Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"Royal Father, who is this beautiful big sister?"

Heeyi leaned sweetly on the emperor's chest and looked at Soong Jinyu.

"This subject does not dare to call herself a girl," but she could not, being a princess's sister.

"What's the situation?"

The one the emperor was most concerned about was his little princess.

"Although the princess has woken up, she is still weak." Soong Jinyu answered honestly. Although after she had treated the princess, her epilepsy had recovered, but he still needed her to continue treating him with acupuncture.

"It will take some time."

"Since that's the case, you may enter the palace with me!"

The emperor's words shocked many people present. The empress could not understand the emperor's attitude, but Zhongli Mingye was worried that Soong Jinyu was unsuitable for the palace.

Soong Jinyu remained calm, she did not want to enter the palace.

"Your majesty, the princess can't take action right now."

The Emperor frowned, then his eyes went cold. What do you mean? "

"The princess can't afford to travel so far." Soong Jinyu explained the situation of the princess to the emperor concisely, hoping that the emperor would understand.

Zhongli Mingye saw that the emperor was deep in thought and did not speak. He stepped forward and said: "Heeyi, you have just woken up, why not come to this son's residence to recuperate?"

"Your son will definitely take good care of her."

Zhongli Mingye was afraid that the Emperor would really bring Soong Jinyu into the capital.

The emperor looked at him meaningfully.

Heeyi opened her eyes wide: "Royal Father, Heeyi doesn't want to return to the capital, she wants to play in the Liuzhou."

The Noble Consort Jia was worried about Princess Qian Qian, but she couldn't not follow the Emperor. Now, although the mother and daughter pair were doted upon by the Emperor, Heeyi's illness was even more important.

"If that's the case, Mingye will take good care of Heeyi."

The emperor agreed to Zhongli Mingye's request. From then on, Princess Heeyi was recuperated in the Liuzhou for a month. It made Princess Heeyi extremely happy.

The emperor had finally left for another place, Princess Heeyi had also moved her from the palace to the Mansion of Prince Yu.

"Brother Fourth Elder Brother, Sister Yu said that she will bring me out of the city today." In the past few days, Heeyi had been playing happily. She was in a very good mood, and her body was gradually recovering.

"Will you go?" Heeyi giggled as she came closer.

Zhongli Mingye put down the book in his hand, and dotingly looked at her: "No!"

"Are you sure you don't want to go?"

When she was young, couldn't she see it?

That Soong Jinyu would come over everyday to check on her pulse. He would always wait outside, and when he was concerned about her illness, she would definitely meet with Soong Jinyu everyday to talk.

Her big brother Fourth Elder Brother was a famous cold faced prince in the capital.

"Are you sure you don't want to go?" Heeyi playfully teased Zhongli Mingye, "Look at her eyes, he's so affectionate and sweet! Tsk tsk — —"


glared at her a few times.

"If you don't want to go, then I'll go!"

Heeyi smiled and ran far away, before she left her last few words: "I'll help you ask her."

Ask her? That girl would only refuse. She didn't even react when he came over to talk to her these past few days.

Zhongli Mingye was annoyed, he was unable to confirm Jinyu's intentions, he was afraid that the marriage decree would scare her.

In a manor on the outskirts of the city, Princess Heeyi was pulling her up onto an almond tree.

He picked a green apricot and placed it in the mouth of the princess, "You want to try it?"

Heeyi immediately frowned.

"Great!" "He lied to me again."

"I'll also eat one." Jinyu ate one, the sour taste rushed into her nostrils and she immediately sneezed.

The two girls were chatting happily on the tree.

The servants in the manor prepared a feast in the apricot forest. "In a few days, the apricot would turn red. I'll send someone to deliver it to you."

These days, Princess Heeyi had become more and more fond of Jinyu.

She was different from those young misses in the capital. They had truly treated her as a friend. Not only was his medical skill superb, he was also lively and interesting.

No wonder, no wonder the Fourth Elder Brother was so infatuated with her.


"Is my Fourth Elder Brother well?" Princess Heeyi asked indifferently while secretly observing Jinyu's expression.

"He helped me many times, and saved me."

