Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


When these words came out, the whole Party was shocked.

Feng Er was so frightened that her legs went soft. She raised her head in fear and saw the King of Da Hua staring at her viciously with his triangular eyes.

A few menacing guards came in from outside and walked directly towards Feng Er.

Seeing this, the crown prince and Peach Blossom Lang shouted at the same time, "Father, you can't!"

These two brothers had never worked together as closely as they did now. They didn't expect that the first time they worked together was for a woman from a neighboring country.

Drunken Smoke narrowed his eyes, looking down at the two brothers below him. Zhao Pang Ming's gaze turned sharp. Seeing him like this caused Feng'er to grow even more shocked. If these two brothers didn't plead for him, they might have a chance at survival. Now, they were both pleading for him.

I'm afraid the odds are against us!

Mei Xiang, who had arrived with Feng Er, was so frightened that her face turned pale. She had heard that the King of Da Hua was brutal and tyrannical, but she had never thought that his head would be chopped off the moment she arrived.

In a moment, her face turned white from fright. When the two guards were about to reach Feng Er's back, Mei Xiang could no longer bear the shock and fainted on the spot.

Feng'er, on the other hand, was very quiet at the moment. She simply knelt there, bowing to Meng Hao. The two guards walked past her, and one of the maidservants who was toasting her suddenly fell to her knees, kowtowing unceasingly. Your majesty, spare me, your majesty, spare me. This servant was really careless and spilled the wine just now. "Your majesty, since this servant has served you for so many years, please forgive me."

The servant girl kowtowed continuously with traces of blood seeping out from her forehead. However, the man still carelessly drank the wine in his cup. His eyes intentionally or unintentionally looked at Feng Er, and in the end, they stopped on his two famous sons.

"Crown Prince Xiao Qi, why are you two begging for mercy?"

This scene shocked everyone present so much that they were unable to recover from it.

The two brothers looked at each other, then quickly kneeled down. "Father, we only feel that today's day of great celebration isn't too good, and that's why we speak these words. We hope that Imperial Father will forgive us!"

"Your Majesty, have mercy, have mercy …" "Your servant doesn't want to die, I really don't want to die. Your servant also has an old father and a little brother. I don't want to die, I don't want to die …"

The servant girl who had spilled wine was forcibly pulled out by someone. Not long later, he heard the sound of a heavy object landing on the ground from outside. The two guards were drenched in blood as they brought their heads up. It was placed on the table of the King of Da Hua just like that.

"I don't want to see red, I don't want to see blood. It's a pity that I don't like it even if it's red, nor do I love it even if it's blood!" Haha … "Get up!"

The two princes took a step back in fear. Feng'er, who was standing below the hall, once again kowtowed to the tyrant in a neither humble nor humble tone, "The eleventh princess of the Haoran Kingdom, Nan Feng'er, kowtows to the king. Long live my lord!"

Zhao Cangming, who was sitting in the hall, finished the cup of wine in one gulp, and then his eyes fell on Feng'er.

Without a word, his other hand rubbed the woman beside him.

That concubine's face was pale, and her body was trembling in fear. Whenever Zhao Kangming's hand strength was too great and he pinched her painfully, she would only frown and laugh out loud at him.

"Raise your head …"

After staring at Feng'er for several minutes, he finally opened his mouth.

She calmly raised her head, revealing a myriad of emotions in her eyes. She wore a faint smile on her face as she calmly looked at the man in the hall.

Although she was kneeling down in the main hall, her figure was still as upright as a plum. A kind of extraordinary grace flowed out from her body.

Zhao Guangming's triangular eyes narrowed even more. "Who are you?"

Everyone below thought that this man was drinking and intentionally asking such nonsense. But Phuong didn't think so. Being in power for so many years and not being suppressed by his brothers, it could only mean that this man was not as muddle-headed as he appeared to be.

He smiled faintly, "She was once the eleventh princess of the Haoran Kingdom, but now she is your woman, the Emperor of Da Hua Country!"

She didn't say her name, nor did she say anything else, but she clearly stated her identity as well as her determination. Such an answer finally made the man in the hall feel a bit more at ease.

Zhao Kangming laughed and waved at Feng'er, "Come up! Let me have a good look at you. From now on, you are my little Eleven. "Come, fill up the wine. Let me and Little Eleven drink three bowls!"

A normal man wouldn't be able to stand eating three bowls of Hai Da's. However, Feng Er still walked up with a faint smile on her face. After saying 'thank you', she lifted her skirt and leisurely walked forward. Her skirt swept across the circle of ripples, and a light fragrance lightly overflowed.

Everyone's attention was on her as they walked forward. On the other hand, Zhao Pao Ming was obviously dissatisfied with their performance. With a cold snort, he threw the cup in his hand to the side and smashed the face of a salivating minister.

"I failed!"

