Become Prince's Wife By Accident


After Soong Jinyu came out, she started walking aimlessly by the river. She had no idea where she had run off to, but right now, her emotions were in disarray.

"Little Gold Fish," a teasing voice suddenly rang out, disrupting her thoughts.

"It's you?"

After the two of them made a ruckus the last time, Soong Jinyu did not bother to care about Ouyang Jinse anymore.

But now, he had suddenly appeared in front of them. What was the matter?

Ouyang Jinse looked at her sinisterly, "Who are you feeling so sad for?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Since she didn't want to bother with him, she turned around and was about to leave.

"This thing must be related to you, right?" Ouyang Jinse took out a handkerchief and waved it in front of Jinyu's eyes.

"From where?" Jinyu saw that it was a handkerchief that was curling up slowly, and asked anxiously.

"Come with me, I'll tell you!" Ouyang Jinse laughed, and used his finger to point at Jinyu's nose, and then dodged to the side.

A hand suddenly grabbed onto Ouyang Jinse's collar, "What do you want!?"

His other hand activated the ring on Ouyang Jinse's neck.


It was the first time Jinse saw her this angry, "If there's anything wrong, I want your Golden Water Palace buried with you!"

Grief surfaced in his eyes, "You care about a maidservant, but you don't care about me!"

"Tell me, where is she?" Jinyu didn't want to talk too much with him.

"Even if you kill me, I won't tell you." Ouyang Jinse looked like he deserved to be beaten up. He was certain that Jinyu would not hurt him before he managed to descend.

"Come with me and I'll tell you." Seeing her in such a difficult situation, it was really interesting to seduce Jinyu.

Ouyang Jinse screamed crazily in his heart: Please, beg me!

"If you let it go, I'll go with you." Jinyu kept the storage ring and released him.

"Oh, still considered obedient."

In the Green Glass Temple, Zhongli Mingye drank a lot of wine. His eyes were blurred, and at this moment, all he wanted to do was get drunk.

A woman's scent wafted around him. "Who is it?"

"This subject's daughter is Noble Consort Hee's niece." Hee Shuyi stepped forward and bowed.

She had long since seen the carriage marked with the Palace of the King outside the Blue Li Temple and guessed that the Prince Yu was here.

When she came up to take a look, it was indeed Zhongli Mingye. This was a good opportunity, if she could use this chance to get close to the Prince Yu, and obtain his favor, then she would be the only one to get close to the young miss of Liuzhou City.

When she thought of this, she became even more solicitous and went forward to serve him. Although Zhongli Mingye was drunk, his mind was clear.

The woman was getting closer and closer to him. Unable to hold back his rage, he bellowed, "Scram!" After which, he stood up and flipped the entire table.

When Qing Feng heard the commotion, he rushed in. He suddenly felt that he had failed his duty and actually let the woman scare the Marquis. Hee Shuyi was so scared that her face turned ashen, she kneeled on the ground and started begging for forgiveness.

Zhongli Mingye's eyes were cold, causing the girl on the ground to tremble. After a long while, he finally left.

Hee Shuyi kneeled on the ground, still in disbelief, why didn't Zhongli Mingye even look at him?

At Bamboo Hallow Courtyard, Xiang caressed her stomach with a peaceful expression. In a few months, she would be able to give birth to her child. A few days ago, Jinyu flipped through a few books, but did not give him a suitable name, in the end she slammed the table and asked Soong Chuyu to name it as his father.

Since the time he got pregnant, Soong Chuyu had been coming home every few days to visit. Now that Xiang's life was getting more comfortable, she was really grateful to his sister-in-law in his heart. If not for her timely return, he would never have been as safe as he was today.

But today, for no reason, he was feeling a little flustered. She only said that she was hungry, but who knew that the maidservant of Jin Xuan Yuan would suddenly come.

"Young Madam, our young miss hasn't returned since leaving this morning."

What? The Xiang panicked. She supported the maidservant and was about to go out to look for him.

Coincidentally, Soong Chuyu had returned home, and found out that Jinyu had already been out for a few hours and hadn't returned.

And Cheng Soong, the guard who was left behind, had already gone out to look. Soong Chuyu carefully questioned the maidservant and decided to go to Mansion of Prince Yu first. These days, she would go to the Mansion of Prince Yu everyday to feel the Princess's pulse.

Perhaps at this moment, she was still in the prince's mansion.

When Zhongli Mingye returned to the manor, he locked himself in his study and didn't see anyone. Soong Chuyu saw that his sister was not in the Palace and immediately left. Seeing that the Prince was in a bad mood, Qing Feng suppressed the news that Soong Jinyu had disappeared, and only wanted to report it in the morning.

At night, Soong Jinyu still did not come back. The masters of the Soong Mansion were getting more and more flustered, afraid that she would be kidnapped, that would ruin her reputation, and that she would lose her life.

"Where is it curling?"

At night, Soong Jinyu kept her eyes closed on the carriage.

Ouyang Jinse laughed as he looked at her, "Don't be anxious, where are we now?"

After he finished speaking, he went closer to Soong Jinyu, wanting to kiss her. Jinyu opened his eyes. His eyes were cold and she actually did not dare to get too close to her.


Jinyu closed her eyes.

Sensing the situation along the way, she guessed that Ouyang Jinse wanted to bring her back to the Golden Water Palace.

Taking advantage of when Ouyang Jinse was about to get off the carriage and arrange the affairs, she quietly threw the hairpin to the ground.

She did not stop at all along the way. Only when she was eating did she have the chance.

"Where are you going?" Ouyang Jinse saw her walking away.

"If I go, will you follow me?" Soong Jinyu glared at him in a bad mood.

Ouyang Jinse rubbed his nose, and retreated a few steps in embarrassment. Seeing that he was no longer paying attention to him, he left the word "Gold Water" on the back of a large stone.

After doing all this, Soong Jinyu only hoped that her brother and the others would discover it faster.

"What are you trying to do?" She did not understand why Ouyang Jinse would suddenly kidnap her.

"I am now the Asgard Master of Golden Water Palace." Ouyang Jinse stopped his playful expression and looked at her seriously.

"There is no mistress in Golden Water Palace yet."

"You are my best choice!" Ouyang Jinse moved closer to him, but Soong Jinyu hurriedly used his hands to push him away.

Soong Jinyu was immediately a little disheartened. She wanted to marry her with just one or two? She carefully observed herself. Where was she? She thought: Can't I change it?

He closed his eyes and no longer paid any attention to him. The carriage was really uncomfortable and was still recovering. After arriving at the Golden Water Palace, he would have to carefully think of a way out.

The next morning, just as Zhongli Mingye was about to head out to the Huben Camp, Qing Feng came over to report to him about finding Soong Jinyu's whereabouts.

Hearing this, he immediately became anxious.

"Why did you only inform This King today!" Zhongli Mingye was extremely furious. He hated himself for not sending her home personally yesterday.

"Your highness got drunk yesterday, Subordinate, Subordinate …" Before Qing Feng could finish his words, he was knocked onto the ground with a single palm from Zhongli Mingye!

"There's nothing more important than her!" With these words, Zhongli Mingye left with large strides.

Qing Feng summoned all his Mansion of Prince Yu guards and followed closely behind the Prince Yu.