Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


The night was as cold as water, and the wind was rustling.

The breezes in April were still very cool when they brushed against his body in the evening.

It was in the dead of night, and the last light in the Ancient Manor had been extinguished. A shadow moved slowly toward a house in the backyard.

The shadow seemed to be extremely familiar with the terrain of this area. He passed through the hall and arrived in the last room in a moment.

He lightly knocked on the window, "Feng'er, Feng'er, have you slept yet?" The suppressed voice could be heard. It was the voice of a young boy.

Phuong, who was hungry and cold in the room, was sleeping in a daze.

"As soon as he heard the sound coming from outside, he excitedly threw himself by the window." "Guthar, I haven't slept, here, here."

Feng'er silently calculated in her heart. It was the exact time when everyone in the mansion was asleep. It seemed that his parents had all fallen asleep. What his father didn't know was that every time he was confined and said that he couldn't eat, he could actually eat delicious food. This was because Thrall, a loyal follower, would always find a way to bring him food and water.

"Here, this is a roasted chicken, and there's still some water. Are you hungry? I made this up when I was on duty at night. " After saying that, Gusar quietly swallowed his saliva.

Feng'er took the roasted chicken from his hand, and without any hesitation, she cut off a chicken leg for him. "Here, you eat too. You're only responsible for the menial work in the kitchen." It's definitely you who used your pitiful wages to beg Uncle Xiang to make this for you. It's okay, after we get out, I'll return your wages to you! "

"When Thrall heard that he was going to pay his own wages, he was instantly angered." Feng Er, do you think that I am a servant of your family and look down on me? That's why you always think that I will find a way to take back more of what I've done for you! If you think so, then I will never treat you well again! "

Phuong just bit a fragrant chicken leg into his mouth, but did not expect him to say such words. Thrall was an orphan that he had picked up when he was three years old. When he had picked him up, he had been like a little puppy, starving to death. Because he looked simple and honest, many people in the mansion secretly bullied him. Feng'er had teased and teased him before, but after seeing him being bullied, she had bravely stepped forward to save him. Thrall was the same. Although he looked simple and honest on the surface, in his heart, he was quite sincere.

No matter how Feng Er teased him, he always accepted it with a smile. When Feng Er was punished, she treated her well. Slowly, the two of them actually started to develop other feelings. In comparison, Feng Er was really special to Thrall within the mansion.

Now that she heard that she had accidentally said something kind that hurt Sal, Phuong felt that the roasted chicken in her mouth wasn't that good either. His eyes rolled around, "Sal, I'm sorry. It was my fault. He would not mention money, nor would he mention it in the future. But you can't say that you don't care about me, that I'm pitiful without you to look after me, that I'm hungry and cold in here. "No one came to see me either …"

These words were half true and half false, and it also revealed Feng Er's current pitiful state. Hearing Feng'er's words, the simple and honest Sal felt pity for her. Feeling that what he said just now was too much, Thrall laughed coyly, "Feng'er, I'm sorry. What I said just now was all fart …" Nonsense. This kind of night is not afraid. With Thrall accompanying you, you will be inside, and I will be outside. The two of us will slowly narrate a good story, and as we talk, the day will begin to brighten. You won't feel cold, and you won't feel lonely. " Thrall, who was rubbing his hands together in the cold outside, spoke very easily.

He was only seven or eight years old, but he would take care of Feng'er and treat her well. This made Feng'er feel a warm feeling in her heart.

Although she was hungry, Feng Er still ate elegantly and well. Although her speed was extremely fast, one could not feel any awkwardness from her body. On the contrary, she felt like a princess in distress, gracefully and calmly eating the food in her mouth.

"Sal, take another one."

Feng'er didn't allow Tian Tian's tone of doubt as she handed over her other leg. Although Thrall was an assistant in the kitchen, people like him ate the worst. Usually, the leftovers were the leftovers from the chefs' meals. Other than a few times when he had stealthily stuffed the chicken drumsticks in his mouth, he could only watch others eat the rest.

"Thrall swallowed again, but controlled himself." No, tonight the chef has a bad appetite. He has left behind a lot of dishes, such as braised pork and chicken shreds. I have never eaten them before. This stomach of his was still so full up until now. You can eat it! "

Feng'er grabbed his hand and pulled up his sleeves, leaving only the light of the candle still burning in the room. On his thin arm, there were obvious scars. Needless to say, he must have asked the chef to cook the chicken for him because the money was too little, so he had to vent his anger on him.

"This damn guy, don't think that he belongs to Grandma, I can't do anything to him. One day, one day, I'll let him know what happens to those who hit me."

Seeing Phuong's indignant expression, little Thrall was deeply moved. Push her inside, "You put out the light, we talk, talk is over. This kind of injury really isn't a big deal. In the past, when I was in someone else's house, I suffered more than this. With the old master taking care of the mansion, the servants did not dare to be too presumptuous. "Fenger, you better not get angry. Otherwise, the one who will be hard to be a human being will be me!"

Feng Er also felt the same when she heard this. She could only swallow her anger as she munched on the chicken in her hand.

"Feng Er, when I grow up, I'll protect you as well. "In this lifetime, no matter what you want me to do, I, Thrall, will not resist."

The warmth, following his words, made Feng'er feel that it was no longer as cold on this cold night. However, what she didn't expect was that in the near future, this person who said he would protect her life in the cold night would betray her.

Feng'er had been well-behaved for a few days after leaving the confinement room. However, she was a little cold towards her parents, making her seem a little more courteous. Such a turn of events had logically been Gu Gang's hope all along. However, seeing her like this, he felt like he had lost something.

It was still Lou Lan Xi. Seeing that he was so disappointed, he came up with an idea. He would not mind if the family went out to play for a while, so as to increase their relationship with each other.

Feng'er was the first to respond to this suggestion. After all, his life in the manor was not going to be so good.

Far away, it was impossible, but not far from this place, in the city of Jiajia, they heard that a group of odd people had held a competition there, so they decided to head there.

After the family left the house, a carrier pigeon flew into the sky.

A day later, an 11-12 year old boy took off the note from the leg of the carrier pigeon and handed it to the person inside the carriage. Let's go to Jia Hua City, we will also attend the gathering! " A child's voice came from the car.

The carriage was headed east, but so did the carriage.

"Mother, I didn't expect there to be so many people here. There are even so many fun things. This is much more fun than where we are! " Feng'er, who had been looking out of the window of the carriage, was full of joy. At this moment, her innocent smile that a young girl should have finally appeared on her face.

Looking at this kind of disciple, Gu Gang's disappointment dissipated quite a bit. Ye Zichen patted her head, "Silly girl, this is because the party is being held here. If it was in normal times, would it be so fun?"

Being called a fool, Feng'er was not annoyed. Instead, she turned around and smiled at him. The estrangement between the family of three had deepened considerably this time.

"I heard that this year's grand meeting will be a competition of unique styles. There will be a competition of several parts of the array formation!" Every winner of the competition will receive a Three Leaf Grass. It is said that this kind of grass can bring about great returns to life, so there will be even more participants this time than the previous years! "

"Three Leaves Spirit Grass!" To be able to take out such a thing, the organizers of the event were truly generous. I heard that one stalk of that thing could be worth thousands of gold. Oh, if I had one stalk, I wouldn't have to worry about food and clothing my whole life! "

The people outside the window were in groups of three to five and seven to eight, passionately discussing this grand meeting. Feng Er's eyes lit up when she heard this. She looked at the Gu Gang couple and said, "I want to participate!"