Beautiful Siren: Conquering Bloodthirsty Guy


"Peach Blossom..." "You …" He, who had just been having a good time, was now covered in sweat. As for him, he had always been a germaphobe. However, he didn't care about anything as he created a special mark on her body.

"Phoenix …" That person was truly abominable. I hate him, you're not dirty, you... He was purer and cleaner than anyone else. "In my eyes, you are the purest star in the sky …"

It turned out that he had witnessed her self-mockery just a moment ago.

So it turned out that he understood her the best.

As tears welled up in her eyes, she forced herself to calm down.

The days of love were always so short. The tenth day passed quickly.

"Let's go!" Feng'er put the bowl down and said coolly.

Previously, Peach Blossom had been trying to find something else to talk about. Sometimes she would talk about going fishing, sometimes she would talk about going hunting. Earlier, he even said that he was going to bury the flower.

He wanted to borrow something else to make her forget about her departure. However, she clearly remembered all of this.

"Is it going to end eventually?"

His absent-minded eyes stared blankly into the distance as the peach blossoms bit onto his lips.

Feng Er didn't dare to look him in the eye, nor did she dare to say anything heartless. However, she had to pay her debt.

The air seemed to freeze as the two of them silently stayed in the room. Just when Phuong thought so. The peach blossoms would find a few more reasons, or they would force her to stay behind.

Peach Blossom stood up, "Let me hug you again!" His smile was warm.

As for her, she hesitated for a moment. He slowly stretched out his hand and held it in front of him.

Step by step, the two of them slowly walked outside. A light rain began to fall from the sky.

"The heavens have love, and the heavens are old. If the heavens are in love, will there be tears? "

Feng Er didn't dare to turn back as soon as they left the room. Although she hadn't stayed here for long, this place was destined to become the most beautiful memory in her life.

With a sad smile, she took his hand and said, "Let's go, there's no love in this world. "It is just an unchanging shady part, a shady part."

She walked very fast and took very big steps.

As he was leaving the valley, a sword flew straight towards him.

"Dark..." "Don't be rude …"

Seeing that it was the darkness, Phuong quickly scolded him.

He silently gritted his teeth as he looked at the peach blossom. The latter, on the other hand, calmly faced him. It was as if he didn't feel the sword on his neck at all.

The blood drops slowly fell down along the sword, drop by drop.

"How dare you deceive me. "Hmph, for master's sake, this time, I'll spare your life."

Shadow moved the sword away and stepped aside, glaring at him. His eyes were filled with rage. One had to know that he had waited twenty days outside the valley. Tian Tian was worried that the two of them would leave at any time. He didn't dare to walk too far, and could only grill some game every day.

After twenty days of barbecuing game, even if it was a delicacy, he was tired of it.

For this reason, when he saw that the person who tricked Feng Er was actually Peach Blossom Wave, he became even angrier.

Peach Blossom Wave looked into the darkness coldly, "The next time I see you, I'll definitely take your head."

"Haha …" Although his tone was calm, he was still stunned when he heard it. And then he laughed out loud. Is that so … "I'm looking forward to it too …"

Ye Zichen looked at the two of them fighting with a headache, completely treating him as a transparent person. Feng'er became angry and stood between the two of them. "Do you think I'm invisible or transparent? With me here, if anyone dares to kill your opponent, be careful that I don't cut off your claws first. "

With a dark face, she ordered in the dark, "Let's go. From now on, you will be my attendant."

Peach Blossom stood on the spot and silently watched the two of them leave. He took out his jade flute and slowly played a song of 'Let's Meet Again'.

This song of props, hope that the two of them meet again, can have a good future, however, Feng'er feels very sad listening to it. This was because she knew that some things would greatly change once she was separated from him. From the beginning, this relationship was destined to be a road of no return.

He looked at Feng Er in astonishment and saw her walking away quickly. His speed wasn't 'walking', it was running away with him.

Turning his head to look at the peach blossom, he only saw a lonely yet solemn figure.

It would be strange if these two people, alone in the valley for so long, didn't have any feelings for each other.

Although he ran very fast, the sound of the flute still reached his ears. It was as if he was urging her, "I want to meet you again." I'm waiting here for you to come back, don't forget me …

Tears started to fall from her eyes, as she ran like a madman. Shadow followed closely behind with his distant eyes, looking at her crazy behavior that was hard to come by.

In the distance, with my eyes closed, I continuously played that song.

Behind him, there was a similarly lonely figure. He looked at him with tears flowing down his face, "Eldest senior brother …" You're so stupid … "So stupid …"

Ah …" "Ah …

Feng Er screamed at the cliff in front of them. She was screaming at the edge of death.

