Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


Seeing that that person was dressed like a servant, he gave Qian Yuan a sidelong glance and waved his hand, "Where is the brat so stupid? Is this place for you to play? "Go, go, and stay here!"

Upon hearing this, the people who were excluding themselves from the job all burst out in laughter, "That's right, child. Looking at you, you must still be drinking milk, right? It's better to go home and hug your mother to drink milk, so that you don't embarrass yourself here. "

Hearing that, Qi Yuan did not leave, but instead turned to the servant in front of him and said sincerely, "Young man, you are here to recruit servants right? "Since I am a retainer, I would naturally have to take the examination. As for my desire to join in the fun here, as long as I give it a try, the results will be obvious!"

The servant wanted to say something, but a middle-aged man sitting in front of the chief examiner stopped him and waved at Little Qi Yuan. "Brat, since you've said it like that, come and give it a try." Although this boy was very young, his every word and action was well-ordered. Compared to those in the queue, he was much more knowledgeable.

The middle-aged butler was a veteran and had seen a lot of things. With a single glance, he could tell that Qi Yuan was a man of his word. To be able to say such words at such a young age proved that he was different from the others.

If they looked into the distance even though the clothes were tattered, it would be difficult to conceal their delicate features. If they were to be raised for a few more days and put on a set of clean clothes, it was likely that they would be quite a charming person. Seeing his appearance, the middle-aged butler was delighted.

Looking at his actions, he seemed to be very mature.

He leisurely walked to the table in front of him and picked up the three questions. With just a glance, he started writing down the answers.

Seeing how the other party was holding a brush so swiftly and with such confidence, it was likely that this kind of test was very simple for him. However, he still had to see the answer before he knew the final result. The old master couldn't afford to be careless in recruiting a small booklet this time. He had to bring it to the capital.

The butler did not reveal his emotions. He only wrote down the answers in the time it took for the answer to be revealed. However, the butler had already tested him in terms of appearance and words and deeds.

In less than a minute, he had written down all three papers. One had to say, such a talent was quite astonishing. Some of the onlookers outside muttered, "Hmph, little furry kid. You still haven't given up yet, you must be fooling people."

As soon as that person muttered, someone immediately responded, "Yeah, yeah, a person with a thick sense of milkiness wouldn't know how to write a poem to help him. This is a poem written personally by the general himself. "Kid, how old are you?"

Little Ran, who was standing by the side, heard these people talking about Brother Yuan. She felt extremely unhappy and immediately retorted, "Hmph, what's the big deal about being a poet? "Brother Yuan knows more than just these things!"

The answer was handed to the butler. With a cursory glance, the butler's face changed several times. Finally, he opened his eyes wide and rubbed them together, as if he couldn't believe what he had just seen.

Ye Zichen looked deeply at Qi Yuan, then called the servant over to whisper a few words in his ear before taking the answers and hurriedly ran into the mansion.

Looking at his hasty movements, it seemed as if he couldn't wait to fly inside.

With that, the surrounding crowd burst into an uproar. They looked at Little Qi Yuan in disbelief, their eyes filled with doubt.

In the end, someone couldn't hold it in anymore and took the lead, "I say, brat. You didn't really write down the answer, did you? Three poems, along with guesses and the like. It's extremely difficult for a teenager like us to write them. As a three year old kid, how could you write them better than us? "

Little QIyuan glanced at those people indifferently, but he didn't say a word. He just stood there calmly. He had long since gotten used to such doubts. When he first wrote a poem in the village, his grandfather was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time. He knew how to make poetry months ago.

The Luo manor was General Luo's manor, who was stationed at the border. At this moment, the general was sitting in the mansion, reading a military book.

Seeing that the butler had hurried over and was looking at him, the butler at this time should be outside recruiting a errand boy. Coming in at this time, it could only mean that there was something he could not decide.

Putting down the book, he turned to look at the excited Yue Keji.

"Master, genius, divine child, ah, to come to my Luo Mansion, this is a miracle!"

