Become Prince's Wife By Accident


The next morning, song Jinyu did not wake up. Curling in three times, she slept soundly.

The prince went out and went to court. He specially explained: "if the princess wakes up, she should make up for it. If she comes in and works too hard, she will mend her body more."

Hard work?

Looking for Cui a face can't say, smile deep account went on. Only looking at Song Jinyu's face flushed, helpless.

What is this for?

Although I came back late last night, they didn't talk in the study for a long time. Why, these people smile so strangely, what do they do?

"Is this blood letter true?" Chengjun Prince Zhong Li Shuoyi looked left and right,

Ji Qinglin took a look and said, "nature is true!" There were two copies, but one was destroyed by the queen.

"Princess he killed herself. The queen is so worried." Don't worry, the queen insults me, the prince insults me. The first four words alone are not worth studying.

After all, the queen is the Lord of the six palaces.

"The prince insulted me?" Zhong Li Shuoyi sneered, "it's interesting!"

"And the man?"

Zhong Li Shuoyi round face across a trace of ruthlessness, "and protection! And then wait for a good chance We must make sure that the crown prince will never be able to make his mark again! "

"Let the father see how disgusting his son is

There was a slight commotion at the gate of the capital.

It turns out that there are some dignitaries from the prime minister's residence. Rong Shuanger is also here, "Miss Look at it

"The carriage of the prime minister's house? What a noise Rong Shuanger didn't think so. She accompanied her mother out of the city to worship Buddha today,

"but this posture is too big They're all in our way. " The servant girls are dissatisfied. On weekdays, the princes and princes are not so troublesome when they go to and leave the city.

Rong Shuanger is a little curious. She puts on her curtain cap and jumps down. "Mother, my daughter, go and have a look."

As expected, she is the third lady of the prime minister's residence.

Ling Yufei caresses her chest with a handkerchief, and a pair of apricot eyes are looking at the guard general at the gate of the city. "Brother Wind Not for a long time. "

"How is your wife?"

An Changfeng looked at her slowly, although some impatient. However, she was still polite and polite. She only mentioned his wife and only vaguely spoke in the past.

Ling Yufei had a discussion with him after Ji. However, Mrs. Ling felt that their family background did not match, so she did not talk about it again. Later, he hired the daughter of the Minister of rites.

Although not as outstanding as the Ling family, but the couple are also harp and harp. His wife gave birth to a son and a daughter in three years. He was lucky that his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were harmonious.

It's just that since then, Ling Yufei hasn't talked about marriage again. It is said that Ling Xiang once wanted to discuss marriage with the prince's mansion. Unexpectedly, the prince of the right age had already talked about marriage. The famous third lady of Ling family had to wait for her daughter. Soon, it was circulated that she also refused Prince Yu Zhong Li MINGYE.

Ling Yufei looked at an Changfeng's indifference to her, but did not feel anything. She just said with a smile: "I've heard that Ling Shao's wife is both talented and beautiful. I don't know when I can see her?"

"No! My wife doesn't like to see strangers. She is very busy taking care of a couple of children. "

Rong Shuanger chuckled, and she really admired an Changfeng.

Seeing a soft nail there, Ling Yufei's face changed and changed. "Brother Feng..."

I don't want to. Someone nearby is already impatient, "Miss Ling San, if you reminisce about the past, don't pester at the gate of the city..."

As soon as the words fell, the bold people laughed.

One of them is Rong shuang'er, who is so brave as to laugh at Ling Yufei. It doesn't matter. Her throat is blocked. It turns out to be Zhongzhou Wang zhonglihong!!!

She thought of the rumors in the capital and wanted to slip away

Ming Ruyi is about to leave the city when she sees the third lady of Ling's family at the gate of the city with no regard for men's and women's major defenses, and her reminiscences about the past are endless.

He seized the house for a moment and opened his mouth.

Ling Yufei's face turned red and white, but it made people feel pity. Especially on that melon seed face, a pair of willow leaf fog eyebrows contain sentimentality. I can't bear it.


Ming Ruyi is not a person who takes pity on women. He has always been held in the palm of a woman's hand.

Rong Shuanger sighed, "I really don't understand the wind and moon!" The voice is not loud, but mingruyi hears it and says, "who is this king? It's Miss Rongda!"

"Do you understand the romance?"

“……” Rong shuang'er originally wanted to hate him a few words, but then he thought that he was too good to save himself. At the moment, he held his breath and wanted to retreat.

When he claimed to be the king, Ling Yufei was stunned. Is there such a beautiful man in the world? She immediately got out of the carriage and saluted, "my daughter has seen the Lord!"

Disgusted with her delay for a long time, mingruyi blocked her nose with a fan, "tut tut What have you painted today

"It stinks!"

Now, Ming Ruyi's identity is not easy to use. Rong frost son show eyebrow light twist, "the Lord is really a good nose, Minister daughter from Ling three miss so close, also did not smell the stink son."Looking at her, mingruyi's folding fan just points to rongshuanger and scolds her as a fool! But Now see more and more people around him, so he is not too difficult for the second daughter.

Wave hands to let Ling Yufei, master and servant go first, or block at the gate of the city to affect official business. Rong frost son see he has no reaction, then want to leave.

Unexpectedly, Ming Ruyi stopped her, "Miss Rong, it's not a good job to meddle in affairs." Eyes flash, "see in your infatuation with this king for many years, I give you a piece of advice."

"The dog takes the mouse and meddles in his own business!"

“……” Due to his identity, rongshuanger was only angry and red. For a long time, she hated her voice and said, "did you just say that about yourself, Lord?"

Ming Ruyi opens her mouth and looks at the stubborn Rong Shuanger in front of her. She doesn't know what to say? He had to shut up and beat the horse away.

This curtain falls in Ling Yufei's eyes. She doesn't appreciate Rong Shuanger's outspoken words. On the contrary, she thinks that she is in front of the king of Zhongzhou.

"Miss Ling San is back!"

The news spread all over the capital, but it's a pity The vast majority of people are watching the excitement. Only Rong Shuanger thinks that the story is too Too Exciting!

Three years ago, Miss Ling refused Prince Yu Zhong Li MINGYE, seeking only a free world.

To this end, she left the capital to learn painting.

Now, when she comes back from her studies, she says that the painting skills of the three young ladies are better than those of Prince Zhong Li of MINGYE. , the fastest update of the webnovel!