Become Prince's Wife By Accident


On the third day of April, Begonia blooms bright and charming.

The whole capital witnessed the incomparable marriage, with ten li of red makeup and a hundred western regions brawns. Cheng song and Song Chuyu led a team to send Miss Song's wife out of the house in person.

on this day,

the crown prince Zhong Li and Ming Ye got married to song ningyue, the prime minister's daughter. The emperor, who had lived in the palace for a long time, was taken back.

The emperor was so old that he sat on the chair. Shu Guifei looks at the couple. It has long been heard that song Jinyu has lost her memory and returned home.

she has sent gifts to the past many times, and has seen song ningyue.

A burst of heartache, Zhong Li MINGYE is frustrated, and his mother knows it well. Song Jinyu saved her life by risking her life, but she did not come back.

Zhongli MINGYE is on the verge of collapse, if not for Da Yuanbao. I'm afraid her son will not live alone in the world. Fortunately, song Jinyu came back safe and sound,

now, she married her son again.

Shu Guifei found the most precious jade bracelet and put it on for song ningyue. He told them that the husband and wife were harmonious and beautiful.

The emperor's face was gray, and everyone who could see clearly knew that his time was running out.

Once sat in that supreme position, wantonly controlled the fate of others. Today, they are in a situation that they can't help themselves.

after the ceremony, the prince and his wife entered the East Palace on the same day, and TAISUN Zhongli moved into the East Palace together with Yuanjing.

In order to make song ningyue's name right, Zhongli MINGYE records Zhongli Yuanjing in the name of ningyue.

For a moment, the government and the public were in uproar. The only way is that this new princess is very popular.

In her boudoir, nanzhilan twisted the veil into a twist. She wanted to see what the princess could do.

Is not relying on that very similar face, to confuse the prince's highness.

When the prince's highness is fresh, she wants to see what song ningyue should do!

Curl see the condensation of the moon tired fierce, quickly help her to the bed to do well. "Prince, Princess and empress, please bear with me first..." With that, he stuffed another piece of cake over. "Eat the mat first. I'm afraid the prince is still busy at the moment. "

As soon as the moon congeals, she doesn't want to have a short leg. Suddenly she climbs into bed, "mother Mother... "

It's Da Yuanbao. The moon is rushing to set off the cover. Hugging his soft little body, "is he eating?"

The nurse just came in. Today, TAISUN is really very naughty. As soon as she went to clean up the room, his highness TAISUN disappeared,

she did not find Da Yuanbao in the hall of Chengen.

Congyue cold Mou son, "although busy today, but nothing more important than Tai sun." After saying these words, the nurse knelt down one after another,

it's strange that TAISUN would not come to see her alone even though she was naughty.

When he comes in, he hears the moon holding Da Yuanbao in his arms. But da Yuanbao is crying

Xiao Nen pointed to his stomach and said, "it hurts..."

Ning Yue takes it seriously. Da Yuanbao is extremely intelligent. He can speak after nine months. Although he can't pronounce clearly, Ning Yue also understands. Before he came here, he had a bowl of porridge.

"Did you lift the lid yourself?"

With dissatisfaction in her tone, the woman did not wait for him, and her eyes were full of Da Yuanbao,

somehow, she ate her son's vinegar and made Ning Yue laugh. "I just wonder why Da Yuanbao came here alone?"

"The nurse said that the three of them were respectively led out for a while, thinking that someone was watching Da Yuanbao." Zhongli MINGYE thinks about it for a moment and looks at his beautiful eyes. "Someone's thinking of Da Yuanbao..."

At the moment, he went out and asked Qingfeng to investigate the matter.

involving Da Yuanbao, Ning Yue could not be at ease. Now let people focus on the interrogation of three nannies, she does not believe in any coincidence.

He also cut the pulse for Da Yuanbao and found that he seemed to have some gastrointestinal discomfort.

