Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


A trickle of blood flowed out from Feng He's mouth, dripping onto her snow-white clothes. And her beautiful eyes were fixed on everyone else, as if she was the queen that controlled everything. Even though she was dead, she couldn't be desecrated.

She was destined to remain in the hearts of the men of Dahua, destined to live forever.

Large amounts of blood came out of his mouth, and finally his nose, eyes, and ears.

Falling in three steps meant falling in three steps.

Within that goblet of wine was the poison that the Left Premier had personally poured for him in three steps. He only needed a little bit of the medicine, but he added more than half of it into the spoon. Even an elephant would lose its life after drinking wine.

Furthermore, she was such a delicate woman.

She slumped to the ground, still laughing. Even though it was only a medicine that had been used to tamper with her body, it was still enough to make her feel an excruciating pain. At this moment, she only felt that she had really met the celestial maiden.

In front of him, there were many little angels with wings, waving their golden wings at him.

There were also many different kinds of flowers that emitted an alluring fragrance, and in the end, all of them surged towards her. Finally, the instant she fell to the ground, she closed her beautiful eyes.

"You told me it was fake, that it was fake. Why did she really die? Why was her body so cold? It's still growing harder and harder? "

When the devastating ceremony finally ended, Zhao Jianhao was the first to run to Feng'er's corpse. Holding the corpse with her eyes closed, he continued to let out deep roars.

It could be seen that the new emperor was thoroughly enraged and completely despaired.

The Minister of the Left did not say anything this time. He did not want to be in the limelight again. "He is the Minister of the Right, and at this moment, he stepped forward with a serious expression on his face." Your Majesty, she was a demoness in the first place. Look at this world, there is a woman who is as beautiful as she is, so beautiful that she doesn't seem like a human. If such a woman were to land in our Da Hua Country, she will only become a scourge. For the sake of the peace and quiet of our Great Hua, and for the sake of the former Emperor's loneliness, we can only come up with this plan. Your majesty, you are a wise emperor, you can't be distracted by a woman, you have to place great importance on me, on the world. In the future, this bunch of ministers will only swear their loyalty to you.

You've lost a woman, but you've gained mountains and rivers. This also means that you've obtained the women of the entire world. Under the heavens, could it be that they are kings? "

These heart-wrenching words did not give Zhao Jianhao any good will. On the contrary, it made him even angrier. Don't tell me this. Just tell me, what is this medicine? What is it? How could she wake up? The current me does not want the mountains and the rivers, and only wants her. I just want her to wake up. "

Zhao Jianhao, who had lost control of himself, was still in a dazed state of mind.

In his mind, all that came to mind were Feng'er's usual good looks. At this moment, he felt that this woman was worthy of his love. After all, she had once used her body to block a sword for him, but he had given her a cup of intestines piercing poison. At this moment, his conscience was being condemned, so he temporarily regretted it.

Looking at his crazy appearance, the ministers felt that it was the wisest thing to do to get rid of that demoness.

"That's because we gave her three steps to eat, three steps to fall. That is to say, even if she was an immortal, she would still fall down within three steps. So far, there is no cure for this drug. Even if there is, as long as one breathes their last breath, there will be no saving them. "

When the Right Premier mentioned the real name of the medicine, Zhao Jianhao's tiger-like eyes widened.

He slowly walked towards the ministers as he clenched his fists.

It could be seen that the current him was undoubtedly a trapped beast.

"Your majesty, please focus on the rivers and mountains. The great Hua is now all up to you!"

Everyone knelt down once again, and Zhao Jianhao stopped in his tracks. At this moment, he came back to his senses. He was an emperor, an emperor of a great country.

The current him could only look to this bunch of old officials for help in raising the mountain and rivers for him.

After looking around a few times, reality woke him up once again. He weakly waved his hand, signaling the group of people to leave.

After everyone had retreated, the new monarch finally took action.

He smashed everything in the room into pieces, rushed to the Crown Princess's room, held her down and rushed in from behind.

The moment she bent over, she bit the princess' back until it was dripping blood.

Because it was the eleventh princess of the Haoran Kingdom, an emissary from the Haoran Kingdom came to pay his respects and requested the King of Dahua to bring the princess' body back to the Haoran Kingdom for burial.

Without much hesitation, Zhao Jianhao immediately gave his approval. This request did not receive any opposition from the entire nation of Dahua.

After all, it was not a precedent for her family to try to take their bodies back for burial after the princess died.

Princess Eleven's memorial service was arranged and held at the Hao Ran Country's relay station.

Although it was just a princess that was sent to an inconspicuous place, due to the friendship between the two countries, there were still many people who came to offer their condolences.

Mei Xiang and the messenger from the Haoran Kingdom had been kneeling down in front of the hall, burning incense to welcome those who had come to offer their condolences.

After everyone had left and returned to being a man, Xuanyuan QIyuan walked into the mourning hall with a cautious expression.

After giving the guard a look that he absolutely could not disturb, he opened the coffin.

Feng Er was covered in white, and her blood-stained clothes had been long since replaced. At this moment, her face was green and she looked like a woman who had died a long time ago from being poisoned. Only he understood that she could still be saved.

However, if she hadn't performed acupuncture and moxibustion at a later time, she would have really gone to the earth to see that cruel late emperor.

"Hurry up and give her the acupuncture!"

Her body was already stiff. Although she had let her beautiful face into a mess, the poison was too heavy. She was afraid that even if she woke up this time, she would be seriously ill. What was even worse was that if she were to delay the time, she could only perish.

He quickly put the body, which was almost the same size as Feng Er's, into the coffin and carried her out.

As long as there were no mishaps, no one would really come and check if the corpse inside was the real eleventh princess of Haoran Kingdom.

Everything went smoothly. He carried Feng Er into a sealed room, and one of the teachers began acupuncture.

Not long after, a lot of black liquid came out from Feng Er's acupuncture points. It was the poison she had swallowed, mixed with her blood, that had been forced out of the needle.

Long and sharp silver needles were stabbed all over his body, and Xuanyuan QIyuan was also unceasingly using his internal energy to urge the venom on his body.

If he didn't force her to use this pill, then the damage to her body would be incalculable.