Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


Gu Gang would never have thought that after he and his wife parted ways, they would be parted forever.

Putting away Lou Lan Xi's spirit tablet, Gu Gang looked as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

The manor was empty. First, it was the tragic death of his mother, then there were the successive deaths of his family and servants. Now that his beloved wife had passed away, the spirited man of the past had suddenly lost everything overnight.

Except, Feng'er, the disciple who was taken ill by the attack.

Gu Gang regretted his actions back then when he thought of his mother's passionate advice to him when he was giving birth to a phoenix.

As he stroked the black spirit tablet with his hands, he closed his eyes. His trembling hands revealed an unconcealable regret.

"Father …" "It's time to eat …"

Although Feng Er couldn't guard against her mother's sudden death, the current situation in the house didn't allow her to lie sick inside. It turned out that being sick was also a luxury!

After knowing that Gu Gang didn't eat or drink for three days and only stayed in the dark room, Feng Er still forced herself out of bed. She had lost her mother, so she couldn't lose her father.

As if he was hearing the last words, Gu Gang was still lost in thought as he stood in front of Lan Xi's spirit tablet. His mind was still filled with his wife's weird expression, her melodious laughter, and his mother's sometimes pained expression.

When Feng Er's little face suddenly appeared in front of Gu Gang, Gu Gang felt that the person in front of him was a ferocious ghost that changed his mind. A wave of resentment arose in his eyes. Reaching out his hand, he tightened his grip on the monster that had taken his mother and his beloved wife away.

Feeling her life ending in his hands, a strange smile appeared on Gu Gang's face. Feng Er stared at her father in shock. She couldn't believe it, because she had called out to him, and he had provoked her into giving up her life.

His throat was hurting and his brain felt a suffocating pain. The small hands powerlessly hit Gu Gang, trying to save him. However, Gu Gang was a martial artist after all. He pinched her in anger. How could her small hand be his opponent? She only left a few shallow marks on his hand, but she was unable to save herself.

"Master, why did you do this to Miss? No matter what, she is your disciple! "

Just as Feng Er felt her entire body was floating upwards and her body was floating, the old housekeeper's voice suddenly rang out, followed by the sound of a teacup dropping to the ground.

Feng'er's body fell to the ground.

Feng Er panted heavily while looking at her dear and lovely father in disbelief. His father, who had once hugged him in his arms when he was free and used his beard to stab him, would sometimes intentionally scold him with a handsome face. He, will also one day turn into a demon, and he, will also one day extend his Demon Claw out.

What had caused his own respected father to become like this? Who took away his most beloved father?

Tears of heartache unceasingly flowed down, and that feeling of powerlessness once again assaulted him. After all, he was only a five-year-old child. After experiencing so many tragic changes, his small body could not hold on anymore. He fell to the ground drowsily as he looked into Gu Gang's regretful eyes.

When he woke up again, he found himself alone in the desolate, dilapidated temple.

Feng Er was shocked and groaned as she got up. She continuously looked around her surroundings. Yes, yes. She was currently in a desolate temple.

What was this situation? Feng'er panicked. He stood up and stumbled towards the outside. He kept calling out, "Daddy …" Old Housekeeper... Auntie … "Alsa …"

No one answered, only the few scraps of cloth in the desolate wind rustled. She turned her head and looked back at the temple behind her. Some of the Buddha statues' eyes were wide with money as they stared at her with a cold expression. There were a few spiderwebs covering the Buddha statues. It was obvious that they had been abandoned in the ruined temple.

The eyes of those Buddha statues seemed to be mocking Feng Er's helplessness and helplessness, as a formless wave of panic rushed towards them.

Feng Er didn't want to stay here, and she didn't want to understand why she was here. She just wanted to return to her father's side. Even though he had the urge to strangle her, she believed that it was because her father was bewitched.

"Miss, you've finally woken up. It's all good now!"

A voice came from behind a large tree not far away. Feng Er opened her eyes in shock as she saw a head with a straw hat stuck on his head slowly scuttling out.

That pair of black eyes was something Phuong was familiar with. Wasn't that the eyes of Alsa?

