Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"Well "Hiss..."

Zhongli MINGYE! Looking at the red marks all over her body, song Jinyu forced herself to cry and wipe the ground, and got out of bed in the curl and smile of looking for Cui.

Only once, the leg is soft, can't stand, looking for green eye quick hand, will hold her.

Beautiful eyes with fog, lashing feather, a pair of delicate and pitiful appearance. The man blew softly at her ear bead yesterday, "love Princess I can't get you out of bed. "

Sure enough, retribution has come! I didn't take the initiative if I knew it

Although he is always in front of others with a clear mind and few desires, in fact Cough Song Jinyu held on to her limp waist and kept reading.

After soaking in the fragrant Soup for a while, she felt that she had recovered. She took some jasmine rouge and opened it,

with a group of small servant girls, she put on makeup, "Princess The king of Zhongzhou is here

Is mingruyi here?

How can you come here at this time She is a bit of a drummer. Since the last time I met him in Liuyun Pavilion, she was severely "punished" by Zhong Li MINGYE.

This period of time, think before and after. Remembering that He Yi explained that Ruyi once looked at another woman differently, he felt that the woman might be himself.

If so, song Jinyu will have to think about her relationship with Ming Ruyi.

But Anyway I still want to see him.

After Ming Ruyi enters the door, she can smell a light fragrance of jasmine. Song Jinyu gets up and salutes, "I've met uncle Huang..."

Uncle Huang? When did the woman change her address and cover up her lost mood,

"now the situation in Beijing is tense, if he goes to the battlefield. This king... "

"I will take care of you more..." It's you. It's not Yuqin palace.

Looking for cuifengcha to come in, he stood beside song Jinyu.

"Uncle Huang..." What song Jinyu wanted to say suddenly fell into her stomach. She doesn't take part in the competition between these men, it's just

"Have a taste of the fruit

Twist a piece to taste, slightly sweet. He did not like to eat, not good brush her face, had to swallow tea in hand. "It was sent by frost in the morning She's been into pastry lately

Sighed, "choose the good one and send it. Try more... " With this sentence, song Jinyu regretted it!

Because mingruyi put the cup on the table with a little weight, "if you don't want to eat, you can throw it away. Why force others? "

There was something in it. She was not stupid. She could understand it. Open mouth, eyes flow, there is fog seems to overflow, now Having understood his meaning,

Ming Ruyi looks at the woman in front of her. Today, her eyebrows are more charming. With the increase of age, the once green and astringent has faded away and her elegant demeanor is fully displayed.

It's no wonder that Zhong Li MINGYE hides her deeper,

her eyes are not clear, and the atmosphere in the room is strange. The Pearl curtain outside the house collided gently, and the man came in with the morning dew.

One can see that song Jinyu is adding a cup of tea for mingruyi. Her delicate white fingers are placed on the green jade pot to complement each other. It's really beautiful.

"Uncle Huang, you are so elegant

Hateful, just returned to Beijing, did not go back to the palace to see the Empress Dowager of the Ming Dynasty, but directly came to his palace.

Song Jinyu is a little guilty. I really want to say that it's none of my business. Your uncle Huang is here. I will always receive you. Unfortunately,

although the man was cold, he didn't react as much as last time. "Here, my nephew, the fragrance is blowing. Now it's really a place of geomantic omen." Ming Ruyi's lips are covered with a smile, and her eyes are dark.

When they went to the study room, song Jinyu was relieved.

Seeing that she was in a state of anxiety, meicui made a breakfast: "Princess and empress, I used the meal first..."


There is no one to eat, inexplicably flustered. Song Jinyu suddenly found that she was no longer like herself. When would she panic for such an idea?

Just thinking, curl curl holding a big bunch of red apricot come in, smile way: "you see, this red apricot can open very good!"

"The LORD said that the red apricot is the best match for you..." Staring big eyes, "ah...!" I can't use this breakfast.

Is a red apricot coming out of the wall?

He was really a chicken bellied man. "Put it aside!"

After their uncle and nephew finished talking, "Uncle Huang Everyone in the capital knows that rongshuanger is waiting for you to marry her. "

Not waiting for mingruyi to speak, then sent another sentence, "Jinyu and rongshuanger are close friends in the boudoir, so let her lead you."

“…… No, she has taken great pains. I have my own opinion No matter how good-natured he was, he couldn't put on.

I have to say that one step comes late and one step misses.

Her eyes glanced over the position of the main courtyard, and mingruyi suddenly felt that her heart was empty, as if it could not be filled in this life.

Zhong Li MINGYE stares at Song Jinyu coldly,

"what are you looking at?"

"If he comes, can I drive people away?" Song Jinyu was defeated and retreated in her cold eyes. She was baffled. Yesterday, she said that she had something to look for mingruyi. Today, when people came, he had this virtue again.He reached out and stroked his jade face.

Finger belly gently across cherry mouth, ambiguous friction. Slowly slide down, her neck in the palm.

The fingertip presses on that powerful pulse, the look is infatuated with cold idea burst out. Song Jinyu felt that she would be frozen to death by him,

"I once said that if you dare to betray me, we will go to hell together!"

Cold spit out this words, with yesterday that infatuated person son is simply very different. Song Jinyu couldn't bear it and broke away from his control. "When did I betray you?" Zhong Li closes his eyes and dispels his unhappiness. His gaffe today began when Ming Ruyi looked at her eyes.

was made a little sad by his words, and his eyes were red. Du mouth sat on the couch, "you go out for me!" The Jasper teapot was blown to the ground in a short breath,

debris splashed, and the atmosphere was stagnant.

Zhong Li Ming Ye knows that he has provoked her to death, and he has just stopped being cruel. He reached out and pulled her up. "Let me go!"

Step on the broken pieces of jade, people will be mercilessly thrown on the couch. Fortunately, in spring, the shop is thicker. It doesn't hurt any more,


Seeing that he stripped his coat, song Jinyu was more and more dissatisfied. Her eyes were full of tears, and she was angry. This person,

flustered, fell into the Phoenix's eyes with unknown color, which was more attractive.


Song Jinyu sobbed and took a breath, "I Well... " During these days, he liked to pester her more and more.

Gradually, the woman's body exudes peach like tenderness. If we can't stop being green in the past, now the peach like sweetness is even more painful.

Zhong Li MINGYE is an activist. At present, the tears of this little girl are like Baoyu, which stimulates him even more.

Can can hold that tiny bee waist, lip like drizzle general falls on her body. She was panting and in a trance. Forget the unhappiness just now. , the fastest update of the webnovel!