Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

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When arriving at the destination, Ferrien politely reported to the tent loudly, "Commander Garrod, Druid Ferrien has brought Mr. Andrea."

A gentle and deep male voice came from inside the tent, "Well, thanks for your hard work, please let him in."

After entering the camp of the Chinese army under the guidance of Ferrian, Andrea first scanned the audience.

Several people with different looks surrounded a male night elf with long silver hair. They were frowning and pointing at the map on the desktop, whispering something. As the temporary leader of the sisterhood, Maiev Nature is also in it.

"with all due respect."

A strong night elf with a reputation like Hong Zhong, who was half a head taller than most of his peers, hammered the table and said, "Commander, although your strategy of fighting steadily fits the current situation, Archdruid Malfurion probably won\'t agree with it. What you do."

This resolute-looking night elf has grass-green messy hair. Apart from the feathered leather armor buckled on his shoulders, his robust upper body is not covered by any clothing or armor, which looks very "natural".

The silver-haired man in the lead was Jarod Shadowsong who had a brief exchange with Andrea before, he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Yes, considering the safety of the Priest of Whispering Wind, the arch druid\'s attitude is understandable .”

"But I want him to see the big picture."

Garald reached out and clicked on the location of Xin-Aisaly on the map on the desktop, "Although with the help of the demigod, we took advantage of the lack of preparation by the demons and pushed the front line to the outskirts of Xin-Aisaly, but it is undoubtedly very difficult to go further." difficulty."

"During the battles of the last few days, the Burning Legion has gradually begun to adapt to the impact of the demigod."

"With the warlords such as Maronos, Makzaar, Kazloga, and Dog King Haka appearing on the front line one after another, if you neglect to penetrate into the enemy\'s line for a while, even the demigods will be in danger of falling."

Garrod rubbed his brows wearily and said, "Allies, we need more allies."

"With the current strength alone, we can only temporarily maintain a balance with the Burning Legion, and we cannot further attack and close the portal of the Well of Eternity. During this process, the Burning Legion is still sending more demons to Azeroth." .”

"Without fresh support, we will be overwhelmed by the never-ending reinforcements of the Burning Legion."

Andrea agrees with Garrod\'s long-term vision, and he knows something even more important.

Archimonde the Defiler, the most powerful vanguard of the Burning Legion, has not yet appeared on the battlefield, which proves that he believes that the situation is still under his control and there is no need to take action himself.

Andrea recognized his identity from the familiar shape of the night elf with his upper body bare. This person was the number two figure in the Druid sect and Malfurion\'s most valued apprentice, Fandral Staghelmet.

"Tsk! What a hassle."

Fandral scratched his head irritably, and his grass-green long hair, which was already lacking in care, was messed up even more.

"We have mobilized all the allies we can muster. The demigods have brought their families from Mount Hyjal. At the same time, natural allies such as chimeras, dryads, and elf dragons have joined us. Where are we going to find more? Reinforcements?"


Andrea interrupted several people\'s arguments by raising her hand when she heard this, "Can I make a suggestion?"

Garrod nodded happily and said, "Of course, Mr. Andrea, my sister said that you are very talented in strategy and the overall situation. I invite you to come here to get some inspiration. Please speak freely, even if it is just a little possibility. "

Andrea glanced at Maiev slightly unexpectedly, the face of the leader of the battle priest remained calm and remained calm.

\' Maiev thinks so highly of me? \'

Fandral walked over with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand and patted Andrea on the back a few times without any notice.

"I heard that the special envoy was ambushed by demons on its way to Lasallaza to carry out its mission. I thought everyone was killed."

"The Arch Druid has been guilty of this for a long time. He thinks that his wrong order has harmed you. He didn\'t expect you to escape from that disaster."

Fandral\'s hand was very strong, and Andrea grinned when he slapped him, and stretched out his hand angrily to block this guy\'s claws.

"Unfortunately, I\'m not unscathed, because I suffered a severe head injury, and I lost most of my previous memories... By the way, who are you?"

The smile on Fandral\'s face suddenly froze. He looked at Andrea in a daze and asked, "Amnesia? Are you kidding me? I\'m Fandral, Fandral Staghelmet."

Maiev folded her hands on her chest and said calmly, "Unfortunately, it\'s true, only he and the trainee priest Shandris survived in the entire envoy."

"When Andrea arrived at the Vault of Heaven, the half-meter-long hideous scar stretched from his chest to his abdomen was still clearly visible. It was obvious that he successfully broke through after a **** battle."


Fandral scratched his head in embarrassment, and for a moment didn\'t know what to say to Andrea. No matter how much he said about the past, Andrea, who had lost his memory, couldn\'t find any resonance from it.

Andrea patted Fandral\'s thick arm freely, "Don\'t worry, the memory of the past is lost, the important thing is not the past, but the future."

Speaking of this, Andrea straightened his face, "To have a future, we must first successfully expel the Burning Legion that invaded our world."

"I\'ll talk about my amnesia in private, let me answer Commander Garrod\'s question first."

Fandral was not a person who didn\'t know his priorities. He took two steps back to give up his position, and Andrea solemnly glanced at everyone present.

"Everyone\'s thinking of asking for help has fallen into a misunderstanding. Your first thought is still to tap the potential of the clan. However, the current situation is very cruel, and it is difficult for us to get more support from the clan. UU Reading"

"It\'s not been a day or two since the war started, and those who want to join the rebels have basically stood up and expressed their stance."

"The remaining few are limited by irresistible external factors, and it is difficult for them to stand up and support us regardless of their own safety in a short period of time."


Andrea stretched out his right index finger and said, "Let\'s broaden our horizons and turn our attention to other races that may send reinforcements."

"Ask foreigners for help?"

A white-faced and beardless male night elf beside the conference table seemed a little hesitant. Judging from the gorgeous armor on his body, this person should be an upper elf.

"Mr. Andrea, I\'m not pouring cold water on you. Due to the relatively tough foreign policy of the night elves during the heyday of the empire, it may be difficult to obtain support from foreign races under such circumstances."

Seeing the surprise and confusion in Andrea\'s eyes, Jarod reached out and introduced him, "This is the leader of the Black Rook Castle Demon Swordsmen, Vota Moonscar."

Andrea nodded to Jarod with a smile, then turned her gaze back to Wota.

"Mr. Wota, I understand what you mean, you think I want to ask the troll for help?"

A look of surprise flashed across Wota\'s face, "Isn\'t it? The only ones who are capable of helping us in this situation are the trolls who were the overlords of the world before the rise of the night elves?"

Andrea smiled and shook her head, "Of course not."

"I am very clear about the attitude of the trolls towards the night elves. They probably wish that the Burning Legion could destroy us completely. These short-sighted guys will never stand up and send reinforcements for us."

"By reinforcements, I mean the tauren living at the foot of Highmountain and the pandaren of Pandaria."