Strangely enough, Elsa wraps himself up in a hat, exposing only his eyes, and his face is smeared with paint. In his hand, he was holding a broken "bowl" item. Holding some water, he was walking towards Su Ming step by step.

Seeing Lisa, Feng Er felt as if she had just met an acquaintance.

He grabbed his black arm and asked, "Ersa, why are we here? Why not at home? Did something big happen? Where's my father? "

Although her fear had lessened a bit, a new worry had emerged in her heart. Feng'er's question was extremely urgent, and sparkling tears could be seen in her eyes.

At this time, she used all her willpower to remind herself that what had happened at home would not allow her to fall down.

"Alsa's eyes looked a little evasive, not daring to look at Feng Er. He only handed the water in his hand over to her." Miss, please drink some water first. I'll tell you about the matters at home later! "

Feng Er had a look of anticipation as she anxiously looked at him. She took two deep breaths before looking at him with a calm and despairing gaze. "You tell me, Alsa, I can hold on. Even if something huge happens, I …" He could hold on. Tell me, my father and everyone else in the manor, they all … "Gone …"

When he saw how quickly she had calmed down, he was actually in a bad mood. When he thought of the upheaval that had occurred in the manor, his already dark face darkened even more.

"Miss, don't be too sad. Old master and the people in the manor have all disappeared, and we have come here for no apparent reason. When I fainted, I only heard the old master say that he wanted me to take good care of you. He also said that he didn't want you to take revenge for them. Wake up again, we are in this desolate temple. It's useless to say that even now, I still haven't been able to figure out what exactly happened! "

Feng'er smiled with a bitter smile. Although her heart was still bitter, she felt a lot more relaxed. At least, he still knew that his father wasn't like his mother, separated from him forever. As long as he didn't see his corpse, there was still a sliver of hope.

He raised his head and looked at the dilapidated temple behind him. He didn't expect that the eldest young miss of the Gu family would also fall to the temple one day.

"Lisa, think carefully. Before you were knocked unconscious by the old master, did anything strange happen to you, for example, did you receive something strange, or did it suddenly change into something different from a normal person?" Feng'er lowered her head, not daring to raise it. Those long eyelashes covered up all her pain.

"I remember that when I went in, the old master was staring at a strange black stone in a daze. If you were to say that it was strange, it was because he had an unsightly expression on his face at that time." Then, when I went to put down the food in front of him, he suddenly appeared in front of me.

At that time, his actions seemed to be very hasty. I have the feeling that in his eyes, the end of the world is approaching. "

After hearing these words, Feng'er understood that this so-called enemy had finally arrived.

The first thing his father could do after receiving the news that he was representing the Chou family was to protect himself.

Needless to say, he found this place in a hurry.

"Thinking of this, Feng Er's expression changed. She pulled up the hand that was about to start a fire with Alsa." Let's hurry up and leave. We can't stay here any longer! " Since his father had hastily thrown him and Lisa here, those people would definitely search the entire area without being able to find their own people.

In other words, he couldn't stay in this place any longer.

The two of them left in a hurry. Not long after, a group of black-clothed people flew over at a very fast speed. The leader of the group with a short stature looked around cautiously and snorted coldly. The four of you split up and go in four different directions. "Remember, don't chase them too fast. You just need to give them a sense of danger!"

The four people nodded and scattered in all directions.

The short one headed straight for the main road in the middle.

"Miss … We... There was no need to run anymore! Why are there more and more people in this place? " After running for such a long time, his body, which he had not eaten for the past two days, became so tired that he was panting heavily.

Feng'er, who was at the side, was so tired that she was about to collapse.

He raised his hand to wipe the sweat on his face, then looked around, "That's right, we are heading towards a crowded place. The more people there are, the easier it will be for us to get past them. "

Not convinced, Lisa looked around, "How are you sure there must be someone chasing after us." What if the old master did something emergency! "

Feng Er leaned against the tree, her eyes clear and bright. "Alsa, old master carried us out in such a hurry. If he had the time to do emergency treatment, I'm afraid he would have found a little child's corpse to impersonate us. However, even you could feel that he was in a hurry, so how could he have the time to deal with it! Right now, I only pray that the heavens will treat my father well … Let him not fall into the hands of those perverts! "