Become Prince's Wife By Accident


The prince married a new concubine, although the two still respected each other. But Chen Mingzhu was soon dissatisfied, because the crown prince was too fond of her eldest daughter, Zhong Li Yaxian.

I am a few years older than Zhong Li Yaxian. I am also the apple of my eye at home. Seeing the prince doting on his eldest daughter, he gradually became dissatisfied. Although I dare not do anything in public, but in private words, it is more offensive. Fu Guogong's wife advised her to give birth to the prince first.

After all, the eldest daughter will get married sooner or later.

Zhong Li Yaxian lost her mother's protection, but she was valued by the emperor. The days were not so sad. Seeing the stepmother's indifference to himself, he also gave up his intimate thoughts.

However, several other concubines tried their best to please the new princess. Li Liang, the only son of a commoner, felt uneasy on the first day.

I'm afraid that the princess doesn't like their mother and son.

In the prince's house, it is no longer safe.

Although Chen Mingzhu has a good family background, she is still young. Empty mother instrument world ambition, but the prince is not warm to her.

Wan Wan and Yu Keran are overjoyed when they receive the Queen's order! This day finally came, they are about to die in Liuzhou city.

But the queen remembered them.

So when they appeared at the gate of Prince Yu's mansion in Beijing, song Jinyu, who was watering the medicinal fields, stayed for a moment.

"Come in, please." After all, it's not good to have a joke at the door.


The herb in my hand was broken. Curl does not dare to look at her face, but also knows it must be ugly.

Wanwan and Keran pay a formal visit to song Jinyu, and they admire the beauty of the princess. They know that the life of the palace is good.

Wan Wan remembers that she was the one who appeared in Liuzhou palace.

Just hope the princess doesn't remember.

Unfortunately, song Jinyu didn't care about them. Originally, I wanted to drink my concubine's room tea, but I was strongly refused. "Don't worry about it. Go down and have a rest."

I don't know what it's like for these two people not to appear in front of themselves. But now he came, and his concubine's room really exists.

Song Jinyu shut herself in the room in silence.

Zhaoyao and meicui wait in front of the door, listening to the instructions.

One hour, two hours.

She doesn't come out until Zhong Li Ming Ye comes back from outside and learns about it.

"It was the king who ignored it!" After returning to Beijing, he had a deep love with song Jinyu and forgot about his concubine's room in Liuzhou city.

Today, people are sent to the capital.

No wonder song Jinyu was angry. He thought it was a storm waiting for him. Unexpectedly, the woman was lying in bed with her clothes and sleeping well.

Who said that she was so sad that she didn't leave the house for several hours?

As long as people are not angry, Zhong Li MINGYE doesn't go to see the two men, and goes out of the mansion directly. Mincui and Zhaozhao can't see anything,

when he comes back, song Jinyu has already woken up. The couple had a meal, but song Jinyu went to the pharmacy to do some work, and she didn't mention it at all.

Looking for Cui side look, "these two people, is pretending not to see?"

Or do they have other arrangements? It has to be said that the bodyguards of Prince Yu love gossip very much. Qingfeng said with a smile, "I'm afraid it's all holding up!"

Zhong Li Ming Ye doesn't say anything, nor does song Jinyu. It depends on who can't hold his breath! So the sword, curling green.

"I can't help gambling on the princess!"

"Ah Our eldest lady can bear it. The king of gamblers loses

When they went to drink the full moon wine of the little princess of Yongqin mansion, they did not win or lose. As if they didn't care about the two concubines.

Although we can't see the difference between them, song Jinyu is really depressed.

That concubine room tea, she does not drink!

Therefore, several times the two concubines wanted to offer tea to themselves, but song Jinyu tried to find an excuse to stop them.

As long as the princesses don't drink tea, their names are not right and their words are not smooth.

Soli was in her first month, and she felt a lot better. Now Zhongli Mingxi treat her better, but hurt is hurt. So, in any case, soli always treated him lightly.

Now there are women. She will no longer care where the man rests at night.

After Song Jinyu saw the little princess of Yongqin mansion, soli said with a smile, "in the future, will you be her godmother?"

"If it were not for you, our mother and daughter would have suffered more."

Knowing that she was still worried about the production of that day, she advised: "for the mother is just, the princess should be more open."

Yes, it's because motherhood is just.

Soli will forgive Zhong Li Mingxi on the surface, but never in the heart.

It may take time to forgive.

Prince Yong was very happy to have the little princess. Grand banquet, invited the whole capital aristocracy. By the end of the party, it was late at night.

In memory of the efforts of the prince and his wife, Prince Yong offered more wine to Zhong Li MINGYE.On the way home, song Jinyu was still in a terrible jam. On the one hand, if Zhong Li Ming Ye hurt himself so much, would he forgive him? Want to come, oneself also can't forgive.

Just as he is floating, he doesn't want the clock to leave. Suddenly, MINGYE's face enlarges in front of his eyes, "love Princess What are you thinking? "

It's a little far away from him. I'm drunk again! The whole body is full of wine gas. Although it is diluted by sandalwood, it is still full of wine gas.

I don't want to talk to him.

The man was discontented, and his eyes grew deeper and deeper, "Why are you so indifferent to this king? Well... " He stretched out his hand and pulled her,

over her waist. He loved this frightened little figure very much. He slipped his big hand across his clothes and landed somewhere. The sight is more and more hot,


Song Jinyu broke away from him with all his hands and feet. She was still in a dilemma. This man Don't look at what time it is! He always bullies her in the carriage.

Unfortunately, Zhong Li Ming Ye does not allow her to think out the strategy, deeply kisses her, in the narrow carriage, suddenly ambiguous and charming.

Eyes blurred, no longer satisfied with kissing. The hand slipped down until somewhere. Song Jinyu, who was kissed vaguely, trembled all over by his action and opened her eyes in disbelief.

How shameless! Too Too Shame!

Then struggling desperately, the movement in the car is not small, fortunately, the rutting sound blocked some.

"Don't move!"

Zhong Li MINGYE's eyes are deep, staring at her eyes. Hold that body more tightly, chest beautiful soft stimulated him, the movement of the hand did not stop.

The man's heavy breath rings in the ear, Rao is she desperately controls oneself, still soft body. It's dead in front of his heart.

This asshole!

By the time everything was calm, the carriage had stopped at the door for some time.

Song Jinyu's face was flushed with red, which made people daydream. When getting out of the carriage, he almost can't stand. Fortunately, Zhong Li MINGYE picks her up until he reaches the bedroom. He pushes him away and runs to the bathroom. Curl and looking for Cui chase that flustered footstep sound, one side looks at each other.

What happened to the princess today?

As you bathe, you resent. Drunk Zhong Li MINGYE is such a jerk! In the future, we must not take a carriage with him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!