Then he called for miancui to come in, "go and find the bowl of Da Yuanbao's porridge for this palace!" How dare you plan on her son

Da Yuanbao's face is eating bad stomach, crying endlessly.

Ning month a little puzzled, she asked herself that she had not offended anyone, why against her? If he only wanted to kill Da Yuanbao, he would not only be upset today.

I think, behind this, someone is making trouble.

Sure enough, not long after, Shu Guifei suddenly came over, "good grandson, how about this palace's good grandson?"

She broke into the hall of Chengen and saw the moon holding the child. Da Yuanbao took the medicine and fell asleep.

"What's the matter?"

Cong Yue said, "I don't know why the mother's concubine suddenly came here?"

Shu Guifei said: "just now, several officials' wives were chatting with our palace. Talking about Da Yuanbao, now that he has a mother, I think it's you and MINGYE's wedding today. I'm afraid we can't take good care of it. That's why I came here. "

"Well, who are the ladies and ladies who are chatting with you?"

"Are you questioning your mother?" Shu Guifei was very polite and alienated when she saw Ning Yue. She was dissatisfied in her heart. Remembering what Nan Zhilan said, she would not share Zhong Li MINGYE with anyone,Suddenly dissatisfied, just open mouth to say something. When Ning Yue gently massages Da Yuanbao's stomach, she knows that she is really Da Yuanbao's mother, and only his mother can be so careful.

"There is a minister's wife from the Ministry of industry, and a minister of Hubu..." Congyue Fu to the soul, "South Zhilan also in?"


The moon covered up her doubts, and then she sent away Shu Guifei with a smile, "my mother's concubine and my concubine have forgotten the past, but this blood relationship can't be wrong. I will never harm Yuanbao. "

Of course, Shu Guifei understood the meaning of ningyue words. Seeing this situation, she had a lot of opinions. As a result, she no longer participated in the affairs between their husband and wife.

just before leaving, she said: "MINGYE, now he is the crown prince. As a crown prince and princess, you should also learn to be a housekeeper. In particular, many officials and young ladies will enter the government house in the future. " This is a trial and a knock.

Ning moon smile, "this matter, the crown prince has his own decision."

She won't do it herself until she has to. However, now, someone has framed herself with her son,

this matter can never be ignored.


Meicui brought the shadow guard over, "go and get the South Zhilan."

"In addition, people inside and outside the East Palace should be interrogated one by one." She wants to take this opportunity to replace all the East palaces with those of Ming Ye Zhong Li.

miancui knows his mind and goes away.

Da Yuanbao fell asleep, twisting his body, his small face wrinkled into a ball. Ning Yue knows that he still has a stomachache.

The person who had a black hand is really damned!

If he had not been careful, he would have suffered a lot today.

And, for such a young child. Ning Yue looks at the long needle in her hand and wants her to die without a burial place!

After a while, Zhong Li and MINGYE are back. Today is the crown prince's wedding, so we can't make a big fuss about it.

but he still found some clues.

The three nannies were called away by several maids and arranged the veranda. The people who had been guarding the veranda were also called away to do other things.

Congyue thought for a moment: first, she called the nurse away one by one, and went into the room and fed the porridge to Da Yuanbao. Lead Yuanbao to her, and then let Princess Shu come.

These people can't wait! When Shu Guifei sees her grandson crying incessantly by the bride, she will also lose her good impression.

It's a good calculation. If Shu Guifei doesn't know her real identity. I'm afraid that the person behind the scheme is not simple,

it can only be that the means are crude, so that she can see that she is insidious.

Zhongli MINGYE is also helpless. Today is his wedding night! If you find out the person behind it, you must be broken into pieces.

don't want to, Ning Yuejiao says: "Your Highness, why should you be angry..."

She fell in the arms of Zhongli MINGYE,

with a bad smile: "anyway, you and I have been husband and wife for a long time. Tonight We don't marry, we beat dogs , the fastest update of the webnovel!