The steward, who always had a calm mind, was so excited that his speech was disjointed. It seemed that the things he had encountered were not simple at all. General Luo put down the book and glanced majestically at the excited butler. The steward immediately shut his mouth and respectfully passed the answer in his hand to the steward.

To be able to excite his calm butler to such an extent, General Luo's curiosity was still very strong.

Although he was leading troops into battle, his literary talent was also extraordinary. He believed that in a border city like this, it would be difficult for him to match his poetry with his own, as well as his elegance. Or else he wouldn't have recruited a page for such a long time, and hadn't found a suitable candidate yet.

Touch Poems:

The Tan Hua Pavilion remains today.

Jade pavilion, Qianyan, Yao Tetra-level to lock the Spirit.

The jade-green wind was deafening, as the green grass was filled with colors.

Han Ji and Han Ji had tasted it, so their words were not pious.

This was a poem about the two of them enjoying the scenery when they went out. It described the scenery and the atmosphere, causing General Luo to exclaim, "Good, good, not bad, not bad at all."

After receiving General Luo's praise, the butler also laughed.

He could not wait to see the next poem. This was a poem that he had written himself. Using eight questions to do a poem of seven rhythms, which eight questions were: The cicada butterfly broke a fish and the swallow shears is seven words absolutely jasmine flower honey crabapple flower daffodil flower is seven words.

Sophora Yin gradually overturned the bed, a serene playing of Yeyang.

Wen Xiangfeng eased the cold, clear over the spring stone waves.

Forecast the first commercial sound movement, should be the law Xu watch gargle air glide.

Mo Dao has no chord and has rhyme, while Guangling Ying is hidden in Yi.

The sound of the music was melodious, as if the beautiful scenery was right in front of them. They could even feel the cicada hiding in the middle of the locust tree, the wind rustling …

"Definitely, truly peerless. Not bad, not bad. I never thought that there would be such an elegant person in such a barbaric place. Not bad, not bad!"

General Luo was beaming with joy when he saw this. He had never thought that there would be someone who would be able to match such a formation and write with such spiritual energy. For a moment, the steward was dancing with joy as he watched. The steward was grinning from ear to ear, but he could not close his mouth. It was only then that he interjected. General, how big do you think the poet will be? "

General Luo looked again at his propositional poem with the locust as the couplet, but did not answer the butler's question.

Remembering that time when he was running around, the shadow of the ancient scholar tree seemed like it was dancing.

Although the strong branch is early by spring, the soft branch is still stained with rain and dew.

Green returns to the foliage, the yellow autumn air rushed and.

There is no need to recite a poem about Mavrako.

What a good sentence, "Why recite poetry to Muvako!" This is absolutely amazing. Butler Yue, call this kid in right away. This is the only person who has him accompanying the eldest young master. I believe my son will achieve great things. Haha, talent, you are indeed talent. Um, you just asked me how old this kid is? I think you should at least be on par with my son! " General Luo's eldest son, who was eight years old this year, had always wanted to find a bookkeeper who was proficient in poetry. However, in this border area, it was really hard to find a person with good looks.

Hearing his guess that he was eight years old, the butler immediately smiled mysteriously. "Master, I was wrong. This kid is only around three years old!"

With a "pa" sound, General Luo slammed the answer in his hand onto the table and looked at the butler Yue with wide open eyes, thinking that he had misheard.

The steward enjoyed being surprised by the general. With a smile and two sentences, General Luo threw the book in his hand and walked out with large strides.

"How old are you?"

Luo Dingyang thought to himself as he looked at Little Zhi who was standing calmly at a long table: Maybe this little thing is just stunted, or maybe it's a Dwarf. That was why he asked Qiming Yuan about his age.

He raised his head and looked at Qi Yuan, then bowed, "Mister, Qi Yuan is three years and four months old."

"Hiss …"

The crowd sighed in shock once more. They didn't expect that someone who wasn't even three and a half years old would say something like that. To be able to shock the general into looking at him in a new light, one could well imagine how promising this young man was.

The two chapters enter the story with the male eye, and then the female eye enters the story, and the people wait patiently. Stories are not boring