Become Prince's Wife By Accident


The candle flowers in the bedroom "pa" fell down.

The silence of the night is interrupted by the sudden sound of the door closing.

ZHONG Liming Ye puts song Jinyu on the bed and deceives her. She breathes a little, her eyes twinkle shyly, and she dare not look at him any more.

Head down to kiss that Jiao Yan, big hand in that slightly warped over the beautiful, startled the woman under a burst of shaking. Shyness flashed on her crimson face. She closed her eyes slowly,

but was stopped by the man's hoarse voice, "look at me!" The domineering tone is just like before,

the man stops his movements, and his eyes are vaguely locked on the woman's body and the dazzling red shirt.

"You don't like dark colors, why Today... " The throat moves, the heart palpitation can no longer suppress.

Song Jinyu pressed her hands against his chest and murmured, "I I only have this red shirt. "

The only red shirt is the wedding dress of that day! It's the wedding dress that Zhong Li MINGYE gave her. It's their unique wedding dress.

If Zhong Li Ming Ye doesn't understand her meaning, she will die of shame and indignation. He lowered his head, pecked at the red lips and said with a smile, "it's really hard for you!"

It's hard for such a shy person to do such a bold thing.


When she opened her eyes and saw that the man's handsome face was gradually enlarged, song Jinyu put down her guard and put her hands around his neck.

After kissing the beautiful eyebrows, eyes, ears, and delicate lips, the bell can't help it any longer when he hears the sound of "whining" under his body,

pulling away the clothes that hinder him, the fragrant shoulder is slightly exposed and disturbing his mind. All the way to kiss that beautiful curve, alone in a little cool place.

That's the jade carving on the Xicui bead chain. It's "he".

Feeling his hot sight, song Jinyu covered her chest shyly. "So Jinyu, you...!" Today is too much surprise, filled the whole heart.

"This gift is deep in my heart."

The thick night bent the golden tea in the yard, sleeping in the hall, in the red tent, no longer lonely. Outside the window, cicadas droop old and weak,

crickets are singing happily,

suddenly there is a beautiful girl voice, which makes people blush and heartbeat. The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the moon is shyly hiding in the clouds.

Looking at Prince Yu holding song Jinyu into the room, meicui smiles and tells others not to disturb them.

Now they have finally achieved the goal. She took a pot of wine, jumped to the biggest osmanthus tree in the garden and drank it to the moon hidden in the clouds.

After a while, I felt the branches of Osmanthus fragrans trembling. Looking back, it is the star sword.

"What are you doing here?" Looking at him in amazement,

Star Sword snatched the wine pot in her hand and lifted her head to drink. "The night is so beautiful, I will accompany you!"

Looking at him deeply, "star sword You... "

Gradually lowered her head, Rao was more careless on weekdays. At this time, in the fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans trees, she also kept quiet, only listening to the star sword beside her, blowing the crisp flute.

The heart is gradually filled by the people around.

"Are you all set up?" In the night, a tall figure asked questions in the forest.

"Natural arrangement!" The man in black knelt there.

"Good! The Shen family must not be left alive! "

The fierce figure, like a sword quenched with venom, opened the night.

"What about Shen Shulan?" The man in black was afraid, "she gave it to me Handle it yourself! " There is no hesitation in the words, only the hatred.

The candle has fallen a lot, red account, gradually return to silence, but strong feelings did not reduce by half.

The two of them hug each other tightly and sleep. Zhong Li looks at the man in his arms. He picks up the green pearl curtain with his finger to see the man in his arms.

When did she wear it? In Yanqiu?

Her heart grew more and more happy, and a kiss fell on her bright forehead.

Song Jinyu felt as if she had been run over by a car and felt a little uncomfortable. Open the beautiful eyes at the same time, see the clock from the Ming ye a face satisfied looking at himself.

Suddenly, shyly moved his head a little bit, his arm bent, hidden under the brocade quilt. She tried to calm her flustered breath and was at a loss.

Seeing her so shy, Zhong Li Ming Ye reaches out and pulls down the brocade quilt, "what is hiding?"

"I don't have..."

It's a pity that Zhong Li Ming Ye is determined not to let her go.

Playing with the delicate neck of the West Cuizhu curtain, I saw that the woman's face a little bit red, red.

"What are you doing?"

Xicui bead chain down the position, is too attractive! Zhong Li MINGYE's eyes are getting deeper and deeper. He quickly tells song Jinyu what he is going to do!

"Ah You Oh

Tonight, destined to be a sleepless night!

Ming Ruyi walks on the official road, and her thoughts are disorderly. At present, the emperor's attitude is ambiguous, although the imperial court on the abolition of the bell from Chengze, but did not tell the world.Nowadays, there are many disputes in the court. Zhongli Shuoyi and Zhongli MINGYE are both candidates for the next crown prince. But Zhong Li and MINGYE suddenly give up many forces in the court.

I can't understand his idea. Many people say that Prince Yu loves beauty and people don't love the world. Ming Ruyi didn't believe that he and his mother's stable life in the latter half of their lives depended on the next emperor.

Recall that once upon a time, the emperor's brothers died one by one in the struggle for savings. Ruyi of Ming Dynasty is only a few years old. She happens to be the son of the Empress Dowager. She is not a big threat to the emperor.

Narrowly escaped the bloody fight.

And now the emperor, 30 years later, gave the same fate to his sons.

A satirical smile rose from the corner of his lips, or This is a stalemate.

Seeing the decline of the crown prince, the two families of Zhong Li Shuoyi and Zhong Li MINGYE are the biggest, but After the last dispute, Zhongli Shuoyi was like a frightened rabbit. He was not as energetic as before.

Rong Shuanger is also sleepless tonight. She is very distressed recently. Annoyed is that his mind is very upset! However, she did not pay attention to it.

It's about Zhong Li's family. What does it have to do with their relatives? It's better to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!

Rong Guogong began to arrange for people to introduce her, hoping to get married before she turned 19.

"Get married? Why is it that Rong Guogong wants to trade his marriage? " Rong Shuanger has no feelings for this father.

Rong Shuanger can't help but caress her chest when she thinks of the old single prince who has bad words about him in the daytime. It's like a deer bumping into each other.

Looking at a glimmer of light in the East, she made up her mind! In any case, you have to make your own decisions. Now you decide to wait until dawn and talk to Ming Ruyi. In any case, his reputation is not good, and his reputation is also worrying.

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