Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


From the man's voice, all he knew was that it was a man with a hoarse voice. Look at this man's clothes, he was dressed like a scholar. However, when she saw him, her heart began to race.

Don't misunderstand, this is because she saw that his eyes were too bright, too pure.

Have you ever seen a grown man with angelic eyes like a child's?

In any case, Phuong had never seen it before. What she saw were mostly mysterious, unpredictable, sinister, cruel, flattering, and crafty … Most of the time. Of course, there were also those outstanding individuals with clear eyes. However, he had never seen such pure, clear, crystal-like eyes like the one used to love a man.

Not only his gaze, but even his body had a pure and untainted aura.

This kind of him made Feng Er, this woman covered in filth, feel attracted to him. He also had the urge to get close to him, and he couldn't help but want to pollute him!

Other than the purity of his eyes, the man's face was also extremely exquisite, especially his skin, which was comparable to the Peach Blossom Wave. If such a man gave birth to a woman, who knew how many wolves he would encounter? However, since he had become a man, it meant that he had to face countless wolves.

Like now, he met a pervert wearing a man's skin. When she was in the brothel, she had done a lot of things like flirting with innocent men or touching innocent women. He remembered the girls in the brothel who had not yet taken over the guests. They had all avoided her when they saw her.

Once, he just used his hands to tease a seemingly innocent girl, but he actually teased that woman so tightly that water flowed in the stream. His face was red and he was gasping for breath. He had barely managed to coax the girl before he pounced on a man and madly bit off a few mouthfuls. However, from the moment the girl officially received the guest, it was said that she didn't like the other one with the man.

On the contrary, every time she saw Feng Er, a hidden bitterness would appear on that woman's face …

Because of this incident, Feng Er's only joy in life, her hobby of flirting with innocent women in brothels, was strictly forbidden by others. Of course, she didn't dare to do that kind of thing again. After all, the woman had looked at them with hidden bitterness in her eyes.

Now, looking at the innocent marshal in front of him, this naughty habit of someone had finally been offended again. With a cough, she straightened her expression and seriously asked the scholar in front of her.

"You … Is there really a stone in front of your chest? "

Her eyes blinked a few times in tacit understanding, casting a slight trace of her natural charm.

If this was in the past, her charming posture would have made the man in front of her salivate. However, the Pure-Blessed Angel today had obviously failed.

Ye Zichen looked at his eyes in confusion. That steel-like brother blinked in confusion, just like her. Yeah, there is one. If you don't believe me, just touch it. However, I'm curious. Bro, why are your eyes blinking like that? It felt like he was sick. When my little chick got sick in the eye, he also squeezed his eyes like yours. Why don't I take a look for you, my brother! "

Tch, this was my seductive technique. She was born with a seductive personality, yet she was called an eyesore. Pfft, luckily, the people who came and went in this crappy place were all strangers.

She put away the idea of using a charm and coughed awkwardly. Hands hooked, indicating for the pure angel to come over.

Very good, very powerful. This angel obediently walked over. As for her, she impolitely stretched out her hand and began to feel around his chest. One had to say, this man was truly freaking abnormal.

On his chest, there was indeed a thin piece of stone tied there.

"What are you doing there?"

He had to admit that this was a depressing matter. This was because she didn't want to verify whether or not this man was tied to a stone slab just now. What she wanted was to take the opportunity to use her hand to provoke the red fruit. Alright, since this stone slab is tied up there, how else can you tease me?

The man chuckled and touched the stone on his chest, then lowered his voice and said to Feng Er, "You look quite pleasing to the eye, so I'll tell you the truth. My stone board is not an ordinary stone board." This could be a stone tablet that could be exchanged for silver. Oh right, my master said that if this stone tablet is sent to Worryfree Valley, that pervert in the Worryfree Valley will definitely like it. Master, he was afraid that I would lose it, so he decided to let me carry it on my back this time. I moved it from the back to the front for safety's sake! "

Open your mouth. Surprise." He had to admit that this man was simply too naive. Such a thing should be considered a secret. However, he actually said that to Feng Er without saying a word.

She was just about to go to Worryfree Valley when she heard that this person had such connections with the stone tablets. She was still worrying about how she could see that Old Man Worryfree. This was a good meeting, someone had voluntarily delivered a natural gift to him. Haha … Things would go smoothly if he really had good luck.

Feng Er let out an evil laugh. That smile, how could it be called evil?

Seeing how her smile was so strange and unsightly, this scholar frowned again and grabbed Feng Er's face. I say, brother, your eyes weren't working properly just now. How come your mouth isn't working at all? Look, how can such a smile appear on your face? Shut up, shut up … This way, it would look better. "Ai, how could a good person get so many strange diseases?"

Feng'er cried but had no tears. She was only laughing so hard that her mouth widened. Saliva followed a little more. Was there a need to make you sound so ugly?

No matter what, when I change into my disciple attire, I still … I still look peerless! I actually got beaten up by you until nothing's good about it. Too, too disrespectful.

Closing her mouth, Feng'er gave him a white eye, "Erm, looks like you also went to Worryfree Valley. It just so happened that I had to go to Worryfree Valley. How about we go together? "

"That man, how could he be wary of us?" That man, how could he be wary of us? Alright, alright, that's exactly what I was hoping for. We'll go, we'll go. "However, I'm hungry. I don't think I should leave quickly!"

'Faint. Love. 'This man seemed to be wearing bright and fresh clothes. He didn't expect it, but he didn't have anything practical with him. Feng'er had originally planned to freeload off him for a meal. This had turned into him wanting to treat him to a meal.