This type of her was helpless and hopeless. This type of her caused a dark side to appear. His usually cold eyes also revealed a trace of sadness.

His heart was also inexplicably moved. As long as this woman wasn't comfortable, he would feel very sad in his heart. He even had the impulse to go up and comfort her.

He knew that this was not right. The most taboo thing for the guards was to have ill intentions for their master. The reason the former guard was transferred was because he should not be moved.

Thinking of this, he forcefully retracted the sympathy he had for that crazy woman.

Feng Er continued to shout at the cliff until all the strength in her body was gone. Then, she stopped. Staring dumbfoundedly in front of her, she slumped down.

The place she was sitting was too dangerous, her legs hung straight up on the edge of the cliff. She stepped forward and hugged her to the side.

Feng'er, who was in his embrace, seemed to have died. She didn't move at all as she blankly stared at the unknown place in the distance.

"Where to?"

Seeing that she didn't move and didn't know how to speak, he asked her in a kind tone. This was her vacation period.

Feng Er stared at him blankly. Yes, where to?

Originally, he wanted to go with Peach Blossom to see Master Wuyou, but he received an order from his master to go to an unknown place. He only gave her one token to find Master Wuyou.

Actually, she knew that all of this was just an excuse for her peach blossoms. He didn't want to stay with her any longer. Because he couldn't bear to part with her, because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control his emotions, he chose to flee.

Wasn't she trying to escape?

However, he had to go to Worryfree Valley. His father had hope of recovery. Why didn't he seek a cure?

"Wiping away the tears at the corner of her eyes, she signaled the darkness to put her down." To Worryfree Valley! "

He didn't say anything else and just silently followed behind her, keeping only three steps away from her. This way, he could not only identify them, but also show his respect for his master.

In the past, when the two of them were alone together, they would even talk for a while. Yet, at this moment, the two of them only knew how to walk, until —

"Yo, there's actually a beautiful lady here." It was clear that she was the young mistress from a rundown family. However, she was not bad looking. Brothers, go and snatch her away. Big Bro will definitely give us extra rewards. "

Never would he have thought that he would run into so many bandits in this crappy place.

Feng Er sneered as she stood to the side, only saying one sentence to herself, "I'm going to teach this bunch of blind dogs a lesson!"

At this moment, her mood wasn't good. When she saw this bunch of blind fools come up, she obviously wanted to teach them a lesson.

He had been holding back his anger before, so when he heard Feng'er's orders, he naturally wouldn't be merciful.

He casually walked forward and stood at a random spot.

This posture was a good posture that allowed one to attack and defend.

Seeing that he was only a thin and tall person, the leader of the group thought that he had at least a few people. With a wave of his hand, he wanted to take advantage of the fact that there were more people to take care of the two of them.

"Bang …" "Bang …"

He would never have thought that in just a few breaths of time, those people would have been secretly thrown into the not so distant Qin Creek.

The last one, he threw him flat.

Feng Er's originally depressed and unhappy mood turned a little bit excited when she saw the group of people struggling in the mud field.

After glancing at them in satisfaction, the person frantically tried to pull them away, and the two of them once again headed towards Worryfree Valley.

Worryfree Valley

There was nothing to worry about, but before the two of them entered the valley, they saw a gloomy-looking old man sitting on a rock, constantly sighing.

The two of them had originally wanted to walk past him without disturbing him, but when Feng'er walked past him, she couldn't control herself. She crouched down and looked at the item in the old man's hand.

He was holding an oddly shaped stone in his hand and was frowning in thought. He could tell that what he was troubled about was precisely what had happened here.

"Geezer, why are you looking so worried? Is there something big going on?"

The old man's words were quite interesting, and Feng Er's tone was very relaxed as well. She didn't have that sort of respectful title.

The old man raised his white eyebrows and cast a sidelong glance at Feng Er, then waved his hand. "Go …" Go... Go... "You undeveloped milk baby, walk your path. Don't disturb me!"

Seeing his impatient look, Feng Er curiously walked over.

He saw that there was a silver thread in the old man's hand, poking around. From the looks of it, he wanted to pierce through the needle or something?

"You want to go through it?"

Feng Er asked curiously, not listening to the old man's words.

The old man simply moved his head to the side to make himself invisible. He only cared about the needlework in his hands.

"Ai, this old lady is the same. Why do you want me to get rid of the things here? This seventy or eighty year old has no way of controlling his eyes. For him to have to do this kind of work, it truly is a loss for this old man. "