Become Prince's Wife By Accident


Wen's words awakened all the people present, especially Du Zhouli! He can't believe that the legendary little master of Tianmen Mountain is song Jinyu!

"What are you talking about, Sloane?"

The poisoned eyes stare at Song Jinyu in the arms of Zhongli MINGYE.

When Wen Sirong knelt down, the other disciples of the spirit, Bai Shaohui, Bai Shaoyuan, Teng Ming and Lin Zixian, all followed him to their knees.

Ouyang Jinse can't believe it. It turns out Song Jinyu is the real little master of Tianmen Mountain!

Hearing several people's calls, song Jinyu forcibly wakes up from her coma, pushes the bell away from MINGYE, and coldly walks to the coffin,

"master I brought Yanfei back

"He will accompany you. Yu'er is really unfilial..." Words cry blood, so that wensrong and others extremely sad.

Du Zhouli can't help but want to go up and hold song Jinyu and ask clearly. Unexpectedly, Zhong Li MINGYE says, "I don't know who the new leader is?"

"But now that the little Lord is back, naturally someone will take charge of the overall situation of Tianmen Mountain." Cold words, word by word in Du Zhouli's heart.

Also let Ouyang Jinse hate very much, Zhong Li MINGYE's words clearly want to support song Jinyu. Du Zhouli can offend the governor's office in Liuzhou, but he But dare not offend Prince Yu!

Although I didn't expect that song Jinyu was the young master of Tianmen Mountain, Zhong Li MINGYE would stand by her side in any case. Qingfeng sighs slightly, Prince Yu, this is blocking his future destiny.

Just for the first lady!

Du Zhouli lowered his mind and bowed his hand and said, "the Lord does not know something. Naturally, I have the fate of the first leader..." With that, he took out the "suicide note" from his sleeve.

Song Jinyu didn't even look at it. Everyone was silent.

Ouyang Jinse settled down and said, "obviously, leader Miao valued elder Du more, so he entrusted him with the great responsibility."

Wen Sirong looked at them ironically. These days, he tried to compromise and remained silent. He was looking forward to song Jinyu's return.


Song Jinyu came back to her senses, pressed down the blood in her heart, and gently wiped the blood from the corners of her lips with a handkerchief.

Zhongyuanliu came forward and said, "the leader has set up the young master early, and he still needs to write down his will?" The implication is that the letter is false!

Du Zhouli was a little flustered. The letter was true. Or wrote it in front of Winslet, "Sloane was also there..."

"Nonsense! Master entrusted Tianmen Mountain to my younger martial sister. Where else should I choose another one? " Wensrong refused to admit the suicide note, and Du Zhouli couldn't read him clearly. Ouyang Jinse realizes that they seem to have been cheated!

Looking at all this, song Jinyu said coldly, "elder du My master has eleven disciples. No matter who they are, they are more qualified than you to inherit Tianmen Mountain. "

"I don't think the handwriting of this letter belongs to master..."

"Forgery Do you know the fate of the first leader As she gathers her emotions, outsiders can no longer see any sadness.

Zhong limingye gives Qingfeng an eye.

"You're talking nonsense!"

He Yan relied on Du Zhouli, and was worried when he saw that his name was not right.

He looked at him like a dead man The master has treated you like a parent and son before he died! "

After sweeping all the senior brothers in the hall, she thought of Yan Fei and felt sad from her heart.

Yanfei's Lingpai is taken out from the package. Ouyang Jinse tightens her face and takes a few steps back.

"The younger brother also died..." Her voice trembled slightly, and she turned to look at those people, "this little Lord, I don't know why you are blocking the way back to the mountain gate today?"

"If you don't have a ghost in your heart, would you treat me like this?"

Du Zhouli stares at her fiercely, "impossible! How can Miao Yunshen make you a little master? " He worked hard to make plans, and was willing to sell the secrets of Tianmen Mountain and unite with Jinshui palace.

As a result, it was destroyed today!

He has always been unconvinced since Miao Yunshen became the leader! I'm not inferior to Miao Yun in every aspect. Why Can only take the position of elder?

In addition to Wen Sirong, he Yan, Chen Runzhi and Ouyang Jinse are also puzzled. They can't count the people in the coffin.

Song Jinyu did not answer his words, turned to ask him, "in addition to this letter, do you have other keepsakes that can prove that master entrusted Tianmen Mountain to you."


Seeing the girl's lips, Du Zhouli suddenly felt that today was like a dead end.

Yes, he didn't!

Leader's seal? No, There is no token for the three missions!

The most important thing is that the black jade ring which has been handed down for more than 200 years has not been found!

Song Jinyu raised her plain hand with her spare time, playing with a trigger that was not suitable in size But the good thing is Can be resized! "

The ring flashing black light, simple and luxurious texture, attracted Du Zhouli's eyes.

It's in her hands!His eyes are glued to it, and he would like to snatch it. Unfortunately, Zhong Li Ming Ye is always by her side. Seeing that Du Zhouli was gone, Ouyang Jinse wanted to leave.

Unfortunately, song Jinyu didn't give him this chance, "Ouyang palace master, three days later, my teacher's funeral will come. You can stay and have a stick of incense. "

With that, Zhong Yuanliu stopped him.

"Ah Tianmen Mountain is really interesting

Zhongli MINGYE said coldly, "what's interesting is you. Tianmen Mountain is a sect that my father and Emperor attach great importance to. My father and emperor have always made friends with leader Miao."

"Now that the leader is suddenly born, I am bound to inform my father as well..."

"I don't know that Ouyang palace master got the news earlier than us."

Ouyang Jinse is speechless for a moment, but song Jinyu doesn't speak any more. She just looks at the remains of her master and sees that the skin color of those who are green and astringent is quite different from that of other places.

In the heart a little doubt, but also silent.

Du Zhouli still wanted to fight for something, but song Jinyu didn't give him a chance any more. "Du Zhouli, making a letter from the leader, delusionally wanted to be the leader..."

"Come on! Take down Du Zhouli

Seeing this girl, Du Zhouli even dared to catch himself in full view of the public. He refused to accept and said, "this will is true!"

Even though he had the intention to force Miao Yun Shen to set down his fate, he could Without waiting for him to implement it, Miao Yunshen left this letter on his own initiative.

He Yan and Chen Runzhi are even more frightened. They look at Ouyang Jinse and say, "little sister, don't make trouble..."

"Although you are deeply loved by master, you can't Fake young master

Without waiting for song Jinyu to fight back, Wen Sirong said angrily: "the position of the little Lord has been set up early. But you don't obey the master's command?"

"No harm! Take it all

She didn't want to talk any more nonsense. Du Zhouli just wanted to call someone, but Prince Yu's people came in with a few heads in their hands,

"report to the Lord, these people are furtive My subordinates will act first and then perform them! "

Du Zhouli fixed his eyes and found that he was his confidant.

Ouyang Jinse is also very surprised that song Jinyu's identity is exposed, which makes him passive, and Prince Yu's attitude is also puzzling.

Did he even ignore the prince's face for the sake of song Jinyu? , the fastest update of the webnovel!