Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Although the emperor was angry that Tianmen Mountain had lost the formula of miraculous medicine, he accepted the herbal Hall of Tianmen Mountain in the Xia Dynasty.

In the next three years, it will gradually become the medical school of the Xia Dynasty. Promote the development of Medical Science in Xia Dynasty.

What about the formula of the elixir? In fact, the emperor understood that the source of the spirit root was more fundamental than that of the formula.

The emperor was very appreciative of Winslet and wanted to cultivate him. However, he declined politely, "the emperor, Cao min will strive to promote the reform of Tianmen Mountain, and in three years' time, it will spread the great Xia medical skill all over the world."

It wasn't long after Winslet left Beijing. Under the support of the crown prince, Ouyang Jinse, the palace master of Jinshui palace, presented a prescription to the emperor,

at the same time, Tianmen Mountain donated the Linggen planting base in Yuzhou City.

Since then, the status of Tianmen Mountain in the world has declined dramatically. The headmaster Wen Sirong and the remaining disciples of Tianmen Mountain closed down completely.

"How could Winston do that?" If he thinks about it, he goes from the death of Miao Yunshen, to song Jinyu's return to the mountain, and then to Wen Shirong's rise to the position of leader.

In the dark, it seems that there is a pair of hands in promoting the development of things.

He recalled that song Jinyu said last year: Tianmen Mountain just wants to live Die and live? Now Jinshui palace is trusted by the emperor with that prescription. And replaced the status of Tianmen Mountain, Ouyang Jinse is now proud.

How can song Jinyu get revenge?

"Are you better?"

Disturbed by him, song Jinyu's pills fall on the table, and Zhong Li takes them up. "OK..." She is a little uneasy, the woman's secret is known by him, somewhat embarrassed.


Chuckling, he went up to encircle her, "it's all the king, not..."

Since the marriage, song Jinyu has found that Zhong Li and MINGYE have no boundaries with her more and more, "you..."

"It's been so long, you haven't gone out to have a good look. It's better today..." Zhongli MINGYE seldom takes a day off. He takes song Jinyu to Zhuangzi, the capital city.

Not long after arriving at Chuang Tzu, song Jinyu met Wen Sirong there, "this..."

She can't believe it. Does Zhongli MINGYE know what he is doing? Wen Sirong's identity is so sensitive that if he is found out by the emperor, how can he deal with himself?

but he has no time to think about it. Since he is waiting for himself here, there must be something wrong. The clock is far away from MINGYE. Song Jinyu was very moved. He should take care of his feelings.

"Congratulations to the princess..." Wen Sirong looked at her younger martial sister seriously,

she grew up and married. The eyebrows and eyes are more delicate. Now Prince Yu dotes on her and wants to live a very moist life.

"Thank you very much Although she was separated from Tianmen Mountain, song Jinyu always believed that Tianmen Mountain was still her home.

"The Emperor didn't trust me, but I still promise it. " Winslet said in a deep voice, "maybe it's for the sake of master."

Song Jinyu disdained, "he will not see whose face, but Tianmen Mountain is no longer a threat to his forces."

"To hand over all the herbal halls of the Xia Dynasty means to cut off the financial resources of Tianmen Mountain."

"And then Linggen base offered it. This idea is not dependent on... "

A slight sigh, such as Zhilan Yushu, "the rest of Tianmen Mountain is just human beings."

Wensi Rong said with a smile, "the influence of Jinshui palace is rising, and Ouyang Jinse is in front of us, so we can act."

"Of course, but..." Song Jinyu looked at Wen Sirong seriously. "Elder martial brother, remember to eradicate all the outsiders on Tianmen Mountain."

"The herbal hall is gone and can be rebuilt. After all, we are not afraid to make a comeback if we still have hundreds of years of Damen school Moreover, in these three years, Tianmen Mountain will go deep into the people's hearts and minds. If the influence is greater and greater, it will have more initiative.

"Elder martial brother, I look forward to the flourishing age of Tianmen Mountain created by you!" Song Jinyu smiles, and Wen Sirong seems to have seen Miao Yunshen.

he didn't understand why master valued song Jinyu until the Tianmen Mountain crisis broke out. Wen Sirong saw with his own eyes that song Jinyu was skillful and vigorous. He realized that the man who thought he was a weak woman was really brave and intelligent.

A little bit of lead Ouyang Jinse into the game, a little bit of Tianmen Mountain to death and later life. She is a master of peeping at people's hearts. If, or even if she has a trace of ambition. I'm afraid that the world has changed for a long time.

After seeing Wen Sirong off, song Jinyu leans on the pillar of the flower hall in a daze. Suddenly, some relaxed, "three years Tianmen Mountain should be able to make a comeback. And no more chains

Zhong Li Ming Ye looks at her from a distance, and then he arranges for someone to send wensrong away. Although I don't know song Jinyu's revenge plan, the direction of protecting Tianmen Mountain can't be wrong.

"Emperor On Come on Some. "

In the Yanxue hall,

the beautiful voice of Xuefei made the emperor's feelings even more cruel, "concubine, it's so hard here..." Watery eyes looked at the emperor, but the jade hand stroked to the chest.The jade rabbit, which is ready to come out, is soft and full of elasticity, which makes people imagine. It didn't take long for the rain to stop. The emperor's interest was picked up by Xuefei again, just about to carry a knife on the horse. Unexpectedly, Xuefei turns over to give priority to, that pair of charming big eyes, look at the flow, let the emperor breathe again.

"Concubine, let the emperor experience different happiness." Then he took the emperor's hand and brushed it down.

The emperor was confused and fell in love with him, "you demon, you are pestering me to death!"

Outside the hall, Duke Li has been guarding for three hours. He had to sigh that the snow princess was really a good woman. The emperor had never come out again since she had fought in.

The movement inside has never stopped.

This miraculous medicine made by headmaster Miao is really powerful. The emperor's body was much stronger than before.

"It's hot at the moment. If autumn comes, the scenery will be better here."

Holding song Jinyu's hand, they wandered around Zhuangzi. Song Jinyu was in a better mood, "thank you..."

"We're husband and wife. If you say thank you, you'll see." Zhong Li Ming Ye looked at her seriously, "I wish you could be as innocent as before."

“……” Once upon a time, was she naive?

Strange to see the clock from the Ming ye one eye, suddenly but, with a smile: "once upon a time, I was naive in your eyes?"

"Happy at least..."

"I never see sorrow in my eyebrows." Zhong Li Ming Ye stroked her eyebrows. "Maybe it was not so much trouble before." Song Jinyu dodged. She hung her eyes and did not dare to look. In the sun, the man's eyes were so warm. She had no escape.

"By the way, how do you know that Winston is here?" Song Jinyu always thought that Zhong Li and MINGYE were busy with government affairs every day, so he had no time to pay attention to Tianmen Mountain.

Zhong Li Ming Ye laughingly looked at her, "your business, when did I not put it in my heart. So Is it strange to know that he is here? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!