Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


The fact that Dahua wanted to build a beautiful but useless skyscraper spread through the people very quickly.

In an instant, the people of the imperial court were all discussing this matter.

Those who are loyal to the imperial court, collectively, ask the Emperor to take back this fate. He told the crown prince not to waste any more manpower and financial resources to build this useless item.

However, what he got instead was Zhao Jianming pulling the two capable officials down to serve him with fifty torture sticks.

Those two ministers were all frail people, and after a few days of struggling, they died in such a miserable manner.

From then on, no one dared to come to the Palace.

The skyscraper that looked like a building was being built with such vigor.

It had taken them two years to finish building the new building, but another piece of news had arrived unexpectedly. The Crown Princess was a virtuous and wise princess. She was a filial wife, so she gave this house to her father!

At this point, everyone understood that this was not the house that the crown prince wanted, but the palace that the emperor wanted to use to curry favor with the Demon Concubine from Haoran Kingdom.

When this matter came out, everyone felt that this Demon Concubine of the Haoran Nation could not be left alive.

Under the order of Zuo Xiang Chen, the real father of the princess consort, the ministers and officials who were worried were all gathered together, discussing how to execute the princess.

"For the prosperity of our people, we will all go to the imperial court."

After discussing for two days and two nights, the group finally came up with one solution, and that was for everyone to enter.

If we want to live together, and if our misfortune is not accepted by the Emperor, then we will all die together. It could also be said that he wasn't lonely on his journey to the Yellow Springs.

When the group of people entered the court to pay their respects to the emperor, they all obediently followed him for a long time before he slowly walked out.

A while ago, the wise and invincible Lord of Da Hua claimed that his dragon body was not well and allowed the crown prince to take charge of the imperial government.

Nearly a month had passed, and when everyone once again saw this mighty and majestic emperor, they all looked at each other in dismay with some disbelief: This, is this still that supreme Sovereign King from back then!

Why did he feel like a person who was on the verge of death!

His once tall and big body was now stooped, and his plump face was now extremely thin. What was even worse was that those eyes were completely lifeless and empty.

"Cough …" "Cough …"

He even needed someone to support him when he ascended, and coughing sounds could be heard from time to time.

Previously, the only one who was unwilling to go to court was the Dao Emperor. However, like before, he felt that he had become lazy and didn't want to stay in court any longer. Looking at it now, it seemed that he really was quite ill.

"Your Majesty …" Your dragon body? "

When the Minister of the Left saw that the Emperor who had fought alongside him in the past had actually turned into such a state, he went up to greet him with a low voice in shock.

"Sitting behind the Dragon Throne, Zhao Kangming looked at the group of people below the hall." He had suffered from the cold a while ago, so his body was a bit worse off. "It's fine, I feel a lot better with the Queen taking good care of me!"

The few ministers looked at each other in dismay. He was even going to let the Demon Concubine take care of him. If she continued to take care of him, his dragon form would be hopeless.

"Plop ~ ~ ~"

"All the ministers knelt down and kowtowed to him." Your majesty, the eleventh princess from the Haoran Kingdom is a complete demonic concubine. Your Majesty, that woman is untouchable. If I touch her again, I'm afraid …

Before he could finish his sentence, Zhao Jianming's eyes were already staring at him. "After coughing a few times, he recovered his strength and looked lifelessly at the ministers before snorting coldly." Where were you when the queen took care of me? The Queen took care of the unconscious me. Where were you when I beat her up out of anger? Hmph, if it wasn't for her meticulously taking care of me, I'm afraid I would have left long ago. You bunch of people who talk nonsense when you have nothing to do are not as open-minded as a woman.

Originally, I didn't want to come and see you. It was she who urged me, saying that you must have something important to talk to me about. She told me to summon you all and see what you all had to say! "If she tries to make things difficult for me, do you think it's necessary for her to ask me to come and see you?"

With these words, Zhao Jianming started to pant heavily. He couldn't get his breath back, and it took a long time before he managed to cough it out. Only then did he regain his composure.

All the ministers looked at each other once more. It seemed that if they continued to work hard, the emperor would most likely start a massacre of them all. He didn't think that the Demon Concubine would be so shrewd that she would cover everyone's mouths first and make a good enough impression in front of the emperor.

If they said anything else, it wouldn't enter his ears.

"The crown prince has arrived!"

Just as the ministers were about to put in more effort, such a shout came from the outside.

Everyone's attention was piqued, and they stared at the door expectantly.

"I'm tired. If there's anything you need, just tell the crown prince. I want to go back and rest."

After Zhao Hamming left, the crowd quickly made an effort. The Crown Prince either took the Demon Queen away or just played with her until she died.

Even though the crown prince, Zhao Jianhao, hated these nosy people to the point that his teeth itched, he still put on a look of serious consideration.

"When all the people had left, he then swept the cup on the table to the ground." Hmph, if you want my woman to die, you guys can die first. "

The Crown Prince clenched his fists tightly. Summoning his trusted aide and handing him some powder, the man quickly bowed and left.

The eunuch was none other than the eunuch who was in charge of the trivia of life in Zhao Kangming's palace.

After the man entered, he fetched some incense from the incense room, registered it, and carried it to the palace.

When adding incense, the fingernails only had a little bit of powder, but inside the room, there was a faint fragrance spreading out.

At this moment, Zhao Jianming missed an opportunity and dragged Phuong, who was passing by, into the house.

"Phoenix …" My liver... "Let me kiss …"

A trace of disgust flashed across Feng Er's eyes. She didn't dare to struggle too much and quickly kissed him on the cheek. "Crown Prince, I missed you so much. If it weren't for your love supporting me, I'm afraid that Feng Er would have already gone to another world of bliss like those women who served the Emperor."

With tears flowing down her cheeks, she cried into Zhao Jianhao's arms.

Zhao Jianhao held her tightly as she continued to absorb the fragrance that belonged to her. " I know, I know, that old thing is not far from his end. This is the antidote I've given you. Remember, you must take it as you see fit. "

He came to find Feng Er because he wanted to personally give her the antidote.

One had to know that he had already sent someone to light a special incense in the old man's room. If he were to inhale that fragrance, his body would only get worse and worse. At the end, his body would develop innumerable delusional symptoms.

However, what he didn't know was that not only was it his own medicine, the woman in his embrace was also the type of intoxicating fragrance that would excite any man to the extreme.

Just like that, the pitiful emperor was taken care of by some despicable scum, and it was so easy for him to lose his vigor.