Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


Feng'er watched as Lou Lan Xi drank the medicine mouthful by mouthful. Only then did her heart calm down a bit.

After Lou Lan Xi drank the medicine, he peacefully fell asleep. Feng'er and her group returned home. There were still so many things in the mansion, so she couldn't afford to waste any time outside.

When he left, the only people left in the house were the sickly and elderly servants and women. Before he even entered the manor, he saw the old servant running over unsteadily. When he saw Feng Er, he was already in tears. Small... Miss … Incredible … The heavens are angry … Old Chen... Old Chen also … "

Feng'er raised her hand to stop the old servant from speaking further, and quickly walked towards Old Chen's room.

When the people in the mansion saw that she had returned, their faces were filled with panic. Everyone's eyes were filled with panic and fear. It was as if there really were man-eating monsters or freakish demons in the mansion.

Before they had even entered the room, they could smell the thick smell of blood coming from Old Chen's room. Inside the room that was opened wide, a group of servants were still quarreling and discussing amongst themselves.

"Such a tragic case like this is clearly a revenge for the grudge. Let's just run away."

"This death is too cruel. If this goes on, I'm afraid everyone in the mansion will die." I'm still young, oh, I don't want to die like this! "

"I also have children from the countryside that I want to take care of. I haven't even picked up my grandson yet, let alone want to die!"

The moment they entered the room, everyone's discussion came to a halt. He glanced at Old Chen who had died miserably on the ground. Feng Er's calmness was enough to make people carry him down and bury him properly. He also took out a sum of silver and sent it to his hometown as a pacification.

Feng Er glanced at the servants in the mansion, who were all hesitating to speak, with a dignified look in her eyes. She then let out a soft sigh.

"All of you saw what happened in the manor. Just as you have said, this kind of thing is highly likely to happen again. Therefore, if you all want to leave, I will not keep you any longer. Anyone who wanted to leave would have to pay ten taels of silver to the butler. Go down! "

The housekeeper glanced at her and saw that she was exhausted, so he bowed slightly. Then, he led the group of people, who had been frightened out of their wits, to the exit.

The originally lively room instantly became silent. The whole room was filled with a faint smell of blood and Feng'er's loneliness.

A feeling of powerlessness gripped her weak heart. She stared blankly at the spring flowers outside the window. It was clearly the season of spring, yet the mansion was experiencing winter, winter, frost, and moon.

From today onwards, there would probably be very few people left in the manor. That once bustling and extraordinary home of the past would only turn into a desolate and desolate courtyard.

In my heart, I must be incomparably determined. Not long later, footsteps came from outside the house. I swept away my previous loneliness and turned around. It was that Spirit Zhai Gu Feng'er. However, her eyes were no longer as lively as they were before. There was only calmness and a clear understanding of reality. Looking at the young miss in front of him, the housekeeper sighed again. The adversity could wear people down. The recent days had turned that lively and lively young lady into an incredibly strong and calm person.

"Let's go!" Feng Er was the first to break the steward's gaze. A trace of ridicule flashed across her eyes.

She did not hate the people who had fallen at the hands of these two leaders of the household. After all, life could only happen once. Even though the manor usually treated them fairly, when compared to their lives, their lives were much more important.

The steward's thoughts were interrupted, and he bowed slightly, reporting desolately, "There are thirty-one servants in the mansion, this time, twenty-eight of them left in an instant. "There is also a pair of mother and son who were brought back by a pair of young miss. They said that they have no place to go for the time being, so they went out to sell their skills during the day and stayed in the mansion at night."

Hearing this unexpected news, Feng'er raised her eyebrows. She didn't expect that there would be loyal servants in the mansion. He looked at the old butler. "Is there anyone else?"

