Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


When another wave of imperial guards passed by, the figure disappeared in a flash.

Feng'er stood in front of the brazier, her eyes changing unpredictably. She was considering what kind of incense she should throw in order to prevent herself from falling into the crisis of her wedding.

A hand embraced her from behind.

A light breath came from his neck, accompanied by his unique Qi, it spread to her body along with his body temperature, causing her to close her eyes. Her fluttering eyelashes revealed that she was not calm at all.

"You …"

A delicate moan sounded. She moaned weakly.

With a twist of his long tongue, he nibbled at her neck. "You missed me!"

The hand on his waist slightly closed. He wrapped his thoughts in this kiss.

Feng'er's body trembled, and she turned around, the excitement in her eyes vanishing in a flash, replaced by a faint, mocking look. "That's right. How could I not think of my beloved Master? However, I am curious as to why you would come in wearing such clothes. "

What Xuanyuan Qiyuan was wearing was the clothes of a eunuch from the palace. No matter what, this was the Imperial Palace. He must have snuck in with the help of the palace's inner circle.

Holding her in his arms, he slowly calmed down. She faintly looked at her, "I want to change clothes and play with my new identity." Just like you, disciple, we are going to change into the queen's clothes and play big. "

His smile was gentle and his eyes were calm. He was like this, hidden in a merciless mask. It made her feel extremely angry just by looking at him.

Pushing him away, she walked to the side of the chair, her chin propped up as she stared at the stove. "Master won't just come here to watch your disciple wear empress clothes, right?" Ye Zichen looked up with a look of interest on his face, while slyness flashed across his eyes. Don't tell me that you, Master, want me to enter the bridal room with you. Could it be that Master is going to enlighten disciple on how to become a true woman? "

That pair of crystal clear eyes stared playfully at Xuanyuan Qiyuan, as if he was her prey.

This type of girl, it had to be said, was very seductive and could easily arouse a man's desire to conquer her.

Xuanyuan QIyuan lifted her somewhat thin chin and gently stroked it with two fingers. You want one, disciple? As a master, I naturally have this reason for you. I've been disturbing you with good things last time. I heard that you've been talking about my bad points nonstop. This time, I will compensate you with a bridal room! "

She snuggled into his arms. Her words were gentle like water, but the way she said it was as if she wanted him to die right there and then. "It's obviously true that words don't mean what they say, but it sounds so unpleasant. Master, you are truly a heartless person. I didn't expect that when you came to Daxia, you would be the last person to see me instead of the first. You took care of every single one of my guards and maids, but I was the one you neglected the most. Sigh, outsiders who don't know are envious of their disciple, saying that he has a good teacher. But, Master, you should be more clear about the truth than anyone else! "

Undisguised jealousy, Xuanyuan QIyuan laughed heartily upon hearing this. He did not deny that he had seen Mayflower or that he had gone to them first.

He took out a jade bottle from his bosom, "Burn this bottle. I believe that you will be able to witness a good show in a moment!"

The jade bottle in his hand was very small, and was made from high-quality jade. There was a bit of pink pearl powder inside, it seemed like this man came here specially for him.

He did not abandon himself to that half-old man. In her heart, a trace of warmth flowed out from the previously cold place. However, when she raised her head again, there was only a mocking smile in her eyes. You won't let my husband sleep for half a day, will you? Alas, to think of the man who could be my husband was both pitiful and distressing. "She was actually going to be put on a beautiful green hat, hehe …

She did not dare to loudly joke around. She could only cover her mouth and laugh. Her pair of intelligent eyes kept on sliding back and forth. Her gaze also intentionally remained in Xuanyuan Qiyuan's private areas.

Ye Zichen frowned. Just as he wanted to scold her, he heard a wave of footsteps from outside. Feng Er's expression changed. She wanted to turn around and pull him into hiding. Unexpectedly, his hand missed and he turned around, only to discover that there was no one behind him. If not for the fact that the side window was gently shaking, she would have suspected that all of this was real.

She quickly covered her head with the red bridal veil and sat down obediently.

Just as he finished putting on the hood, the door was slammed open with a bang, and a monstrous smell of alcohol rushed into the room along with the wind and snow.

"Little... "Little Eleven …" "I'm here. Come, let me kiss you." I'm here. Let me kiss you. Where is it? "Where is he?!"

Before he even entered the room, the voice drifted in. It seemed like Zhao Kangming had drank quite a bit today, and it was actually supported by two foreign generals.

