Be the Best In the Chronology

Chapter 241

Therefore, President Liang praised Li Miaomiao and Li Qiubao in the office.

"You two really gave our Hongxing primary school a big light."

After boasting, he continued: "classmate Li Qiubao, you are very good. You can get a higher ranking than last time among many students, which shows that you have really worked hard during this period of time and will make persistent efforts in the future."

"Classmate Li Jinyu, it\'s really a surprise that you get the first place, but you should guard against arrogance and impatience..."

Having said that, headmaster Liang presented them with the certificates and awards issued by the county.

In addition to five yuan, Li Miaomiao won the first prize, as well as several exercise books and pencils. There\'s nothing else.

Li Qiubao\'s second prize is three yuan, the same exercise book and pencil.

Seeing this reward, Li Miaomiao drew a corner of his mouth and thought that the reward for the third place should be the same except that the money is less than them.

However, Li Miaomiao said he was very satisfied to have money. After all, money is the motivation to participate in the competition. If you only give exercise books and pencils, you might as well not go. Of course, enamel mugs and towels are also OK. Their family lacks such things very much.

When Li Miaomiao was still muttering about the reward, headmaster Liang kindly told them that the city magazine held a composition competition for primary school students and asked them if they were willing to participate. If so, they could send the manuscript to him.

He\'ll post it when he\'s finished.

Instead of hastily agreeing, Li Qiubao asked Li Miaomiao, "Miaomiao, will you join?"

Li Miaomiao asked headmaster Liang realistically if there was any money reward in the composition competition. Headmaster Liang said, "if you win a prize or are elected, there must be a reward."

After all, it\'s a solicitation from the newspaper, which will be sent to the newspaper in the future. Can\'t you pay for writing a composition?

Li Miao nodded and said, "I\'ll take part if I have a reward."

Li Qiubao said, "I\'ll take part in it, too."

Li Miaomiao looked at Li Qiubao and said nothing. She couldn\'t stop Li Qiubao from participating. Besides, even if Li Qiubao had a good fortune, she couldn\'t get there.

When they returned to the classroom with their certificates and prizes, they attracted the attention of others without saying anything.

Before long, everyone in the class knew that Li Miaomiao had won the first place in the city competition. They all said, "Li Jinyu, you\'re great."

"Li Jinyu, can you show us your certificate of merit? What prizes do you have?"

Li Miaomiao spread the certificates and prizes on the table, "look, but you can\'t grab them."

This is the first prize she got when she came to the world. It must not be torn by the bear children in the class. It\'s issued by the county. It can\'t be repaired if it\'s torn.

The students in the class were very good one by one. They rarely looked around the certificate. "It turns out that the certificate is like this. It\'s really nice."

"I\'ll get a certificate later."

In this regard, Li Miaomiao said to the classmate who said this: "then you should cheer up and try to get the certificate as soon as possible."

Some even touched it. Generally speaking, the students in the class envied Li Miaomiao for getting the certificate. After the students who watched the fun dispersed, Xiao Zian and Li Miaomiao said congratulations.

Li Miaomiao politely thanked him and said that she would treat him to sugar next time.

Xiao Zian shook his head. "I don\'t like sugar."

"What do you like to eat?" anyway, she has five yuan in her hand now. It\'s OK to buy something to eat. After all, Xiao Zian has helped her with her schoolbag twice. If she doesn\'t say something, it seems unreasonable.

After a half ring, Xiao Zian said, "I want to eat jiangmi sticks."

Li Miao said generously, "yes, I\'ll treat you to dinner next time."

Li Miaomiao and Li Qiubao won the prize. As soon as they returned from school in the afternoon, the whole Li family knew it. Xu Guifen took Li Qiubao\'s certificate and looked at it again and again.

Still muttering, why not the first.

Li Qiubao directly replied that her strength was not as good as Li Miaomiao. It was luck to win the second place.

Xu Guifen tilted her mouth, "you must have not taken the test carefully. If you take the test carefully, won\'t you take the first place casually?"

With Qiubao\'s luck, as long as she thinks for herself, can\'t she still pass the exam?

Li Qiubao looked puzzled and said, "Mom, why do you think so? I really can\'t answer several questions. Moreover, I worked hard and didn\'t distract myself during the game."

No, the problem is No. does her mother think she can muddle through with good luck?

Xu Guifen said nothing. After a long time, he said, "let\'s take the first test. You don\'t take the test. Look back and see how your third uncle and aunt beat."

It\'s strange that Xu Guifen can feel comfortable when she is always pressed by three rooms.

Li Qiubao didn\'t think so.

Three rooms, now a family of four are sitting together. Li Jianshe and Guan Chunyan are smiling and praising Li Miaomiao\'s promise. Li Xiaopeng\'s eyes at Li Miaomiao are full of worship.

"Why is my daughter so powerful? First place, first prize..." many people can\'t get it.

After Li Jianshe finished, he thought about it with Guan Chunyan. It\'s good to stick this certificate there.

"Dad, don\'t stick it. When we build a new house, we\'ll stick it in the new house."

The house they live in now is so dark that people can\'t see it after pasting it. What\'s more, no one comes to their house. It\'s better not to paste it.

"No, why don\'t you leave such a large certificate of award at home? Forget it, I\'ll show it to your master first to make him happy. Let\'s talk about it when we come back."

Li Jianshe\'s first thought of such a big thing is to talk to old man Li. Then, let\'s be angry with old lady Li.

Let him know that his daughter is so excellent. It\'s not the dead girl film she said. It\'s much better than several boys in the second room.

Guan Chunyan couldn\'t wait to tell Li Jianshe what old lady Li said to her this morning. Li Miaomiao\'s ears stood up.

"Mom, they don\'t suspect that we are speculating."

Li Jianshe and Guan Chunyan were stunned at the same time, "No."

Li Miaomiao said seriously, "why not? Milk has been staring at our house. Our family has bought so many things recently. Milk can\'t be doubted."

Mrs. Li is such a chicken thief. Before, there was something wrong between Li Jianshe and Guan Chunyan. They all asked someone to get Rune water for them to drink. Now their family is in such good condition.

It\'s normal to have doubts.

Guan Chunyan looked serious. "Then we\'d better build a house and move away, otherwise it\'s always like this. Who can stand it."

Such a large family lives in a yard. It\'s not safe for anyone to have something to do at home.

Li Miaomiao agrees with her mother about this.