Be the Best In the Chronology

Chapter 376

Shu Yiran didn\'t go up to tell stories to these people in the brigade. She was to popularize science and family planning for the people in the brigade.

The state began to implement family planning several years ago, but the implementation of family planning policy in the countryside is not smooth. After all, every family in the countryside has several children.

Some families, even if they have five or six daughters, still have to give birth all the time in order to give birth to that son. If you don\'t let others give birth, they don\'t say it. They also think you deliberately let people die without a son.

That is, without great virtue and the unanimous opposition of the masses, what can the director of the women\'s Federation do? He can only turn a blind eye and let life go. As a result, the more he is born, the poorer he is.

In the past, when Guan Chunyan was a director of the women\'s Federation, it was not her turn to publicize it. Director Peng took charge of it. Since director Peng was transferred.

Guan Chunyan wanted to organize women to publicize the family planning policy several times, but neither she nor Shu Yiran found a good time. Now, taking the opportunity of the speech contest, she just publicized the family planning policy.

However, as soon as Shu Yiran finished the publicity, the people below were unhappy, "why don\'t we have a son? I don\'t have a son yet. If I don\'t have a son, you will compensate me!"

"My son just got married this year. If my daughter-in-law has two daughters, you will make our family a queen."

Some even began to attack Shu Yiran, "Shu dry things, you can\'t give birth to a second one, and you won\'t let us give birth?"

"Yes, what kind of shit policy..."

Seeing the people below swearing, Xu Guangyuan knocked the Gong fiercely, "clean your mouth. It\'s not time for you to talk."

Shu Yiran knew that it was normal to be scolded for promoting family planning, so she went on: "I know everyone is dissatisfied with this policy, but the State implements this policy for your good. Why should people in the city be sent to the countryside?"

"There are so many people in the city that there are not enough jobs for them, so they can only go to the countryside to help build the countryside. Another..."

"Their gay men just sow, regardless of pregnancy or birth. They know the hard work of lesbian pregnancy..."

Guan Chunyan also came to the stage at this time. "I\'m also a lesbian. I know how hard it is when I\'m pregnant and how painful it is when I\'m born. Some lesbians may say that this is what women have to experience, which I admit.

But it\'s up to you to decide how many children to have. Don\'t you feel that your health will be much worse than before every time you give birth to a child?

It\'s not just the body. Lesbian children grow old quickly when they have more children. Some lesbian children have more children. Because they don\'t sit in a good month, they fall into the root of the disease. At this time, you will be scolded by your mother-in-law as lazy and despised by your own man. Have you ever thought that this is all your reason? "

As soon as these words came out, the fierce lesbian who shouted below immediately stopped talking.

Some even began to reflect. It seems that when they give birth to the first one, they have a great body. When they give birth to the second and third one, their body is getting worse and worse. It\'s easy to get tired by doing something.

Others were scolded by their mother-in-law because they didn\'t do well in the month. At the moment, they are also thinking about Guan Chunyan\'s sentence.

And those gay men began to say that Guan Chunyan farted and scolded everything.

Guan Chunyan didn\'t bother to pay attention to those male comrades, and continued: "you lesbians can choose. If you don\'t want to have a baby, no one can force you. If you have, you can come to me and I\'ll help you decide."

Then Shu Yiran said that the hospital can get contraceptive condoms for free. If there are really those who don\'t want to give birth, they can go to the hospital for ligation.

However, Shu Yiran felt that few gay men dared to go to the hospital for ligation.

The two of them spoke vigorously, and the following scolded as much as they could.

At this time, Guan Chunyan threw out a heavy news and directly told these gay men that your daughter-in-law can\'t give birth to a boy. It\'s your own problem, not your daughter-in-law\'s problem.

If you don\'t believe it, you can go to the city and ask the doctor if he said so.

Now it\'s the women\'s turn to talk, "director Guan, is what you said true? Isn\'t it our lesbian problem that we can\'t have a boy?"

The lesbian who asked Guan Chunyan about this was Bao Yun. She and her man had seven daughters. Because they couldn\'t give birth to a son, their worried white hair came out. Because they didn\'t give birth to a son, they didn\'t have a high status in their mother-in-law\'s family, and people also looked miserable.

Obviously, he is in his thirties, and his stupidity is similar to that of a man in his forties and fifties.

"Of course, if your man could have a son, you would have. Why did you have seven daughters and no son?"

Although her daughter told her about biology, Guan Chunyan didn\'t understand. She only understood. Many people in the brigade didn\'t have sons. It must be the man who didn\'t have a son.

As soon as these words came out, many women who didn\'t have sons immediately thought of the reason from a man. They all said that planting melons gets melons, planting beans gets beans, and their men can\'t sow seeds. Can you blame their women?

As the family planning publicity reached a climax, those who wanted to scold Guan Chunyan and Shu Yiran couldn\'t scold because they were scolded by their own mother-in-law.

There was a fierce man who directly pressed himself on the ground and beat him, "your own seed is not good. I blame me for not being alive. I beat you to death."

Some female comrades also threatened not to have children in the future. Who let Guan Chunyan say there that having more children will affect their health? Compared with women who have fewer children, they have more people who are indeed several years older than others.

After the family planning policy was publicized, Guan Chunyan said, "the day after tomorrow, the female comrades of the brigade will come to the brigade for a meeting. I have something important to tell you. At that time, every female comrade at home must be present."

After that, Guan Chunyan and Shu Yiran stepped down. Xu Guangyuan came up and called the meeting over. However, before the people had finished, a gay man came to sue Guan Chunyan.

The gay man said that Guan Chunyan\'s propaganda of the family planning policy completely did not give them a way to live.

Xu Guangyuan said grimly, "why didn\'t you live? Did you steal your money or your food?"

The gay man said angrily, "she won\'t let me have a son!"

"If you can\'t give birth to a son yourself, can you blame director Guan? With that Kung Fu, you\'d better go to the hospital for examination. Why can\'t you give birth to a son?" Xu Guangyuan laughed angrily.

I won\'t let you have a son. You have so many daughters and haven\'t seen you have a son.

The male comrade was unconvinced and said that all the cadres in their brigade had the same virtue.

Xu Guangyuan didn\'t bother to talk to him.

The result of family planning publicity is that some female comrades at home have stood up. When a man scolds him that he won\'t have a son, he directly says that he can\'t have a man.