Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"Your Highness only wants to be married off to the Zhongli family," Zhongli Mingye said indifferently as the afternoon sun shone on his body.

"Duan'an King Yu Huai stroked his beard, his eyes shooting out rays of light. What do you mean? "

Zhongli Mingye said: "Prince Cheng will arrive tomorrow at Liuzhou, you can talk to him about this."

"This King only wants to be at ease." Yu Huai was slightly unable to see through this young prince.

Zhongli Mingye had already seen through him, he just wanted to make a marriage alliance with the Zhongli family, then have someone from the royal family with the blood of the two families, and take over this world.

Duan'an King Yu Huai laughed, "In the end, this world belongs to the Zhongli family."

Zhongli Mingye told the Duan'an King what Soong Jinyu had said, "If the princess is cured, I hope that you will forgive this matter."

Duan'an King did not believe Soong Jinyu's words, but Zhongli Mingye gave her a guarantee, so she might as well try. Although Princess Duanya had already woken up, she had indeed not recovered from her illness.

If he could get it all right, then his goal would be even easier to achieve.

Thinking of this, Yu Huai kept the Sharp Blessing. However, when the young girl entered the manor, he instantly felt like he was looking at an old friend.

"Who are you?"

He turned pale with fright as he suddenly thought of a girl he had met many years ago.

Soong Jinyu saw that she did not recognize him. Other than Zhongli Mingye, the only person sitting in the hall was him, which meant she was Duan'an King.

After a few cold salutes, they went to Princess Duanya's bedroom.

During this period, he did not even glance at Zhongli Mingye, as he let out a bitter laugh.

Yu Huai did not feel at ease with her, and followed along. Outside the princess's room, Zhongli Mingye and the Duan'an King were drinking tea and taking Yu Duanya's pulse.

Yu Duanya felt awkward, she was very clear about the truth of this matter. But after being attracted by Soong Jinyu's words, if, from now on, she was no longer disturbed by sickness, she could live like an ordinary woman, how wonderful would that be?

She suppressed the unhappiness in her heart and looked at the girl with a cold expression.

"Princess has too much on his mind. He's very depressed." After the pulse examination, Soong Jinyu softly said a few words, leaving Yu Duanya speechless.

Then, Soong Jinyu began her diagnosis, prepared a long needle, and slowly inserted it into Yu Duanya's acupoints. Although the strength was weak, it still made Yu Duanya cry out in pain.

When Duan'an King, who was resting outside, heard his beloved daughter's shout, he could not help but draw his sword and charge in. What are you doing! "

A sword was placed on Jinyu's neck, any slight movement would cause her head to clench.

Just that, the Duan'an King did not have the chance to take a step forward, because Zhongli Mingye's sword was also on his neck.

Yu Duanya looked at them with perspiration dripping from her body from pain, causing the atmosphere to become tense.

"You can try. If you dare to harm her life, I will let your father and daughter's blood splatter all over the place!" The man's cold words resounded loudly.

Duan'an King's blade was too sharp, the Sword Qi had injured Jinyu's neck, it was just a small cut, with a lot of blood flowing.

She didn't seem to feel any pain as she continued with the acupuncture.

The blood stimulated Zhongli Mingye's eyes, and his sword directly pierced into Duan'an King's arm!

Duan'an King Yu Huai opened his eyes wide: "Kid! "You're too presumptuous …"

When even the dynasty's emperor did not dare to look down upon his Duan'an King, Zhongli Mingye actually dared to stab him.

As a result, he no longer wanted to form an alliance with Zhongli Mingye. For a woman, to be so impulsive, it was unlikely that he could accomplish anything big.

Yu Huai calmed down and kept his sword.

When Yu Duanya saw this scene, her tears fell and she finally saw clearly what that man's heart was. That sentence was like a knife, slicing her into pieces.

Soong Jinyu was also very shocked in her heart. Zhongli Mingye, he... She suppressed her complicated thoughts and wanted to cure Princess Duanya first.

After pulling out the needles, Yu Duanya fainted. Soong Jinyu opened the prescription and instructed the female official, Micui, to boil the medicine well. She did not believe in the maidservant beside Yu Duanya, so she specially went to find Micui to arrange this matter.

When she came out of her room, she saw a tall figure waiting for her at the end of the veranda.

It was Zhongli Mingye, who didn't want to bother with him at first, but didn't want to be held back by him. He sighed, "What do you want to do now?"

The person did not say a word, and only pulled her into a room, which was his bedroom. Micui took the Gold Sore Medicine.

Seeing that Zhongli Mingye was about to help her with the medicine, he immediately covered his neck and said: "No, go home and help me apply the medicine."

Without waiting for her to reject, Zhongli Mingye pushed her hand away and carefully helped her clean the medicine.

The man's face was extremely close to her neck, his eyes dubiously looking at her. The blood on his slender white neck had already scabbed over. The wound wasn't deep, but it still hurt his heart.

"Then …" Soong Jinyu remembered that he had just injured Duan'an King and was a little worried, "You offended him, he …" Will they take revenge on you?

This woman was worried about him? The corner of Zhongli Mingye's mouth raised into a smile, "If you have the spare time to worry about me, you might as well worry about yourself!"

"There is no one left in this world."

He wrapped her in gauze and tied her with a beautiful bow, her slender hands drifting vaguely around her neck.

Soong Jinyu was a little uneasy as she frowned, "You … Is it done? "

Zhongli Mingye looked at her closely, extended his hand and pinched her face, "Wu, not bad!"

"Soong Jinyu, who had been teased, angrily pushed him away. Open! "

"No conscience!"

Zhongli Mingye remembered that he had been starving, so he called for help. After she finished eating, she personally sent it back to the Soong Mansion.

Along the way, the two of them looked at each other without speaking, causing Soong Jinyu to feel extremely awkward. Suddenly, she became nervous. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

Zhongli Shuoyi finally came to the Liuzhou City, some doubt flashed across his round and fat face.

He left the same day he received a letter from his fourth brother. The letter said: Duan'an King is interested in marrying him, I hope that Zhongli Shuoyi can come over.

On the way, he had thought about it a lot. Why did Fourth Brother give him such a good opportunity?

The power of the Mansion of Duanan King was very great, and it also had military power. If he could get Yu Huai's support, his future position as the son of heaven would be increased by countless possibilities. He had waited for Yu Duanya to grow up for several years. And now, this opportunity had come. Naturally, he had to seize it.

The three of them had reached a tacit understanding between each other through the exchange of Mansion of Prince Yu and wine.

When Zhongli Mingye was drunk, he left the stage early to wait for the young lady with outstanding medical skills. Yu Huai did not like it when he said that he loved beauties but he also loved the world.

Under the heavens, the Zhongli family had always been his family. That girl had been avoiding him too tightly.

Today, he must capture her and demand an explanation!