Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 591: Short-sighted

"Have you three eaten a red fruit that grows on a high mountain in the deserted ancient forbidden land?"

Although she didn\'t believe it in her heart, the old woman still asked tentatively.

Ye Fan also understood that this old woman definitely knew a lot.

At first, they had some doubts in their minds, so after the old woman finished asking, Zhou Yi nodded directly and replied:

"Yes, senior, we did eat a red fruit, do you know what it is, senior?"

But the old woman who opened the mouth did not answer, but murmured to herself in disbelief:

"You guys have actually eaten sacred fruit, it\'s incredible, it\'s really unbelievable."

Having said this, the old woman directly exchanged glances with several middle-aged people around.

Suddenly, everyone understood their inner thoughts.

These are good seedlings, and they must not be let go.

At the same time, these people feel a little regretful in their hearts.

After all, everyone is not of the same school, so many good seedlings can\'t be swallowed by themselves.

Although the sects behind everyone are the same, but in the final analysis they are not a family.

Just when the old woman and others secretly said that it was a pity, those classmates who were already covered with hoarfrost suddenly knelt on the ground.

Looking at the old woman and others standing above Feihong, they trembled and asked:

"Dear gods, we are all a group of people in trouble. I wonder if you can show kindness to help us restore our former appearance."

Hearing these people\'s words, the faces of the old woman and others flashed with joy.

This is really a good thing, and I don\'t want to give it a chance to refuse.

After clearing her throat, the old woman said directly:

"The reason why you have this situation is because of the lack of vitality.

It is actually very simple to solve your current situation.

Or, you can find an elixir to eat it to make up for the shortfall.

However, this method is not suitable for you, and the elixir that can make up for vitality, even the worst, is far from what you can get.

Therefore, the best way for you to get rid of the predicament is to break through the realm.

As long as you break through the realm, your lifespan will naturally increase at that time, and the vitality that is consumed will naturally not affect you.

It just so happens that you broke out of the barren ancient forbidden land, the sea of ​​suffering has been opened up, and the realm will be broken very quickly.

As long as you find a suitable exercise book, it won\'t take long for you to get back to the original state. "

Hearing the words of the old woman, the faces of everyone suddenly showed joy.

"Senior, since you said that, I don\'t know if you can bring us under the sect and teach us the fairy law."

Everyone asked eagerly.

The old women and the others don\'t seem to be easy, and they can also help themselves out of a difficult situation. In this case, they don\'t have the meaning to hesitate.

But as the saying goes, those who catch up are worthless.

Hearing everyone\'s positive look, although the old woman and the others were already irritated, they still held up their arrogance.

Looking down at everyone, the old woman directly said:

"You should get up first. Although your age has passed our requirements, since you have opened up a sea of ​​suffering and are a good seed, we can give you a chance.

After all, it is not that simple to join our martial arts.

Oh, by the way, let me introduce myself first, I am Li Ling from Lingxu Cave, one of the six caves in the territory of Yanzhi.

These people around me are all masters of the Six Great Caverns. "

"Senior Sister Li Ling is right. There are countless sacred sites in Yanzhi, but there are only six of us that can be called Dongtian.

Others that are better can be called blessed places, but more are not even called blessed places. "

After Li Ling finished speaking, several middle-aged people around her came to speak.

The attitude of everyone is very high, as if giving Ye Fan and the others and opportunities to actually give them alms.

Ye Fan, Pang Bo, Zhou Yi, Li Xiaoman, and Liu Yiyi were indeed unhappy in their hearts. After all, Wang Ran and the others were so powerful before, and they didn\'t give them any airs.

But the rest of the people can just eat this set, even their hearts are faintly happy.

After all, the more arrogant Li Ling and the others are, the more it shows that their strength is stronger?

What does their strength show? It shows that their choice is not wrong.

Therefore, just after Li Lingji had finished speaking, except for Ye Fan, everyone\'s face showed a look of worship towards Li Lingji.

Nodding excitedly, everyone directly said:

"We understand that there are always a lot of rules in the big sect, we can understand.

You can give us this opportunity, we are already very happy. "

Hearing the compliments of these geniuses, Li Ling suddenly felt that his image had grown taller, and even couldn\'t help but smile.

Quickly straightened his expression, Li Ling slowly said:

"You don\'t have to belittle yourself, you are indeed good seedlings, and we don\'t want you to be in the dust.

As the so-called special affairs, we will not embarrass you.

Don\'t worry, we are just getting to know your situation, let\'s explore your physique later. "

Hearing Li Ling\'s words, the joyous smiles on everyone\'s faces became stronger.

That\'s why I lick the dog and lick the dog, and I have everything in the end.

They have just started to lick, isn\'t it already beginning to be rewarding.

Of course, it is not without spine, like Wang Ziwen and Li Daoling, they are still very tough, and they did not kneel and lick Li Ling.

Even to those flattering classmates, their hearts are the same as Ye Fan and they, and they look down upon it.

However, none of the people present paid attention to these trivial matters.

Everyone now concentrates on the questions Li Ling and the others have asked.

"First of all we must ask you, where do you come from?"

Hearing Li Ling’s question, Wang Ziwen slowly replied:

"We came from the west, and we don\'t know where it is."

Everyone did not choose to tell the truth, even those students who chose to kneel and lick the six caves.

Everyone is an adult, and we will still make a choice to weigh the pros and cons.

They can\'t do it if they directly explain their details.

"Western? Is it the Western Regions? No way you have so many Buddhist artifacts. There are indeed many Buddhist cultivations in the Western Regions."

Hearing Wang Ziwen\'s answer, Li Ling and the others did not doubt, they just spoke thoughtfully.