The two of them quickly looked at Feng Er and shouted together, "Come and serve the emperor!"

"But the emperor hasn't revealed his intentions yet!"

Afraid that the two of them would cause trouble for her, Feng'er deliberately turned the tables around.

Those two probably didn't have very good tempers either. When they heard her words, they impatiently frowned. "Our emperor has never been one to be strict with rules. Enough with the nonsense. Hurry up and come serve him." He never treated Feng Er as the true mother of a country. One could only imagine what sort of position her so-called empress status would have in the palace.

Not bothering with these two people, Feng'er tore off the handkerchief and stood up to greet the still crooked Emperor Dahua.

Zhao Kangming, who was drinking until his eyes went blank, opened his mouth widely, and waved his fat black hands in the air.

Little Eleven …" You don't know, they all envied me for finding such an eye-catching woman like you … However, I … I … I don't like a woman like you at all... Isn't it just for the sake of having children, occasionally letting us have sex … Let out some joy. Why are you being so delicate? Seeing this, he felt that he wouldn't even be able to give birth to a child … Laozi … "I don't like it …

The two generals were also drunk. At this time, she saw Feng'er walk over, and she saw a pair of red fruits with perverted eyes looking at her. In particular, she was able to take in three parts of the buxom under Big Red's pleased swallow. Feng Er felt a wave of disgust when she heard the sound of swallowing.

On the surface, he pretended to be indifferent, but before he could even get close to Zhao Cangming, he grabbed Feng'er. Beauty, let your father kiss you. Today, I will make you want to die. I remember when I first married the empress, I wanted ten women that night. Today, seeing how delicate you are, I … I won't ask you to do it a few times! "Burp …"

A wave of disgusting alcohol stench assaulted her, and the disgusting Fenger almost ran away in a panic. Fortunately, those two generals didn't dare to stay here for too long. After leaving him behind, they left.

Twisting her face aside, Phuong wanted to send this damn dog-like man to bed. She no longer paid any attention to him. However, what she didn't expect was that Zhao Cangming actually held her in his arms, wanting to force her to join him.

The fat hand pulled at her skirt, causing her to feel a chill.

Ye Zichen finally managed to get her onto the bed with great difficulty, but the person was staring at her with a pair of large, bell-sized eyes. You... You kept saying that you were my little Eleven, how could you make me … Push me away? "Hmph …"

Even though he was Drunken Tiger, the rest of his power was still there. This cold snort scared Feng'er so much that she didn't dare to lower her guard anymore. It seemed that even if this man was drunk, he would still maintain a trace of clarity. This was something that exceeded her expectations.

Putting on a happy smile, she handed a cup of water in front of Zhao Cangming. Your Majesty, I didn't mean to do it just now. It was you who hurt me. "Come, this is our toast. Let's drink!"

That smile blinded Zhao Pang Ming's eyes. He extended his hand but did not accept the wine. Instead, he grabbed her wrist. Drink what... "Right now, I just want to drink your sweetness …"

With a "shua" sound, Feng Er's wedding dress shattered under his large palm.

Covering her open chest, she had a look of astonishment on her face.

Seeing that she was trying to hide it from him, Zhao Guanming burst out in laughter. He raised his hand again, and the other half of the dress that hadn't broken off turned into pieces once again.

Seeing her exposed navel, as well as the private area below, Zhao Pangming's eyes reddened, and his breathing turned turbid.

When his hand was about to attack, Feng Er almost couldn't control herself and wanted to give him two of them at all costs. The feeling of the fat black bugs crawling on her body made her close her eyes in pain.

Zhao Kangming, on the other hand, laughed heartily." Not bad, not bad, it is indeed a good thing, a beauty, a woman like you. But I want you to know that women are born for men. Sleep for me... Sleep on the bed. I want to check and see if that old fogey from the Haoran Kingdom has given me a piece of trash … "Give it to laozi …

The boastful 'Laozi' didn't look like a king at all, but instead had the feeling that this person was just a scarecrow.

Who would've thought that even if this man was this drunk, he still wanted to check his true body. It seemed that the legendary Lord of Da Hua was a man who was obsessed with cleanliness. What he loved to play with the most were his surroundings. These words were indeed true.

Biting her lips in pain, she climbed onto the bed in humiliation and slowly spread her legs, obediently waiting for the man to verify her true body. It was also a test of her humiliation …