Soong Jinyu stopped eating and thought of that man, unable to explain. These days, he went to his house every day to treat the princess' illness. Every time he met her, he would always feel a little awkward.

"Fourth Elder Brother never does unnecessary things." Heeyi looked at Jinyu playfully.

"I think all of you are rather romantic."

"Princess, your words will make your daughter angry." Jinyu started to feel awkward, she knew in her heart that Zhongli Mingye was definitely not only interested in her.

"I am the daughter of the Prefectural Governor Soong, and I know some medical skills, so I am still of some use to him."

Soong Jinyu's words could not convince Princess Heeyi, nor could it convince itself.

"That day, when you treated me, my Fourth Elder Brother told me in front of the Royal Father that if you failed, he would take on all the responsibilities."

The woman opposite of him suddenly lowered her head. Was he really like that? His heart was in chaos again.

After the two finished their lunch, the two girls wandered around the apricot forest for a while and picked a lot of green apricots.

You look at me, I look at you, and we see the calculation in each other's eyes.

"Presumably, the Fourth Elder Brother has never eaten this green apricot before."

Thus, in the evening, Zhongli Mingye received a basket of green apricots.

Heeyi said that Soong Jinyu had picked it herself.

He placed it in his mouth and the sour sauce immediately gushed out. He silently ate the entire apricot, feeling that the teeth had become much softer.

It was extremely sour!

That night, Soong Jinyu had a dream.

In the dream …

Zhongli Mingye covered his face and asked her, "How sour are the apricots? When will they be sweet?"

He reached out his hand, about to touch her face.

The sour smell of green apricots wafted over, bringing with it a refreshing fragrance. Suddenly, she felt an itch in her nose. She waved her hand and grabbed onto one of the green apricots … Hands!

He opened his eyes and saw that it was actually Mask Young Master, who had not appeared for a long time.

He covered her mouth and looked at Soong Jinyu in ridicule, ignoring the accusation in her eyes.

"You're getting more and more unscrupulous!" Soong Jinyu was wrapped in a blanket, she did not know how she was doing!

This person could ignore her Soong Mansion guards at night.

Presumably, his martial arts skills were extremely high!

"It's been a long time since we last met. Have you had a good time?"

The Mask Young Master sat calmly in front of the table. The moonlight was blurry, and his face couldn't be seen clearly.

"What does my brilliance have to do with you?"


Mask Young Master suddenly became arrogant and spoiled, "Is this how you treat your messenger?"

After tidying herself up, Jinyu got off the bed. Lightly stepping forward, she approached the Mask Young Master, when suddenly, she released the arrow from her sleeves. A thin needle quietly brushed past his face and stabbed into the ceiling.

"If there's a next time, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Staring at the Mask Young Master, although her voice was soft, it was still loud.

Under the moonlight, the stubborn young girl used a subtle way to protect her dignity. At this moment, the Mask Young Master took another look at Soong Jinyu.

"The relationship between Ouyang Jinse and the crown prince is not ordinary at all," he turned around and calmly threw out a few words.

"Golden Water Palace, will not be willing to submit to others." With a few short sentences, he figured out the Golden Water Palace's motive.

"Thank you!" Soong Jinyu blushed a little. She had only said that this person was trying to flirt with her, but she hadn't thought that he would actually send a letter.

"How sad."

The Mask Young Master was closer to her, "You woman, you are still young, but you are still so wary of me."

Thinking about it, he had never done her any harm. Even though he had appeared a few times, he had only done it to help or comfort her. Although she didn't know his background, compared to the families around her, this person was actually reliable.

He really did not know if the appearance of the Mask Young Master was good or bad for him.

Soong Jinyu relaxed and yawned: "Is there anything else? "No problem, I'm going to sleep!"

"Why don't we go together?" Just as she was about to lie down, Jinyu took out a long needle and wiped it twice on her sleeve.

"You're courting death!" You can try! "

Mask Young Master helplessly straightened his body, looked at her with a smile that was not a smile, and then jumped out of the window.

Before leaving, he shut the window for her to avoid the wind.

When Soong Jinyu went out to take a look, she discovered that her sleeping area had already been pressed.

Who exactly was this person?