Beautiful Boss Falls in Love with Me

Chapter 311

"Yes! Child, we don\'t care about revenge. I want my Ganoderma lucidum back. She\'s my life!" said Qiu Mei, crying again and beating the back of the chair.

Tang Wenhao said emotionally, "Dad, mom, sister Ganoderma lucidum is gone. I can\'t compensate sister Ganoderma lucidum for you. I can only be your son and honor you for sister Ganoderma lucidum. In the past, I was your son-in-law and half a son. As long as you don\'t dislike it, from now on, I Tang Wenhao will be your son and my own son. I will honor you both like my parents when you get old , I\'ll take you and my parents to live together. I\'ll serve you, eat and drink, and take shit and urine to your knees. "

Tang Wenhao\'s sincere words touched Mr. and Mrs. he denang, especially Qiu Mei. She couldn\'t help crying, nodded repeatedly, went to Tang Wenhao, helped him up and choked, "well, Wen Hao, get up! You didn\'t kill people, and you can\'t kill Ganoderma lucidum. Mom doesn\'t blame you, but mom is upset."

"Mom, I\'m sorry! I didn\'t protect sister Lingzhi. Mom, you will be my mother in the future. Like my mother, I will honor you and my father for sister Lingzhi." Tang Wenhao cried passionately.

"Hum! Woo... Ah!... Ganoderma lucidum! My darling... Ah!" Qiu Mei cried bitterly around Tang Wenhao and kept calling the name of Ganoderma lucidum.

He de Neng also knew in his heart that the killing of Ganoderma lucidum had little to do with Tang Wenhao. If Tang Wenhao could save him, it would be impossible not to save him. It would be better for him to see Tang Wenhao come back so sincerely to atone for his sins and be his son.

The two families discussed it. In order not to leave lifelong regret, Mr. and Mrs. he denang will start going abroad tomorrow, follow Tang Wenhao to Hanoi to see Ganoderma lucidum for the last time, and then cremate her on the spot to take her home.

Tang Wenhao wanted to go to Hong Kong to pick up Manny first, but seeing that he and his wife were very anxious, he told Manny to let her stay in Hong Kong now. He took him and his wife to Hanoi to deal with the aftermath of Ganoderma lucidum, and then accompanied them back to bury Ganoderma lucidum, and then went to Hong Kong to pick her up.

Manny agreed and asked Tang Wenhao to be careful. She was waiting for him in Hong Kong.

Back at the Tang family, it was late at night. After washing and eating, Tang Wenhao lay on the big wooden bed where he and Ruan Ling, sister Ah Mui, lotus and Ganoderma lucidum had slept.

Looking back on the past, I can see clearly that things are right and people are wrong. Ruan Ling is gone, the lotus is gone, sister Ganoderma lucidum is gone, and only sister Ah Mei is still there. Tang Wenhao really can\'t stand this skin pain and can\'t help crying.

Yang Yuezhen and Tang Cheng heard their son sobbing in the room and came in. Yang Yuezhen caressed Tang Wenhao\'s head and said, "son, don\'t be sad, it\'s all life!"

"Son, be strong. It\'s over. Manny, they still need you! Your sister-in-law has given birth to your child. Son, you\'re already a father. You should be mature in the future. Don\'t fool around and harm others and yourself!" Tang Cheng said.

"Dad, I know. I\'m sorry to let you worry about me often. My son is unfilial! I\'ve never really been filial to you." Tang Wenhao said sadly.

"Son, you can have this heart. Your parents are still young. It\'s okay. By the way, hasn\'t ah Ling found it yet?" Yang Yuezhen asked with concern.

"Well, I\'ve been down. The cliff is too deep to reach the bottom. There\'s no hope of living. Mom, do you think I\'m a nemesis? I\'ll kill my wife?" Tang Wenhao asked suspiciously.

"Nonsense! It\'s all fate. What does it have to do with you? Son, mom knows that Ling, lotus and Ganoderma lucidum hurt you very much, but don\'t think about it. As long as you are kind to others, there will always be good returns. Your parents are very happy to treat your father-in-law and mother-in-law like you do today. You really have to honor Mr. and Mrs. He De Neng. Ganoderma lucidum is their only child. Now you don\'t follow you Yes, you have to be responsible for them, "said Yang Yuezhen.

"Wife, don\'t worry! Our own son doesn\'t understand? He won\'t treat them badly. Son, go to bed early! Don\'t think nonsense. If you live here and miss them, go to your parents\' room to sleep!" Tang Cheng said.

"No, Dad, how old can I sleep with you? I\'m fine," Tang Wenhao said.

"Silly son, how old are you? You are also the son of your parents." Yang Yuezhen looked at her son lovingly.

Seeing that Tang Wenhao insisted on sleeping in his room, Tang Cheng and his wife did not force him to go back to their room to have a rest.

The next day, he denang came to the Tang family early and asked Tang Wenhao to take him to apply for passports and other documents. Tang Wenhao knew that it would take a long time to go through the normal way, so he learned a way to leave the country quickly through the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam. According to the actual situation, he denang\'s husband and wife can go abroad through the green channel to do aftercare for their relatives as long as they apply for a temporary passport, and It can be done on the same day.

So he de Neng and Qiu Mei opened the certificate and went to the provincial capital with Tang Wenhao. They really got their temporary passports that day. Because there was no plane at night, they stayed in the provincial capital.

