Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


The king of Da Hua was very satisfied with his new queen!

It was already late in the morning when he opened his eyes in exhaustion. He looked at the messy carved bed and was still in a bit of a daze.

His gaze slowly shifted and he saw Feng'er, who was sleeping on one side.

On her smooth face, there was an alluring look, as well as the exhaustion from their lovemaking. The room was filled with the heavy scent of silver. When he saw the red marks of love on her body, he smiled in satisfaction.

A strong wind blew. Last night, he had wanted this beautiful woman who was like water many times.

The ecstasy made him feel as if he had returned to his youth once more.

The person in his embrace was grasped by his large hand. With a soft moan, the tip of her eyebrows once again furrowed. "Your Majesty …"

A voice that sounded as if it was angry and resentful was heard. The look of resentment on his face made Zhao Kangming burst out in laughter. How beautiful? Didn't I satisfy you last night or something? "

She twisted her body slightly. "In the end, he once again covered his place, and the tip of his eyebrows pinched together in pain." Your Majesty … You... You're too fierce... You almost ate my flesh! "

She shyly complained to him, and her face blushed as if there was a tacit agreement between them. That pair of long and narrow eyes looked even more like they were filled with water.

This kind of woman, this kind of woman, actually made Zhao Fanming, who originally did not care about women, feel a trace of pity for her.

"It's because you're too passionate, beauty. You've stimulated my energy. Not bad, not bad at all. It's been a long time since I've felt this refreshed. "Come, please wake me up!"

With a swipe of his palm, he prepared to go to the courthouse and take care of business.

"Okay." Feng'er obediently stood up, but her legs went soft and she collapsed on the bed once more. "Aiyo …"

His face was covered in cold sweat as he continued to fall one by one. He wasn't faking it, but the pain was unbearable.

It had to be known that for the entire night, Xuanyuan QIyuan was insistent on demanding her hand. Especially those few difficult postures, which made it even harder for her to get out of bed. Now that his body had just moved, he could not help but moan in pain.

His pair of long and slender legs were so weak that they could no longer move as they laid on the bed.

Staring at her in shock, Zhao Kangming was unable to recover from his shock. Beauty, what's wrong with you? "

Reaching out his hand, he once again pulled her smooth body into his embrace. Seeing her pale face from the pain, he felt the tip of his heart ache. For some reason, a muscle of pity just arose like that.

"Your Majesty …" You... You were too fierce last night... "I can't get out of bed now …"

It was hard for her to say the last few words, so she shyly laid in his arms. She lightly tapped on him with her small fist in disobedience. The bashfulness and the manner of a little woman made Zhao Pang Ming burst out in laughter.

"Good, good, good, that's good. "Queen, just lie down first, I'll have someone come and help me change my clothes."

Looking at his face brimming with happiness, it was as if he really thought that he had done something funny a few times a night.

Feng'er made a grateful expression and hid herself behind the blanket.

Soon, a beautiful palace could be seen, as well as eunuchs who came in to attend to them while carrying an item.

Feng'er was too tired from her newlywed body, so she received extra permission. She didn't have to get up too early, she could just rest at the palace.

Such a fast pace quickly spread throughout the palace. Everyone was sighing at the valiant and fearless king who was in his fifties.

He was even more curious about the new Queen.

The emperor's mood seemed to be very good. Not only did he reward the servants that served him, he even praised the ministers that didn't think highly of him.

There were several problems that had yet to be solved, but because of his overjoyed expression, they had all been effectively solved.

When the crowd saw how young he looked, they knew without even thinking that he was ten years younger than them. They all acknowledged this as a gift from the new Queen.

A short while ago, some people were happy, while others were worried.

Those who were happy felt that with this new Queen, their future would be much easier.

Those who were worried felt that if their Emperor, Da Hua's wise and wise emperor, were to be bewitched by the Demon Empress of Haoran Country, would he harm Da Hua in the future?

Therefore, in Dahua, people paid extra attention to this new queen and her every word and action. There were people who saw all of this happen.

The Crown Prince was included in this.

"Scram, get out!"

On the same day, when Crown Prince Zhao Jianhao received the news that Feng'er had been forced to be bedridden, he was so infuriated that he knocked over the table.

As soon as the princess entered the room, a vase flew over to welcome her. Scram, I told you to scram! No one is allowed to enter, no one is allowed to enter! "

He was flustered and exasperated, like a wild beast that had been provoked. He stared at the door with a crimson expression.