He merely waved his hand and said those rude words, scaring everyone to the point that no one dared to look around. That unlucky minister took the opportunity to leave as well.

Before he could reach Zhao Kangming's side, Feng'er was pulled into his embrace. That black and fat hand also attacked Feng'er's chest.

Instinctively, Feng'er reached out to intercept the disgusting fat hand, but she received a stern glare from Zhao Cangming.

This time, Feng Er didn't dare to act rashly. A trace of a smile appeared on her face, and she rubbed her face against his. Your Imperial Majesty, you're too impatient. "

Although it was a coquettish voice, but that kind of flirtatious voice, but also saw the cruel Sovereign King laughing out loud. "He rubbed her slim waist against his chest again." Little Eleven, what kind of smell is that? Why do I feel like it smells so good, and I even want to take a bite! "

Ignoring the fact that there were still many ministers and his son down there, he lowered his head and took a bite off Feng Er's neck.

Feng Er frowned as she felt a heart-wrenching pain. This man had really bitten him. Tears of pain rolled down her face, but she didn't dare let them fall.

Feng'er smiled as she filled a bowl with wine. "Your majesty, do you want Young Eleven to feed you, or do you want to drink by yourself?"

His gentle smile, talking eyes, and pouting lips made Zhao Pangming feel at ease. He stretched his neck and said, "Little Eleven, you are indeed much better than those coarse women. You should feed it to us."

As he spoke, his hands moved around Feng Er's body. The strength of his hand was very strong, and it caused Feng'er to feel very uncomfortable. However, she didn't dare force herself to laugh and spill the wine.

One had to know that the head of the servant girl who had spilled wine just now was still resting on the table.

That wine, when Zhao Kangming opened his mouth, he gulped it down. From the way he drank, it seemed that he treated this wine like water.

"Your Majesty is so powerful!" This is wine! "

Her face was filled with admiration, and her eyes were wide open adorably. Coupled with her slightly opened mouth, this type of appearance made her seem like a pitiful child.

Feng'er was about to place the bowl on the table, but Zhao Pao Ming threw it away. He reached out, scooped up another bowl, and forcefully poured it into her mouth without saying anything further.

"It was too quick, she choked to the point of tears flowing out by the time she finished." Your majesty, are you good or bad? Where did you get such a quick drink? Little Eleven would not dare to compare with Your Majesty's Heroic Divine Art! "

Feng'er pouted at him coquettishly, then pinched him. The amorous look between the eyes, looking down the hall of peach blossom waves in the heart a hundred different feelings.

His expression was somber as he drank one cup after another.

Crown Prince Zhao Jianhao was also drinking without a cup, but he kept glancing at the woman in the hall who was being held by his father, the woman who was so beautiful that her hands were so delicate that they could squeeze water out of it.

Seeing her tossing and turning under the old man's command, lightly complaining, he felt extremely upset. This kind of woman actually became the old man's woman. In his heart, he wished that she wouldn't become his woman. If she did, he might still have a chance!

Zhao Kangming in the hall, as if no one else and Feng'er together drinking and revelry. At the same time, all of the officials in the hall also began to scatter and scatter at the same time.

Looking at such a scene, Feng'er couldn't help but wonder why such an unscrupulous country was still so powerful!

It was at this moment that the peach blossom waves below the stage raised their cups and poured wine into their mouths. Their eyes met in the air, and Peach Blossom Wave's gaze was the same as before, cold and emotionless.

Feng Er knew that even if he said he didn't want to care about her anymore, his heart still had its own place. Otherwise, he wouldn't be gloomily drinking alone.

She sighed silently in her heart. Her clothes were torn apart by the tyrannical Emperor at this moment. The man's coarse breathing became more and more intense. She knew that if she didn't stop this man, she would be in trouble.

With a twist of her body, she signaled her servant girl to quickly pour some wine.

The servant girl's eyes continuously glanced at the head on the table, her hand was also shaking vigorously. Right at this moment, the savage Sovereign King raised his eyes to look at her.

"Kneel!" The servant girl trembled in fear and her legs went soft. Immediately, she kneeled on the ground and kowtowed unceasingly. Your Majesty, have mercy! Your Majesty, have mercy! "

Feng Er took the wine pot from her hand without leaving a trace. With a wave of her hand, her soft and fragrant body moved closer to Zhao Pang Ming. Your majesty, let little Eleven serve you wholeheartedly. It would be better to let these people stand by the side.

Originally, he had wanted to order his servant girl to be pulled down and beheaded. However, upon hearing Feng'er's persuasion, Zhao Pao Ming's expression eased a little.

"Alright, let This Emperor's Little Eleven serve you. You all … You useless women, move aside. "

Feng Er took the opportunity to fill her glass with wine. After he was done drinking, she stood up to go out and solve her personal problems. It was also a chance for her to catch her breath.

Unexpectedly, just as she reached the courtyard, her body fell into a firm embrace.