Become Prince's Wife By Accident


On New Year's Eve, the palace is peaceful.

However, a strange thing happened outside the capital, that is, when some people were eating, they found that their family members who had died not long ago actually came back. The same thing happened not only in one family, but also in several families.

The body that had been buried disappeared. When it reappeared, it came back home. It made people around them panic,

Jing Zhaoyin and the people from six sects were killed one after another. After contacting the "living dead", they all died.

When the emperor learned of the case, he ordered the city gate to be closed. "So, people outside the city can't get in, but what if there are such people in the city?" Song Jinyu asked,

"under the emperor's feet, it is natural to ensure the safety of the imperial city first."

"MINGYE, I want to see..."

Zhong Li MINGYE looks at her helplessly, "six gates is helpless now. The snow leopard camp has arranged people to incinerate those corpses first..."

All the people of the six gates sect are good at fighting. Now they are forced to do nothing by this case. You can see how scary the "living body" is!

"No, I may know what's going on?"

Song Jinyu recalled that he had read a wonderful book on Tianmen Mountain. Some people in the South knew the magic arts, which could bring people back to life. Through this sorcery, people who originally died in other places are transported home, which is called "driving corpses.". Although there are some differences between Zhong Li and MINGYE, if you can see with your own eyes, you may be able to help him.

She simply told Zhong Li MINGYE about the art of removing the corpse. She begged for everything. She was allowed to stay by his side and went out of the city together.

It's just, they just arrived at the gate.

I met a "corpse" and "prince, princess, be careful!" Qingfeng, star sword in front of it,

Song Jinyu listened carefully, and the voice of the corpse's mouth was like a broken bellows.

And the body, fearless, came straight to them.

She smelled an unusual but familiar smell and stopped Qingfeng and Xingjian. "You step back!"


Two people look at each other, the princess actually let them back, Zhong Li Ming Ye frown at her, "but there is a clue?"

"This corpse is full of poisonous insects and poisons. You can't use swords. If it is broken, it will infect normal people."

"And it's going towards the city, but you can send someone to follow..."

"Besides, MINGYE, didn't you arrange people to search in the city?"

"Let people remember this smell, where the city floated out, there is a lot of doubt." Song Jinyu's analysis is reasonable and clear. Qingfeng and Xingjian admire him very much, and the officials like Jing Zhaoyin who follow them can't help but take a look at the princess Yu.

Zhongli MINGYE obeys her orders. Seeing song Jinyu's appearance, he feels helpless. His fairy, never a weak woman.

Song Jinyu turned to Jing Zhaoyin and said, "please follow this prescription to drive away evil spirits."

Seeing the "corpse" walking towards the city, song Jinyu and Zhong Li MINGYE look at each other. Maybe they really want to be in the city.

Having been busy for more than ten days, Zhong Li Ming ye can go home to see song Jinyu. As soon as she entered the door, she drove her to the bathroom, "wash it!"

Funny back to her, "this king washed in the six doors."

"That's not good. I haven't used my medicine yet."

No way, had to listen to the arrangement of his wife, after all, do not wash do not let hold. It was not until he went to the bathroom and saw the medicine soup in the bath bucket that he understood song Jinyu's intention.

After the bath, Zhong Li MINGYE comes in, only to see what song Jinyu is writing, "love princess, I'm really knowledgeable."

"Nothing, just read more."

"Yes, Rao is the king who has seen all the books in the Imperial Palace, but he has not found the art of removing corpses."

Song Jinyu raised her head with pride, "of course, can you compare the ability of this palace?"


Holding that delicate nose, Zhong Li Ming Ye hugged her and sat down together, "the people behind the scenes are really in the city."

"That smell, lasting. It's hard for ordinary people to notice, your nose... "

"After all, as long as it's poison, there's nothing I haven't seen."

Zhong Li Ming Ye sighed, "man is found, but he is dead."

"After earning the villa, it suddenly disappeared."

Song Jinyu said strangely, "the six doors are useless."

"No, because who could have thought of a corpse."

Listen to Zhong Li Ming Ye's words, "you mean, feign death?" Then he told song Jinyu about the follow-up development of the incident.

after hearing this, Rao was well-informed and had to admire the greatness of the world.

"Didn't the emperor doubt the prince

"The house had been abandoned for a long time, and the emperor could only conclude that the prince had been negligent."

Ah, "fortunately, the matter has come to a conclusion." But song Jinyu always thinks that things are not so simple. Maybe this is just the beginning,After all, the appearance of "living corpses" only killed a few people and made people panic in Beijing!

Such a big battle and writing, just for a few humble lives? Song Jinyu doesn't believe it, but the reality is here. She can't help it. "Anyway, you should be more careful."

"Especially to increase the investigation of outsiders, I always feel that things are not so simple!"

"Yes! My princess... "

Outside the city, a "living corpse" fleeing out in a hurry showed a pair of soft fox eyes and burst out a strong hatred.

as soon as he moved, he was almost caught by the six gates of the capital.

In this way, I had to rest my mind for a while. But then, a voice behind him made his mind shake violently, "beauty..."

"You are so naughty

He is a big man, now he has to rely on this pair of transformed leather bag to survive. I can't help but hate, but there is no way.

When I woke up that day and found that I couldn't move, the panic still accompanied me.

The old and strange man, Jie Jie and Jie smile, make people shiver. "I passed a whole Jiazi under this cliff..."

"Forget what people are, especially beauties."

"My baby, you are so beautiful, but it's a pity..." The strange man's tone is very disgusting, the eagle's eyes twinkle with muddy light, "you are a man!"

The young man lying on the bed opened his eyes in horror. "I have a secret skill that can make you become a woman."

"A real woman who belongs only to the old man! Ha... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!