Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 589: vicious

When a group of students heard Pangbo\'s words, they nodded directly.

Of course, they have no objection. If there are eight people missing, these chocolates will finally put them on their stomachs.

As for a bite of wild fruit, how can they care about it when they grow up in the city?

Ye Fan and the others just stared coldly at everyone\'s feeling of respect and respect, and a sneer appeared at the corners of their mouths.

Even if it was a classmate for many years, it didn\'t really make everyone touch each other.

The ugliness of human nature is not simply talked about, but is demonstrated vividly in everyone.

Liu Yiyi was also extremely disappointed at this time. She didn\'t fight with others, but she couldn\'t easily accept the double-sided character of this classmate.

Without explaining much, Liu Yiyi took a bite of the fruit that Pangbo gave her.

As for the higher-calorie chocolate, let alone everyone didn\'t mean to share it with her.

Even if there is, she will not accept it.

Even if the two fruits are not enough to eat, he would rather choose the fruits brought back by Ye Fan than to eat Liu Zhiyun\'s chocolate.

But are two fruits really not enough? That is naturally impossible.

Not to mention two, even if there is only one, the energy contained is enough to make Liu Yiyi energetic.

So, just after Liu Yiyi took the first bite, her eyes widened in shock.

Not only because of the deliciousness of the fruit, but also because of just one bite, the exhaustion and hunger from her body have been completely eliminated.


Liu Yiyi wanted to say something, but Li Xiaoman gave Liu Yiyi a wink and motioned her not to say more.

Although Liu Yiyi was shocked in his heart, he still resisted the shock in his heart, and did not say what had already reached his lips.

Just silently eating the fruit in his hand, but the speed has been quietly improved a lot.

He also understood that this fruit was definitely not an ordinary good thing, and his admiration for Ye Fan and the others became stronger.

Except for the fruits that Ye Fan brought back, everyone\'s food was not too much.

After Liu Yiyi speeded up and finished eating the fruits in his hands, everyone quickly settled the food distributed to them.

The people who had something in their stomachs did not stay in place for too long. Under the leadership of Ye Fan and others, everyone explored beyond the barren ancient forbidden land.

Although Liu Zhiyun has gathered a wave of people\'s hearts just now, the core of this small group of students is undoubtedly Ye Fan and the four.

Even after Liu Zhiyun\'s instigation and separation just now caused Ye Fan\'s image to be damaged, but there is no way, who told Ye Fan and the four of them to be the strongest and worship Wang Ran as their teacher.

They still rely on Ye Fan and the others. If they don\'t need Ye Fan and the others, the situation may change.

In this regard, although Ye Fan and the others were a little tired, they didn\'t say much.

The faces of Liu Zhiyun and the others became difficult to look at. They had just taken out the only remaining food to gather people\'s hearts. As a result, they had just finished eating, and everyone was a little cold and surrounded by Ye Fan.

Hanging far behind everyone, Li Changqing asked a little bit angrily:

"Zhiyun, let\'s just forget it? These people, too, don\'t even think about our goodness at all. Those who ate really fed the dogs."

Hearing what Li Changqing said, Liu Zhiyun smiled fiercely, then said with gloomy eyes:

"Forget it, how could it be forgotten? Wait, my buddha stick has restored some divinity, wait for a chance, we will kill these four **** directly.

As for the gang of wall-to-wall grass, if it is so simple and is bought by us, then I will take a high look at them. "

Hearing what Liu Zhiyun said, Ye Fan slapped him and Li Changqing, who was grieving, did not express any objection.

After all, apart from Liu Zhiyun, the one who resented Ye Fan the most was Li Changqing.

However, Wang Yanke, who did not have too many head-on conflicts with Ye Fan, was shocked by Liu Zhiyun\'s words.

Eyes widened in disbelief, Wang Yan said in horror:

"Kill them, Liu Zhiyun, you are crazy, everyone is a classmate, how can you do this?

Besides, Ye Fan and the others have visited the Tibetan gate. Are you not afraid that those seniors will trouble us? "

Hearing Wang Yan\'s words, Liu Zhiyun\'s eyes narrowed slightly.

It was not that he was scared, but he realized that he had not considered Wang Yan\'s ideas just now.

She and Liu Zhiyun are different from Li Changqing. Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing have been grudges against Ye Fan for a long time.

But Wang Yan is not, she just joined in halfway.

Liu Zhiyun knew very well that if they couldn\'t persuade Wang Yan, their plan would be dead before implementation.

Therefore, Liu Zhiyun squinted at Wang Yan and said coldly:

"Even if they visit the Tibetan gate, do you really think those seniors will value them so much?

If they really valued them, the seniors would not leave them alone in this forbidden land.

After all, a few of them had said that they had worshipped the Tibetan gate, but in the final analysis they were just the registered disciples of that senior.

Besides, the barren ancient forbidden land is so large and dangerous, even if Ye Fan died here, it is normal.

And, do you think you can be safe and worry-free if you don\'t deal with Ye Fan and the others?

Ye Fan, will they tell your classmates about the things you did? Even one step further, if he spreads this matter out, your chance to visit the big sect will be completely lost in the future.

After all, it is estimated that there is not a large sect that will accept us as disciples who bully the weak and insult their companions?

Even if you take a step back, Ye Fan and the others did not spread it out. Do you think he will help us who are in conflict with him when he develops in the future?

Even if they don’t step on us, it’s good?

Do you want to live such a day? I definitely don\'t want to.

Since I don\'t want to, the only way now is to kill Ye Fan and the others in the cradle.

After all, we are also going to enter the world of spiritual practice. You have to understand a truth, that is, people are not for themselves, and the heavens are destroyed! "

Hearing Liu Zhiyun\'s words, Wang Yan\'s expression changed from time to time.

Although she didn\'t want Ye Fan to die, she also had to admit that what Liu Zhiyun said was very reasonable.

There was a long silence, and no one knew what Wang Yan had thought during this time, but Liu Zhiyun and Li Changqing were calm in their hearts.

They knew exactly who Wang Yan was, otherwise Liu Zhiyun would not ignore Wang Yan\'s thoughts and directly speak out his plans.