The old steward calmly bowed again. One is Sa'er, one is the mistress's wet nurse, and the other is the old servant himself. "

Feng Er's fist slightly loosened. She had guessed that it was these people, but she didn't expect it to be as she had expected. His heart wasn't unmoved. They knew they couldn't escape death if they stayed, but they still chose to stay and spend their days together. These people were the true loyal servants. However —

Lifting her clear eyes, Feng Er looked coldly at the old housekeeper, "Take my wet nurse away. There's also Sa'er. We'll be forming a family outside. Don't say she's someone from the Gu manor. In this mansion, before that murderer appears, you will only make meaningless sacrifices! I don't want another tragedy like that to happen in the manor. Anyway, those people are targeting the Gu mansion. "

"It seems like the butler already knew that she would say that. He raised his head and smiled at her." Miss, you don't have to say that. The reason why we chose to stay in the mansion is because we left the Gu Estate. Indeed, we had nowhere to go. Secondly, we have an inseparable relationship with the Gu Estate. Even if little miss says so, since the three of us chose to stay, we will definitely not abandon little miss's family. "

Feng'er looked at the old housekeeper who had dense wrinkles on his face. With tears in her eyes, she waved her hand to get him to leave.

Some people didn't need to say too much. Since that was the case, they might as well face it.

After the butler left, Phuong started to walk towards a quiet place in the backyard.

Just now, the housekeeper had told him about the mother and son. Honestly speaking, Feng'er couldn't help but suspect them. Not long after they were received into the mansion, tragic incidents began to occur one after another. They had their suspicions now, so it wasn't out of the blue.

He had previously arranged for this mother and son pair to stay in the backyard, but Feng Er had almost never stepped into this courtyard. Now that she had entered, she discovered that there was actually a lot of wild grass growing here. Ye Zichen frowned. It seemed like he treated them too badly.

In the courtyard, the man called Wu'er, who had previously been injured, was brandishing a wooden stick and making sounds as if he was waving a tiger. Although his imposing manner was quite good, Feng Er could tell that he was simply throwing a hatchet when compared to her father. He didn't have any inner force skills, just some tricks.

"Aiya …" Isn't this the young miss? We were still planning to talk to you about it, even though the mansion has discovered so many things, but we are not people of the mansion, and I believe those people would not come looking for us for no reason, so they wanted to stay here for another two days. Now that a family member has come, we will no longer disturb your estate. I wonder if Eldest Miss can let us live in this mansion? "

The woman was waving a few thin pieces of paper in the courtyard. Feng'er knew that these were some of the tricks she had used to disguise herself.

Feng'er only glanced at the mother and son indifferently, and then nodded slightly. Fine, since Third Madam isn't afraid, then keep it. "Oh, if you don't think this backyard is good, you can also move to the front yard."

Fifth and Third Mother both came forward to pay their respects, "Thank you, Eldest Miss, for letting us go. We only need two more days. We will definitely leave in two days. To tell the truth, hehe, we are also quite afraid that the matters in this mansion will involve the innocent us. "Ah, let's not talk anymore. Anyway, in just two days, we will be leaving."

What a Feng Sanniang. She had always been a talker, and during this time of salute, she revealed all of her motives and movements. Feng Er glanced at the mother and son. She seemed to believe what they had said. She lightly nodded and left.

Seeing Feng'er leave, the bright smile on Feng Sanniang's face immediately disappeared as she looked towards Wu'er, who was at the side. "Looks like this young miss isn't stupid, to actually start suspecting us!"

That Wu'er just smiled faintly, "That's right, if she really was an idiot, Master wouldn't have told us not to hurt her. But no matter how smart she is, she's happy to find out what we did. "

This fake mother and son pair looked at each other and smiled. Their eyes were filled with disdain and confidence.

Feng'er came out from Feng Sanniang's courtyard and headed straight for Sa'er's room. Although that mother and son pair had intentionally or unintentionally said something to reassure her, her intuition told her that something was very wrong with them.

It was for no other reason. If it were an ordinary person, they would probably run out of the manor in a hurry if they had to wait for something like this to happen. After all, wandering artists like them could stay anywhere.

However, they said that they only needed two days to safely leave. If a bloody case were to happen in these two days, wouldn't that be using their lives as a wager?

This was abnormal, completely abnormal. Did they really not understand, or were they just being overconfident? Or perhaps, he was intentionally exposing such a weak point?