Become Prince's Wife By Accident


A few days ago, the Shen family was demoted to the common people because of their disrespect to the emperor. Zhong Li MINGYE has said that the Shen family will leave home and return to their original place in the next few days.

Now Shen Shulan was seriously injured and unconscious. But what happened?

Without time to think, song Jinyu immediately saved his life with needles.

Rong shuang'er sees that she is calm and skillful in needling. Naturally, she knows that Princess Yu's medical skills must be superb. After Shen Shulan's condition was stable, she came out of the room,

she went forward to salute. Rong Shuanger slowly explained the matter, "my daughter and Shen Shulan have many contacts, so I want to see her off today." However, Shen Shulan's maid revealed that she had gone to Xiangguo Temple for the last time.

Song Jinyu sighed slightly, "she is pregnant, less than three months."

Ah? Rong Shuanger was shocked to grow up and said, "you know, who is the one who is good with her?"

How did Shen Shulan conceive a child when she was never married? Rongshuanger face hard to believe, Shulan actually pregnant with a child!!!

When song Jinyu comes out from the Xiangguo Temple, it's getting late. Zhong Liming Ye is waiting for her by the carriage,

"how did you come..."

"I don't trust you to be outside alone!" He took her hand and got into the carriage. "Where am I alone?" Qingfeng driving, curl and looking for green around.

Smiling at him, "but something happened in the palace?"

"The Shen family left Beijing today..." Zhong Li MINGYE hugs her with a long look. "However, in the outskirts of Beijing, I was killed."

"The door is full, and there is no one alive!"

Song Jinyu sat stupidly in the carriage, "do you know who did it?"

"The father was angry and the atmosphere was tense. Now, this king and Jing Zhaoyin will solve the case within ten days! " The death of the Shen family was too tragic,

Mother Shen was dragged to death by horses, and Mrs. Shen was buried alive and suffocated. Other children, concubines, everyone's death is extremely cruel.

It can be said that the Shen family, after being tortured for several hours, died one after another. Poor little childe was drowned when he was just over one year old.

"Hate, and it's hatred!"

Song Jinyu thinks of Shen Shulan. She tells Zhong Li MINGYE in a hurry, "is there such a thing?"

"Well! Rong Shuanger will look after her in the Xiangguo Temple. "

Zhongli MINGYE quickly sends people to surround the Xiangguo Temple, "you must not leak the news, or..." I'm afraid Shen Shulan will die!

Suddenly he gave her a kiss, "you are the lucky star of the king!"

Subconsciously, Shen Shulan must know something. Otherwise, why did she go to Xiangguo Temple today? Song Jinyu looks at him embarrassed.

"But she was so badly hurt that she was just lucky to survive." Song Jinyu was worried,

but Zhong Li MINGYE said, "it's ok Wang Ben has other arrangements. " It doesn't matter if Shen Shulan is alive.

What matters is, someone must want her dead.

The people who can know the news that the Shen family left Beijing today must be from Chaozhong, or someone related to them. In this way, the context of the Shen family case is quite clear.

At present, it is necessary to find people who have made enemies with the Shen family.

"Shen Shulan is pregnant, but the child may not be able to survive." Song Jinyu worried: "it's better to wait for her to wake up..."

She hurt not only her muscles and bones, but also her head. When to wake up is not sure.

Is it not difficult for Zhong Li to solve the case in ten days?

Zhong Ming Ye felt her head. "Don't worry, the father is looking at Ben Wang too busy to find something."

For a few days, Zhong Li has hardly returned to the palace. Only occasionally, but also in a hurry. Song Jinyu was distressed that he was so busy,

originally, she wanted to help him and continue to heal Shen Shulan. But why didn't he say, "don't go There are so many people in the hospital. Why bother my wife! "

Song Jinyu's heart was numb and she had to put out her mind.

Soon, the news that Shen Shulan survived spread out, and Ji Qinglin's heart was flustered.

He knew that he had killed the woman with a knife. Why did he become a knife hanging on his head today!

But Today, we can't do anything at will. We have to think about solutions.

Xiangguo Temple has long been surrounded by royal guards. The Shen family offended the emperor and lost favor. However, they are still the family members of the princess.

therefore, the emperor ordered Prince Yu to investigate to the end!

Song Jinyu thought about it and understood that it must be a trick to lure the snake out of the cave. Who did the Shen family offend?

Before they could lead to the "snake", a series of cases of officials were killed in the capital.

The body of Prince Shaobao Xu Zichen was found on the bed of a prostitute in Lefang;

the Minister Li Jun of the Ministry of labor died in another hospital;

Zhai Yuzheng, a doctor in the Department of Hubu, gushed blood from his mouth and died of an emergency!

A company of several important officials were killed, and the people in the court were in panic. The dark cloud of the Shen family's massacre has not yet cleared, and many officials in the capital have been killed, which is a pity. The emperor was angry and ordered Prince Yu to solve the case as soon as possible!Qingfeng tells song Jinyu about the incident. He didn't want to tell the princess about it. However, the clock left MINGYE in a hurry and didn't see anyone for many days. Song Jinyu was very worried.

"How could it have happened?"

She vaguely felt that this would not end. Under the prosperous scene of the capital city, the unknown crime must be covered up.

I can't see Zhong Li every day, and Ming ye can't get more detailed information. What can I do?

Suddenly, I think of Rong Shuanger. Listening to Zhong Li Ming Ye's meaning, he also controls rongshuanger in Xiangguo Temple. "Qingfeng, this palace wants to see the king of Zhongzhou."

"You took the king's note and asked him to go to the mansion!"

Ming Ruyi shakes the folding fan and looks angry, "Jin Yu, you see me, it's for him Hum... "

"I thought you missed me

Song Jinyu:

"Ming Ruyi! You are not afraid that my Lord's dagger will be stuck on your forehead, so you can continue to say these nonsense! "

"Anyway, please help me to explore the Xiangguo Temple."

"Come back and tell me about it!" After Song Jinyu sent mingruyi away, she changed her casual clothes and was about to go out.

Qingfeng and miancui looked at each other, "princess, don't you..."

"I'm just going to have a look, nothing else!"

While she was busy with her work, she wanted to go to Shenfu to see the situation first!

The gate of Shenfu was closed, and the former prosperity was never seen again. There was a lot of traffic in front of the gate, but now the gate is defeated and no one is willing to step further.

Song Jinyu remembers that last year, she was seriously injured by Shen Yingyun, and Zhongli MINGYE is furious. It directly destroyed the power of the Shen family and involved many people.

"I've seen the princess..." It's Ji Qinglin.

"Mr. Ji, what a coincidence?"

"How could the princess come here?"

Song Jinyu looked at him with a smile. Elder martial brother Ji always acted cautiously and never spoke much on Tianmen Mountain.

He didn't learn medicine and poison, and he didn't study martial arts. He was only interested in the law of criminal names. Later, in order to cope with the Tianmen Mountain examination, he had to learn the art of poison, which was only superficial.

A few years ago, he asked to go down and leave Tianmen Mountain. His attitude was very resolute. In his anger, Shifu expelled him from his school.

however, he was still very distressed by Ji Qinglin.

Miao Yunshen made use of the secret relationship between the imperial court and the central government to help him achieve his official career. Now Ji Qinglin is not very old, and he is firmly in the position of five grade officials. , the fastest update of the webnovel!