After a long time, a princess moth was ordered by the princess consort to enter the palace. It carefully held a teacup in its hand and entered the room. At the same time, he received another furious punch from the Crown Prince.

"Ah …"

The palace maid who was knocked to the ground let out a cry of helplessness. She turned her head and stared in fear at the crown prince who was walking step by step towards her.

He thought that he would die, but he was pulled up by the crown prince instead. "Good girl, don't be scared, I'll love you!"

Everyone was quite surprised at this turn of events.

Staring straight into the palace maid's eyes, Zhao Jianhao loudly announced, "You've been promoted to be my second wife. From now on, you'll be devoted to serving this crown prince!"

The Crown Princess looked at the palace maid with a gloomy face. She didn't find anything special about her. If it were to be said, it was just her ordinary facial features. Those eyes seemed to have a little bit of spiritual energy.

However, the others could only be described as ordinary. Compared to his own natural talent, she was nothing.

Seeing that the Crown Princess was still standing there, Zhao Jianhao unhappily snorted. He was so frightened that the Crown Princess quickly bowed and left.

This lord had the same moral character as the current emperor. Both of them were blood-devouring masters. If he wasn't careful, it was highly likely that he would be sent to the tiger's mouth.

Holding the palace maid in his arms, Zhao Jianhao said with a gentle expression on his face, "Be good and don't be afraid. I will protect you in the future!"

With a flick of his finger, that flattered palace maid's eye was pulled out by him.

"Ah …"

That palace maid screamed miserably as she fell to the ground and rolled on the ground. The place where he covered his eyes was covered in blood. For a moment, the entire room was filled with these miserable screams.

The palace maids and guards outside the room were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

"Pull her out. Such an ordinary woman actually had such a pair of eyes. It was too incongruous. "I don't like it, drag it down to feed the dogs!"

The palace maid who had been happy enough to think that she could reach the heavens in a single step just a moment ago had fainted just like that.

In Zhao Jianhao's hand, he was still holding the bloody eyeball with a face full of infatuation …

A man clad in white was standing on top of a house with white snow fluttering in the wind. He was staring at the palace with a dazed look in his eyes. After standing there alone for a while, he sighed and flew down from the roof.

"Big brother Hua …" Flower Big Brother... As for me, you always run so fast! "

A petite girl kept screaming as she chased after him, calling out to him. However, the man in front of him turned a deaf ear. He had no intention of stopping at all. On the contrary, the footsteps grew faster and faster.

"Ahh …"

A miserable scream came from behind him. The person in front stopped and turned around. He looked at the girl on the ground with helplessness in his eyes.

"Little Wu'er, you …"

A trace of helplessness flashed across the man's handsome face. He took a step forward and helped the girl up.

It could be seen that this woman's martial arts were ordinary. She did not possess the lightness and agility that he had. However, she wouldn't fall down so miserably either.

As he helped her up, a trace of mischievousness flashed across the woman's large eyes. He grabbed onto the peach blossom without letting go, "Big brother Hua …" Master wants me to ask you to come with me. It seems that something important is about to happen. You can't leave me alone, you have to take me with you! "

Helplessly looking at her, Peach Blossom Wave slowly stretched out a hand to help her up before dashing towards the mountain peak.

The new queen was doted upon, very much by the palace and the emperor.

Even the concubines in the Imperial Palace treated the new Empress extremely well.

After all, with her in front of them, they had less chance of losing their lives. Being able to live for a day was better than dying on the spot.

This was precisely the reason why Feng'er was extremely popular in the Imperial Palace. She was truly a person who enjoyed the wind and the rain.

"Your majesty, such a beautiful palace, it's really very beautiful." But I think it would be nice to see a house like this only in my dreams. "

After reciting an ancient legend to Zhao Kangming, Feng'er sighed with emotion. "It was as if he was sighing emotionally for the in the book.

The pair of bright, translucent eyes were filled with endless color, and the manly aura exuded from them.

The big hand scooped her up, "Beauty, as long as you want this kind of house, I will build it for you. Isn't it just a house? "It's just a small matter. I'll make it complete on your birthday!"

When Feng'er heard this, a happy smile blossomed on her face. "However, it was only a moment before he started frowning." Your Majesty, I'm afraid this isn't good! According to the book, it would take a lot of money and manpower to build such a house. When the time came, he would be afraid that those ministers and generals who disliked him would make a sound of disapproval. "That way, Eleventh Prince will be in a difficult position, and so will the Emperor …"

Zhao Kangming laughed heartily and casually waved his hands, "Hmph, those old teachers. If they dare to say no in front of me, I'll show them who's boss!"