Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Xiang received Soong Qinzhou's orders and quickly got ready. In the early morning, Soong Jinyu, with a pair of extremely tired eyes, was slowly called out to get up and dress up.

"My good lady," she said, combing her hair, "don't go to sleep."

"Today, the prince is going to come to my house as a guest."


Soong Jinyu woke up from her stupor. What was he doing here? She felt a bit displeased. Despite being the wife of a beautiful woman, she had still dared to provoke him. It was just like a flower in water. Pui! A water attribute Yang Hua could not describe a man, he was also a philanderer.

After a thousand thoughts, she decided to slip out and play before he arrived. She didn't want to meet him.

But before she could leave, Zhongli Mingye had already come knocking. It was just barely enough to block her at the door.

"Where are you going?" Her eyes stared coldly at her. To see Lin Yijun?

Soong Jinyu felt extremely uncomfortable under his gaze, and could only lower her head and gaze, "Go take a look …"

Zhongli Mingye snorted, you want to go for a stroll? and Lin Yijun? " This king has just arrived and the Miss Soong is already out of the door. "

"Is This King not welcomed?" Let you go... you can't go anywhere!

The man's oppressing tone successfully aroused Soong Jinyu's anger. "You are only allowed to whisper sweet nothings to other women, and I am not allowed to go out for a walk myself. Heh …"

"Your highness and father have matters to discuss today, so it would be inconvenient for me to attend to you." With that, he bowed and was about to leave.

Then, with her arms grabbed by the man, Soong Jinyu opened her eyes wide. Was the man crazy?

What do you want to do in public?

Zhongli Mingye: "You're not allowed to go anywhere!" He then moved close to her ear and whispered, "Do you believe that this king would do something even more excessive?"

After saying that, he released her. Soong Jinyu rubbed her arm that was hurting, looked hatefully at Zhongli Mingye, and turned to return to Jin Xuan Yuan. The corner of Zhongli Mingye's mouth curved into a satisfied smile. It was rare for her to be so obedient.

Soong Jinyu was helpless as she read a conversation book in the courtyard. As she ate heartily, a bony hand suddenly snatched away the watermelon she had just taken a bite of.

"Ugh …" "It's very sweet …" Zhongli Mingye saw the discontent of the little girl in front of him, and his heart became more and more happy.

That's what she bit, okay?

"There's a princess in the Duke Palace," Zhongli Mingye said as he wiped his hands.

Soong Jinyu was not very interested. After all, it was none of her business if a delicate guest had come to the Duke Palace.

Zhongli Mingye secretly looked at her face, and then sat down beside her. "It's Duan'an King's daughter."

"Since you insist on coming to the Liuzhou, This King can only receive you."

"When you're free, go accompany this princess. You're the one who assassinated Shi Qianjin."

Zhongli Mingye looked at her calmly. "After all, this duke's government is very busy, so I'll have to trouble Miss Soong."

With an impatient face, he asked, "Why would I accompany her?" Looking at that princess, she probably had different feelings towards Zhongli Mingye.

So what if she went? There was no need to cause any trouble.

"Not going …" "I'm not going …" I don't want to go, Soong Jinyu said with a bitter face.

Zhongli Mingye frowned, "Are you not going to listen to this king's orders?"


He actually used his identity as a prince to pressure her! Soong Jinyu was so angry that she could not care less and directly ran into the house.

Unexpectedly, Zhongli Mingye's body flashed and followed them in.

He suddenly pulled her hand, "From now on, do not ever interact with Lin Yijun again?" Soong Jinyu looked at him strangely.

How did he know about Lin Yijun?

"This King doesn't mind killing him." The man's domineering tone carried a hint of ambiguity, and his eyes were filled with an unbridled desire for possession.

Just as she went to get a new word book for Soong Jinyu, Lin Family suddenly sent some seafood over. She showed it to her with great delight,

However, when he pushed open the door, he saw Zhongli Mingye.

"Miss …"

"This servant pays her respects to the prince."

Soong Jinyu heaved a sigh of relief, her curling up was too timely. However, in the next moment, the curling words made her feel as if she had fallen into an icehouse.

"The Lin Family sent people to deliver a lot of seafood," Hylou said carefully, "Miss Lin even specially picked out a delicate flower head for you!"

Zhongli Mingye looked at Soong Jinyu playfully, "Lin Family?"


Soong Jinyu had nothing to live for, she continued to say what was not good, and Lin Family!

That night, Soong Chuyu went home. When he heard that the Prince Yu had arrived, he felt slightly uneasy. But Soong Qinzhou wanted him to go to the study room.

"I think Lin Yijun is really not bad." He stroked his beard as he looked at the young man several times. Although he had no reputation, his family background was plentiful and his family was simple. If Soong Jinyu married her, she definitely wouldn't be wronged.

Hearing this, Soong Chuyu frowned, "Father, you must not bring up this matter again." He told Soong Qinzhou about the Emperor giving him a marriage.

Soong Qinzhou slumped back in his chair, "Does Jinyu know about this matter?"

"Prince Yu hopes that Jinyu will willingly accept him, so it has not been announced yet." Soong Chuyu took a step forward.

"Therefore, Father, please don't help Jinyu find her again."

Soong Qinzhou did not show any joy on his face. "With your sister's character, do you know how she could possibly enter the Duke's Palace? The royal family is a place to eat humans! "

"…" For a time, father and son were speechless.

After Yu Duanya had been at the Palace for a few days, she rarely saw Prince Yu. Every time Micui said that he was busy with government affairs, but he did not need to go to the morning assembly.

He must be avoiding her.

One day, she had just walked out of the courtyard and happened to pass by a remote courtyard. That was where the two concubines lived.

Prince Yu's concubine?

Interesting. She purposely went in to visit this Er Shu, but in reality, she was trying to beat up these concubines. After all, when she entered the mansion in the future, she couldn't be bullied by these concubines.

Back then, Mother Consort did not come out because he had given birth to her. She had been bullied by her father's concubines for many years, and only after the imperial physician diagnosed that their father had no more children did the concubines calm down a lot.

She was in the yard, and though she said polite words, they were too obvious.

After she left, the concubine, Wanshan, said with disdain, "Truly petty. No matter what, she is still a princess."

Another concubine echoed, "That's right. Looking at her frail body, it's unknown just how many years she'll live."

The Prince Yu that was drawing in the study room didn't change at all after hearing Micui's report.

He only said, "Keep watching!"

When he thought about how that little girl had not listened to him and came to accompany the princess, he arranged for Micui to hold a welcoming banquet for the princess.