Become A Master From Hokage

Chapter 560: Breakthrough

This is a thought that flashed through everyone\'s mind.

Especially the three who are familiar with Wang Ran\'s kindness, evil, and the Silver Dragon King, they not only marveled, but also deeply admire Wang Ran.

They hadn\'t forgotten that when they first met Wang Ran, Wang Ran\'s realm was similar to them.

Even in the original battle between Wang Ran and evil, Wang Ran was still inferior to evil.

How long has it been since then? Ten years in the human world, ten days in the gods.

In their eyes, is this time still called time?

But Wang Ran directly surpassed all of them with such a little time.

How can this make them not admire.

Of course, what they didn\'t know was that Wang Ran had a cheating device called Cangzhu.

Although there is no way to directly increase the cultivation level, with the remaining Taoist rhyme of the escaped "one", the speed of cultivation is not comparable to that of ordinary people.


The shock and admiration of everyone did not affect Wang Ran at this moment.

He knew very well that his current self was still far away, and it was impossible for him to float.

Therefore, he is very calm, even if he feels that he can break the world barriers of this world now, and even destroy the world.

After moving his body lightly, Wang Ran looked at the good and evil who were also at their limits, tapping his finger lightly.

Good and evil instantly felt as if the laws of the world around them were imprisoned, and at the same time a peculiar Taoist rhyme rose.

It was like a divine enlightenment, a touch of enlightenment appeared directly in the hearts of the two of them.

They knew that Wang Ran was helping them and pushing them to take the last step.

Without hesitation, the two immediately sat down cross-legged, controlling the energy in their bodies to break through their invisible barriers.

The two were already stuck on the edge of the breakthrough, and now with the assistance of Wang Ran, who came over, the breakthrough was a certainty.

Although it took a long time, the two of them finally came to a new realm safely and steadily.

Feeling the surging power in the body that has never been felt before, even the kind and evil that has been in the position of the king of gods for countless years, the energetic look can\'t help appearing on the two people\'s faces.

Unfortunately, Wang Ran did not give them a chance to be energetic.

After the two broke through, Wang Ran directly asked:

"I am going to leave this world directly. Will you two stay with me or stay in this world for a while and explain?"

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, good and evil just looked at each other and said directly:

"Let\'s leave with you, but before we leave, we have to reinforce the control center of the God Realm to prevent the previous situation."

Hearing this, Wang Ran nodded gently, motioning them to do it.

Good and evil didn\'t waste time either, and they directly prepared to reinforce the control center of the gods.

Taking advantage of this time, Wang Ran also extended his spiritual thoughts to the human world.

Countless worlds, after these years of development, each one has the figure of Zangmen.

And the Taoist Academy, with the expansion of Tibetan gates in various places, slowly began to blossom and bear fruit.

Wang Ran carefully observed every world and every Tibetan man.

Of course, it was Douluo Continent that Wang Ran\'s attention stayed the most.

Having lived here for decades, he has personally trained countless disciples. If there is no emotion, how can it be possible.

However, Wang Ran finally controlled his inner emotions, and did not choose to go back to say goodbye or anything.

The position of Douluo Tibetan Sect\'s sect master, he passed to her after Qian Renxue broke through the hundredth level.

There is nothing to explain, and leaving quietly is actually a good choice.

However, the reluctance in his heart caused Wang Ran to watch the people in Zangmen quietly for a long time.

Whether it is Li Ying who is working hard gradually, Qian Renxue who patiently cultivates his disciples, or Ning Rongrong who travels the mainland with strange spirits, and so on.

When they didn\'t feel it, Wang Ran had already bid them farewell silently.

Finally, after Wang Ran silently engraved the methods and key points for breaking through the limits in various Tibetan gates, he withdrew his spiritual thoughts.

At this time, the work of the good and the evil is about to be completed.

When Wang Ran thought, a huge formation pattern emerged directly beside Wang Ran.

At the same time, the same formation pattern appeared beside Di Tian who was practicing in the Tibetan Gate of Douluo Continent.

Feeling that he was summoned by Wang Ran, Di Tian opened his eyes for the first time.

Without hesitation, Di Tian stepped into the huge formation pattern beside him for the first time.

In an instant, Di Tian appeared directly beside Wang Ran.

Seeing so many powerful divine residences around, Ditian obviously did not react to what happened in the first time.

But soon, he noticed the change in Wang Ran\'s body.

His complexion instantly became pleasantly surprised, and Di Tian hurriedly said:

"Sect Master, have you taken the last step?"

Hearing this, Wang Ran nodded lightly, and then spoke to Di Tian Dao:

"Yes, so I am going to leave this world.

You and I signed a blood contract, so I am going to take you away, so I ask about your decision. "

Hearing Wang Ran\'s words, Di Tian hesitated a little.

It\'s not that he didn\'t leave with Wang Ran for no reason, but he was worried that Wang Ran would be in trouble with him.

Although his talent is good, after signing a contract with Wang Ran, his cultivation speed has been further strengthened.

But in the final analysis, he is now only a second-level divine residence.

If it weren\'t for signing a snow contract with Wang Ran, he didn\'t even have the qualifications to perceive the changes in Wang Ran\'s breath.

But at the same time, he also wanted to become stronger, and following Wang Ran\'s side was undoubtedly the best way.

That\'s why Ditian hesitated, somewhat entangled in what choice he should make.

As if seeing Di Tian’s entanglement, Wang Ran said directly:

"You don\'t have to worry about dragging me down. If there is a real danger, it won\'t be a good thing without you. And if you are there, you might be able to help.

And when I went to other worlds, I also needed a mount partner. "

Hearing what Wang Ran said, Di Tian naturally stopped hesitating, and directly agreed.

"To be able to leave with the sect master, I am naturally willing."

After speaking, Di Tian walked directly behind Wang Ran and waited quietly.

Wang Ran didn\'t say much to Di Tian, ​​but said to the Silver Dragon King who had been standing by:

"Gu Yue, let\'s tell them about our departure when you go back.

In addition, please explain to my disciples and don\'t let me wait for them for too long.