Jinyu was indignant, and could only allow him to follow.

After travelling for half a day, they finally arrived at Yuzhou City. In the evening, Soong Jinyu invited the silver-faced young master to have a meal with him. Just as he was sitting in her room, the silver-faced young master asked with a smile: "What did you put in the wine?"

Instead of answering, he tried to ask her.

"What can I put on? Guess? "

A smile appeared on his small face. His eyebrows were curved and his eyes were curved. He was looking forward to it and staring at him lovingly, causing his heart to beat wildly. The young girl slowly grew into her prime, her elegance faintly discernible. She had the delicate and exquisite appearance of a mature young girl, as well as the immature and immature feeling of a nutmeg blooming in the beginning. silver-faced young master looked at her warily, a little dazed.

Soong Jinyu's eyes moved, she held the wine cup and asked softly: "You're pestering me like this, what are you planning?"

The eyes seemed to possess some sort of magic, causing silver-faced young master to gradually lose his ability to resist. He lowered his eyes to hide his uneasiness. "Alright." He suddenly accepted the cup of wine and downed it in one gulp. I just — "Before he could finish, he realized he had been fooled.

There was something in the wine! This damned girl actually dared to poison him. He tried to resist the sudden sleepiness, but the drug was too strong.

Soong Jinyu's laughter became louder and louder. Put him to bed! " This knockout drug was enough for him to sleep for a few hours.

"Does Senior Bai and the rest know we're here?"

She replied, "Yes."

As if she remembered something, she decided to take off the mask. But when he reached the bed, he hesitated!

"Forget it!" With that, he walked towards the door.

Curling her lips in confusion, she asked, "Miss, why didn't you take a look?"

Soong Jinyu said in a deep voice, "He definitely has some indescribable meaning, so she doesn't want others to see his true appearance."

"He is unconscious and does not know what you are doing." He doesn't know, but I don't want to do it. "

After saying that, he left, and carefully locked the door for the silver-faced young master to prevent anyone from going in to hurt him.

The person on the bed had used their inner force to force the medicinal power out of the body after drinking the alcohol, so when Soong Jinyu walked closer to him and wanted to take off the mask, he had felt it. However, she had already placed her hand on the mask and left again.

"Those words fell on his heart." You always think that way for others. " His lips revealed a slight smile, this was his Soong Jinyu.

The three of them arrived at a manor outside the city. This was another secret location within the Tianmen Mountain. The Bai brothers had been waiting for a long time. They were both Miao Yunzhen's disciples and were in charge of watching the Soulguard Root.

Miao Yunzhen had already found a new place to plant his Spirit Root last year. Actually, the Emperor only knew about growing spiritual roots and it could only be done in the Tianmen Mountain. He didn't know that the cultivation of spiritual roots was not that mysterious. It was just to pacify the Emperor's heart.

Now, the reason why Miao Yunzhen had made this arrangement, was only because he was afraid that one day, the emperor would fall out. Clearing Tianmen Mountain.

"Jinyu, you went to the Villa. Make sure you mix that potion. " The news that Miao Yunzhen had sent over made her extremely worried.

When planting spiritual roots, the most important step is to add a special medicine at the right time. Only then would he be able to achieve such a miraculous effect. If not for this step, his spirit root would only be an ordinary ginseng!

The only ones who knew of this secret in the entire Tianmen Mountain were her and Miao Yunzhen.

In the past year, he hadn't started this layout. After the flash flood broke out, Master started this place. Thinking about it, the mountain must have suffered a huge loss.

When Soong Jinyu came out, Senior Bai was waiting for her: "Jinyu, these spiritual roots can be used to refine medicine tonight!"

Senior Brother Bai is one of Master's most trusted disciples and has been assigned to guard this place. He had always been waiting for the arrival of the Youngest Junior Sister. Master told him that he could only refine medicine when the Youngest Junior Sister came. He did not know what the Youngest Junior Sister had done in the spirit root plantation.

"Senior Brother, send the medicine to Beijing as soon as it is out of seclusion."

Soong Jinyu did not dare delay any further, as long as the crown prince and his Golden Water Palace reacted. Now that they had hijacked this batch of spirit medicines, they no longer had any way to rely on their Tianmen Mountain.

"Yes sir!"

"That's right, after refining the medicine, we'll split it into two groups and enter the capital." She didn't dare to relax and could only make more preparations. Once the medicine was in front of the emperor, his Tianmen Mountain would also be at peace for a period of time.