Become Prince's Wife By Accident


"What's the matter?"

By her such a question, pour call bell Li Ming Ye Leng. "Did you get the news?"

"Before I left, I asked Zhong Yuanliu to keep an eye on the prince's house. Although he is more cautious now, he is still..."

Song Jinyu said with a smile, "Yuanliu is still called to live with him!"

Zhong Li Ming Ye pulls her to sit down together, "this king just wants to tell you about this matter!"

"It doesn't matter. He doesn't dare to kill these doctors."

"If the situation was not urgent, I would have dealt with him. But... " He looked at Song Jinyu seriously. "Now, there must be some experts from the east palace to give advice. Now it's not easy to find the prince's mistakes."

The couple looked at each other helplessly, "love princess, I'm going to leave How much trouble you in Liuzhou If there was no such disease, why did his song Jinyu work so hard? I wanted to give her a stable life, quiet years, but At the moment, someone has to do it.

Song Jinyu was worried and said, "take this medicine first. Don't drink the water on the road." Continue to tell, until the clock from the Ming Ye left Liuzhou city.

The situation in Liuzhou city is becoming more and more serious, and there are not enough herbs. Although Lin Yijun transported a large number of them from southern Xinjiang, it was only a temporary delay.

Only when people from Tianmen Mountain come, can we really relieve the epidemic pressure.

"Dad, you Is this? "

"So many people were arrested. They were instructed to poison the water sources in Liuzhou City..." Song Qinzhou frowned, "it's strange that they don't know when they're in a daze."

"The only thing that's certain is that they're all watchmen."

Song Jinyu took a look and sneered, "it's just some tricks! Some people confused the watchman at first, "she can make ecstasy powder, and naturally others can do it.

It took a little effort to get them back to their senses. As a result, these people completely forget what happened before.

"It's kind of interesting. He's a good person!"

"My father and Chu Yu have sent troops to guard against water sources, but Is it true that you and the LORD said that Yanqiu might take advantage of it

He sighed, "the Lord has got the news, and now it is delivered to the capital. I hope the emperor can make arrangements in time. "

Three days later, Liuzhou water was purified. No new people were infected, but the number of people already infected in the city increased.

Song Jinyu was worried and could only last for a few days by mobilizing the whole city's herbs. These days, Prince Yu and his wife worked together, and were supported by the people of Liuzhou city.

Prince Deyu, the governor of Yuzhou City, sent the medicinal materials first. Seeing Princess Yuqin personally diagnose the common people in her coarse clothes,

she even led the aristocrats in Liuzhou to donate money and medicinal materials. Before Yuzhou City governor left, he took song Jinyu's prescription. "Now, Liuzhou city is in great crisis. Now, keep Yuzhou as a city. "

Once the matter was publicized, everyone praised Prince Yu and his wife's love for the people.

The prince is more and more jealous, only let the mysterious man surround Zhongli MINGYE. "Let them die in Liuzhou city!"

Zhongli MINGYE did not follow the original route to Tianmen Mountain, but chose to go under the cliff of Huangshan Mountain. The people sent out were intercepted and killed one after another. If they could not guess the purpose of the people after the curtain, he, Prince Yu, was not worthy of doing it.

Before leaving, after discussing with song Jinyu, he decided to go under the cliff of Huangshan Mountain.

This is the place where they once lived and died together. When they revisited their hometown, they were filled with joy. Dare not delay, Xingjian accompanied by more than ten shadow guards.

Finally, he came to Houshan and found Wen Sirong with the Lingpai given by song Jinyu.

After receiving the news, Wen immediately arranged for more than 50 disciples to go to Liuzhou together. At the same time, it brought countless rare herbs to Tianmen Mountain.

"You are welcome, Lord!"

Song Jinyu's business is his business. Wensi allowed him to see song Jinyu for a long time, but it was under such circumstances that he got her news again.

Worried about song Jinyu in the city, Zhong Li and MINGYE rush back all night. It's just In order to hide people's eyes, he arranged for Wen Sirong and other Tianmen Mountain disciples to return from Huangshan cliff path,

while he took the shadow guard to turn back from the road.

Xingjian was worried, "Lord, I'm afraid that those who have a heart are already lurking on the road!"

"No matter what, I have to find a way out for the people of Liuzhou city!" At present, song's father and son went to qingheguan in case of future trouble.

Song Jinyu is alone in Liuzhou City,

in the city, only she is struggling! At the thought of this, Zhong Li is in MINGYE's heart.

On the way back to the city, the Phoenix eyes of Ming ye in the dark twinkle with strange light, "prince?"


Song Jinyu waited for several days. Zhong Li MINGYE has no news, she prays silently.

It was only when she saw Winston that her heart settled down.

"Big brother!"

Doctors brought by Wen Shirong relieved her pressure and the epidemic situation in Liuzhou stabilized. Zhong Li and MINGYE have no news,Song Jinyu was no longer concerned about the epidemic, and Wen Sirong was there. She walked up and down the gate, looking for the figure.

Liuzhou city's epidemic is under control, but the clock from the Ming Ye has not returned.

"MINGYE, come back quickly!"

She became more and more anxious and refused to go back into the night. Zhaozhao loves her, but she knows that she can't be persuaded now.

when the East is white, she finally sees a few scattered horses.

Seeing the jujube red horse exhausted with her own eyes, song Jinyu quickly ran out to meet the familiar eyes, which were all tired,

but as soon as he reached out, he just laughed miserably and suddenly fell off the horse's back.

Song Jinyu's thin body tried to catch him. Holding the thin waist, I felt the hot temperature. "Not good!"

She panicked and helped him into the carriage.

Holding him in my arms, I'm afraid that Zhong Li MINGYE will be infected with the disease. Rao is himself to do enough preparation, he still won the move!

Qingfeng and Xingjian were all injured. "We were ambushed and tried our best to escape after the first World War."


Song Jinyu hated the urgency and was even more distressed.

he had to stop thinking and try his best to cure Zhong Li MINGYE. Just fed a bowl of medicine, but he vomited it out. "MINGYE, please..."

More and more anxious, Zhong Li Ming Ye is burning and ambush.

I'm in a daze now.

"Younger martial sister, don't worry Lord, he is a good man Seeing that song Jinyu didn't eat or drink, Wen Sirong tried to persuade him that song Jinyu would not eat or drink

But she still did not leave the clock, half a step away from MINGYE, "you go It's OK to keep the palace. "

Looking at Zhong Li Ming Ye's pale face, song Jinyu is heartbroken. He was so flustered that he was no longer as calm and restrained as before,

He bit his finger tightly and felt no pain.

It used to be only under his wings, but now I see people lying there with their teeth closed and no medicine.

And others left, curl sent a new medicine soup. She opened her lips and took a mouthful. He bent down and gently sent it in.

Xu is feeling different warmth, Zhong Li Ming Ye swallows in.

Seeing that this method was effective, song Jinyu fed a bowl of medicine like this. After feeding, her face turned red,

"it's still the princess who can do it," she joked , the fastest update of the webnovel!