When opening a room, Tang Wenhao originally wanted to open two. He and his wife said they would open one. They said it was a family anyway. It would cost hundreds of dollars to open two. Tang Wenhao saw that he and his wife didn\'t care. He couldn\'t insist. He was afraid that the couple would misunderstand him and dislike them.

Therefore, the three opened a large standard room. Mr. and Mrs. He De Neng were not very stable. As soon as they entered the room, they lay in bed, watched TV in a daze, and didn\'t go out to eat. Tang Wenhao had to order takeout and send the meal to the room.

"Dad, mom, you eat!" Tang Wenhao brought the food to them.

"Wen Hao, dad has no appetite." he de said faintly.

"Lao he, why don\'t you have some!" Qiumei said to he denang.

"Dad, eat! Sister Ganoderma lucidum has left. Even if you are sad, you have to hold on. If sister Ganoderma lucidum is in heaven, you don\'t want your parents to hurt their bodies because of her." Tang Wenhao said sincerely.

Just then, Tang Wenhao\'s cell phone rang. He quickly put down the food, took out his cell phone and saw that it was Ruan Ying\'s phone number. He quickly pressed the button and asked, "Ruan Ying, what\'s up? We can get to Hanoi tomorrow."

"Ah? That\'s great, Wen Hao. Let me tell you the good news. The murderer who killed sister Ruan Qin and brother Jin has been caught. I just heard the news from the Public Security Bureau." Ruan Ying said excitedly.

As soon as Tang Wenhao heard this, his spirit was shocked and asked in surprise, "Ruan Ying, really? Who is the murderer?"

As soon as Tang Wenhao called out, he de Neng and Qiu Mei became nervous. They looked at Tang Wenhao in surprise and expectation, hoping that he could tell who was the murderer of his daughter.

When Ruan Ying said the name of the murderer, Tang Wenhao was very shocked and puzzled, because he had never heard of this person. He had no enemies with him. Why did he kill himself?

"Cold-blooded jack, cold-blooded Jack? What\'s the origin of this man? Why did he kill himself?" Tang Wenhao wondered why the killer called cold-blooded Jack wanted to kill himself?

Tang Wenhao\'s heart has always believed that the person who chased him must be Abu, and others have no such motivation.

"Wen Hao, who is this cold-blooded Jack? Why did he kill our Ganoderma lucidum? Have you offended him?" he de Neng asked suspiciously.

"Dad, I don\'t know. We only had a festival with a man named Abu in Vietnam. He killed my ah Ling, lotus sister and ah Ju, and a girl named Alan. They are all ah Ling\'s sisters. I don\'t share the same fate with him. I will kill him as soon as I have a chance to find him, but I\'m not sure if he did it this time. Vietnamese public security has been looking for him." Tang Wenhao said fiercely that he hated Abu to the bone.

"Wen Hao! Vietnam\'s public security is so poor. Why are you there? If you came back early, you wouldn\'t be like this. I know there are many wives there, but your mother and I accept this fact. Even if you live with your wives, we won\'t interfere with you any more." he de Neng complained.

"Well, Lao he, don\'t complain about Wen Hao any more. He is also heartbroken. I believe our Wen Hao\'s feelings for Ganoderma lucidum are true. He must be as sad as us." Qiumei said.

The three simply ate something. Qiu Mei asked he De to wash and sleep. We\'ll talk about something tomorrow.

"I don\'t wash it," he de said angrily.

Knowing that he was still suffering, Tang Wenhao comforted, "Dad, don\'t be angry with my mother. It\'s all my fault."

"Well, Wen Hao, wash and sleep by yourself! Dad is uncomfortable."

"Who doesn\'t feel bad? It\'s getting stronger and stronger! Go, take a bath and go to bed. I didn\'t take a bath last night, and I smell sweat all over." Qiumei is a woman after all, and she cares about personal hygiene.

"I won\'t wash it today. I\'m going to Vietnam with the smell of sweat and suffocate them." he de Neng said angrily. Tang Wenhao almost laughed angrily at his words.

"You didn\'t smoke the Vietnamese. You smoked your wife first. Who can sleep with you? Stop it. Who feels better? Just like a child." Qiu Mei scolded.

"If you can\'t stand it, don\'t sleep with me. Sleep with your son. I\'ll sleep in this bed myself tonight, and your mother and son will sleep in one bed." he de Neng said.

Tang Wenhao was stunned. Qiu Mei blushed with anger. She pointed to him and scolded, "he de Neng, you\'re a fool!"

"What\'s wrong with me? Wen Hao is our son now. What can a son do when he sleeps with his mother? Don\'t you want to smell me? Then you can sleep with your son!" he de said angrily.

Qiumei said shyly to Tang Wenhao, "Wenhao, go wash first! Don\'t worry about your father."

Tang Wenhao knew that he de Neng was also an emotional vent. He stopped arguing with him and smiled bitterly. He went to the bathroom to wash it and came out.

Qiumei then went to the bathroom to take a bath, changed her clothes, and came out smelling. She sat next to He De Neng, frowned and said, "go! How comfortable it is to take a bath! Wash away the smell all over her. I\'m tired today. Go to bed after taking a bath."

"I don\'t wash, I just want to go with this smell."

"But you smell like this. How can people sleep with you? It smells so bad!" Qiumei was a little angry.