Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


The remains of the village, the chomping of the crows.

The corpses of the wolves were all over the ground. Some of them were already rotting and emitting a disgusting stench. "All along the way, flies and bugs are flying all over the ground." Third Grandpa, Eldest Grandpa … Mother … Lil 'Yang Bro... "Sister Red …" Uncle Cheng... "Mama Hong, who loves to laugh and make delicious dishes for herself …" Along the way, he looked at his family members with great difficulty.

All the relatives that he had known before, before he brought those people back, they lived in this place that was cut off from the rest of the world.

Due to their own softheartedness and anger, they had all become ice-cold corpses on the ground. Looking at the limbs that were completely unrecognizable, Qichang did not shed tears. He did not have the qualifications to do so. It was just that those two small fists were tightly clenched. His eyes were so red that it seemed as if blood would drip out of them because of this terrible change. At this moment, Little Zhi Yuan had also transformed into a demon …

"However, Xiao Ran, who was standing to one side, looked at all the corpses that had fallen down. He was sobbing in a low voice because of his fear." Big brother Qi Yuan, mother and the others must have fallen asleep, right? They're playing hide-and-seek with us, and they're punishing you for being disobedient and purposely teasing me like this. "

Even though she was still so young, her speech was slurred as she sobbed, but she could hear her teeth clench even tighter. The originally unhealed wounds were once again bitten and dripping with blood.

He rubbed Xiao You Ran's head and began to bury the dead bodies of the villagers. Three hundred and fifty-six villagers, including twenty and a half children, and two hundred elderly men and women, young men and women, all holding weapons that had not yet been thrown. There were even smelly bullets made by the people of Wu Village.

In a place where there were many corpses, there were also people who had lost their defenses after being hit by the smelly bullets, and thus were killed by the people from Wu Village. However, that was only at the phoenix feathers and scale.

The people of Witch Village know about astronomy and geography, but Lord God always gives you something beneficial in exchange for it. The innate constitution of the people of Wu Village was unsuitable for martial arts practice. Only an ancient successor would have the constitution to train in martial arts.

Qi Yuan's father was the previous heir to the village, but fortunately, he had inherited the basics of medicine. As for strengthening one's body, he had never learned how to use ancient, formless techniques to kill people.

Qifan found his father in a mountain of corpses. His mouth was still tightly biting onto the stomach of another man. Even though his' peace 'had been cut down to nothing. However, from the corpses lying around him, it wasn't hard to see that his father had used his own life to fight these people. If he really wanted to escape, with his father's ancient array and techniques, he could definitely cut off a path to survival.

However, he did not run away. Instead, he chose to fight to the death with the villagers in order to resist the invasion of the foreign invaders. He was the main culprit behind this group of invaders!

Self-reproach and regret made him limp in front of his father's corpse. He extended his hand, wanting to separate the enemy in his mouth. However, no matter how much strength Qaiyuan used, his father and that person could not be separated.

Helplessly, he could only find a knife and cut open that person's messy knife.

While he was buried, in the lowest pile of corpses, Qi Yuan actually found the village's most respected grandpa Wu still alive.

Even though his aura was weak, there was still a slim chance of survival.

He was so excited that he used his small hands, which he had already grinded his nails off, to pick up the corpses.

Putting a few drops of water on Grandpa Wu's lips, which had dried into bark, Grandpa Wu made a gesture.

After taking another small gulp, the one hundred and ten year old grandpa opened his eyes with great difficulty. "This …" The turbid man looked at Wu Qi Yuan and Little You Lan and revealed a gratified smile. "Alright …"

The voice was dry and small, and Qian Yuan could only hear it when he leaned into his ear. Grandfather Wu's throat kept hissing. The most fatal wound on his body was the one on his left chest. Although it hadn't been fatal, it had been three days, and because of that he had lost too much blood, he had completely lost his life.

"The place of sacrifice. Open the beak of that Vermillion Bird. There is an opening inside …" The key to the treasure of the Witch Village... Inside, perhaps there was still a sliver of life left … "Life force …"

At this point, Grandpa Wu let out another series of hissing sounds from his throat, as his hands hung down powerlessly. "Little Ran leaned weakly on Wu Qi Yuan's body." Big brother … Grandfather also fell asleep, waking him up. You naturally do not want him to sleep again. " Tears fell down from his face onto Little Qi Yuan's hands. It was so hot that it made his heart burn. He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Wu Qi's fingers were stained with his own blood, along with Grandpa Wu's blood. He bit out each word, "With the blood of my Wu Village, I will definitely avenge the slaughter of my Wu Village. "Whoever massacres our village, regardless of whether it is a ghost or a god, will never be able to live peacefully for three generations and will pay with blood …"