Become Prince's Wife By Accident



Zhong Li Ming Ye chuckles and kisses her tender ear beads, "it's going to bed, of course."

"Don't you see it's getting late?"


Song Jinyu pushed him fiercely and said, "you open up for me!" She's still angry. This man

"Go? Song Jinyu! As Yu Qin princess, it's your duty to serve the king! " After that, she kisses deeply,

with one hand, she is severely restrained, and the other hand pulls away her dress belt, "don't..." Floating on her body,

the emotion became more and more obvious, and the people under her tightly closed their eyes.

Today is already very tired, now the clock leaves MINGYE to ignore. Song Jinyu was embarrassed and angry, but she couldn't help it.

It's just Soon, I lost my armor and became more and more dizzy,

and my body was about to melt. What's the matter?

After a while, the clock leaves MINGYE but stops. A trace of pain flashes in his eyes, calming the fire in his heart. Only gently holding that soft and delicate body, sleeping soundly.

Song Jinyu buried her head in his arms and smelled the familiar smell of sandalwood. Feel the powerful heartbeat, gradually ease down.

When she woke up, it was unexpected that the emperor was not dead.

"Whether the emperor is dead or not, the Shen family will die!"

"Younger martial sister The handwriting on the prescription I'm familiar with it

Ji Qinglin left Tianmen Mountain for three years, vaguely remembering song Jinyu. After all, he was also a teacher of Miao Yunshen.

Now that she is a princess Yu, it's better to How about helping him? The idea of revenge entangles itself, the hatred engraved into the bone, often recall, feel the bone erosion into the marrow.

Killing the son of the Shen family is just a flash.

It was the most important thing for him to destroy the whole Shen family. After the Tianmen Mountain accident, Ji Qinglin knew a little. However, he didn't think much about it.

as he thought, Tianmen Mountain just wanted to live a stable life.

Rong Shuanger beat a horse from the Ruyi mansion in the Ming Dynasty, and her eyes contain a feeling of unknown meaning. In the past few days, she pondered and realized.

Xu Shi, moved his heart.

Rong Shuanger, who was ignored by his father since childhood, grew up strong and subdued Rongguo government. But until that day in Ming Ruyi's arms, she did not know what is called being cared for.

Now His reputation is not good, he Ming Ruyi is also feared by the emperor. It's better to From her?

If you think about it, you come to Zhongzhou palace.

"Miss, the Lord is still in the palace..."

"When will you be back?" The porter didn't let her in and didn't report it.

Just disappointed to get ready to go back, unexpectedly, Ming Ruyi leans on the stone lion at the door and looks at her jokingly: "Miss Rong, you are really free."

"My daughter has met the Lord."

Rong shuang'er is quite uneasy. He wants to keep his words in his mouth, which means he can't speak. At present, people are coming and going, and she is just sitting there. What should she say?

Looking at Ming Ruyi's Phoenix eyes, and that is comparable to the face of female jiao'e. She was in a daze and said I had a crush on you? Why don't you go out with me?

This Rao is rongshuanger, always bold, still can not say.

"If you have nothing to do, I will take a nap." When Ming Ruyi passed her, she turned around and looked at Rong Shuanger, "you won't really like The king


As soon as he said this, rongshuanger immediately moved like a cunning rabbit and jumped on his horse. Leave quickly!

Leaving mingruyi in the wind disorderly, "what's wrong with her today?"

The porter looked at each other and did not know how to answer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!