Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 98: Dragon King's Blessing

On the top of Mount Hyjal, a small lake that was originally unremarkable is now overflowing with high-purity arcane magic power. A large number of highborne elves gathered around the lake to absorb energy like a pilgrimage.

Dath\'Remar looked at the new Well of Eternity in front of him, his eyes flashed.

"Sure enough, creating a new source of magic power is the only way out for the Highborne."

Recently, due to the loss of the Well of Eternity, the highborne arcanists have successively experienced weakness, fatigue, lack of energy, and anxiety from the bottom of their hearts.

Most people didn\'t connect this situation with the Well of Eternity, thinking it was just a symptom of discomfort after the war, but Dath\'Remar carefully noticed the connection.

All the symptoms were Arcanists, and others such as Druids, Warriors and Priests did not change.

The Dark Night Empire has a clear hierarchy, and only the Highborne have the right to absorb the energy of the Well of Eternity. However, it is this group of Highborne who have abnormal symptoms. Dath\'Remar boldly links this symptom with the Well of Eternity.

Looking around at his companions who were relieved, Dath\'Remar was even more sure of what he was thinking.


A young night elf with rare blond hair saw Dath\'Remar suddenly lost in thought, and called softly in a puzzled tone.

"Is something wrong with this new Well of Eternity?"

"Well, no problem."

After regaining his senses, Dath\'Remar shook his head at the young elf.

"Danus, do you still have the symptoms of fatigue and lethargy you mentioned earlier?"


Although the young man named Danas didn\'t understand why his father suddenly asked this question, he closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

"there is none left"

Danas moved his hands and feet in surprise, "It\'s gone, I feel full of strength now."


Dath\'Remar looked at the new Well of Eternity worriedly, wondering how we would survive the painful addiction for a long time if this well was also destroyed.

The joyful Danas didn\'t notice the complicated thoughts flashing in his father\'s eyes. He, like all the highborne arcanists around him, was delighted by the elimination of mental fatigue.

When the three members of the ruling group guided the three dragon kings to the new Well of Eternity, Malfurion and the others were quite surprised by the highborne surrounding the lake like a cult.

Tyrande frowned, even though they worked together to defeat the Burning Legion, she still didn\'t like the highborne who brought in demons.

"Why are you gathering here, why don\'t you disperse immediately, Shandris"


Shandris, who was making eye contact with Andrea, hurried out.

Tyrande raised his chin to the group of reluctant Highborne, "Take the Highborne away, and by the way, put the new Well of Eternity under martial law. We have important things to do."

Andrea silently gave Shandris a thumbs up to cheer her on, and got a coquettish look that was rarely seen on the heroic Shandris.

The expulsion of the Sisterhood of Elune caused quite an uproar.

"Why kick us out? The new Well of Eternity belongs to everyone"

"We need it, don\'t destroy it"

The irritated anger in Tyrande\'s eyes flashed away, and she couldn\'t get angry on the spot in front of the three guardian dragons.

These Highborne who used to be so high above that they didn\'t allow civilians to approach the Well of Eternity, now double-standarded that the new Well of Eternity belonged to everyone, and Tyrande almost couldn\'t help but retort in front of his lips.

You are still too immature, emotional management needs to be strengthened.

Andrea saw the change in Tyrande\'s expression clearly, and secretly smiled inwardly.

No matter how dissatisfied the upper elves were, the three dragon kings were in front, and Garald\'s army was also on standby nearby. They did not dare to blatantly resist the decision made by the provisional ruling group.

Alexstrasza took over the withered ganir seed from Malfurion.

Let the tree species suspend in mid-air, signal Malfurion and others to retreat, and the three guardian dragons return to their original forms at the same time.

The huge red dragon spewed out a mass of red flames full of life, slowly enveloping the tree species.

This flame is very miraculous, it did not ignite the tree seed of Garnier, but the withered tree seed gradually became full and full of vitality under the enrichment of life energy.

"let\'s start."

Alexstrasza lowered his head to signal to Malfurion, and the archdruid stood up solemnly.

Nourished by the vibrant life flames of the Red Dragon Queen, Malfurion poured the power of nature into the Garnier tree.

The tree species that could not be activated before quickly germinated and grew as if they had eaten golden kela. The thick roots penetrated into the depths of the small lake of the New Well of Eternity, and the trunk became thicker and thicker under the blessing of the power of life.

Andrea looked up in amazement, the towering world tree gradually took shape, and the crown of the tree could not be seen from below at a glance.

The arcane energy transpired on the surface of the New Well of Eternity was sucked into the body of the World Tree, and the power of nature and the arcane power reached a delicate balance in the tree.

Andrea was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly hammered his palm.

It turns out that this world tree is the prototype of the miracle tree Arcandor.

Although the details and usage of various aspects are very different, Andrea speculates that this state of perfect blending of natural power and arcane power is the original idea of ​​Alcandor.

Catalyzed by Alexstrasza\'s power of life, the World Tree took only half a day to fully develop.

The entire top of Mount Hyjal is completely covered by the canopy of the World Tree. The diameter of the cross-section of the trunk alone may be several kilometers thick, and the height of UU Reading is close to 10,000 meters.

"Ysera, Nozdormu, it\'s our turn to act."

Ysera nodded gently and said, "Okay, sister."

Nozdormu replied with a cold expression, "I have no problem. With the night elves\' achievements and sacrifices in this war, they deserve it."

The three giant guardian dragons flew around the World Tree under the puzzled gaze of Malfurion and the others, and dazzling lights of red, green, and yellow gradually radiated from them.

"In the name of the Life-Binder, use the World Tree to endow the night elves with vitality so that they will not be corrupted by any form of power, and the night elves will never be infected with diseases."

"In the name of the guardian of the dream, the World Tree will establish a connection with the Emerald Dream from now on, and Druids are allowed to enter and leave the dream at any time."

"In the name of the Lord of Time, endow the World Tree with eternal life, and the night elves will also gain eternal life."

With the help of the power of the new Well of Eternity, the guardian dragon bestows blessings on the night elves through the world tree. This is also the reward and compensation for the night elves from the guardian dragon who did not fully fulfill its guardian duties during the war.


After the Dragon King\'s blessing took effect, Andrea took a deep breath, and he could feel some indescribable changes in his life form.

eternal life

This is the honor given to the night elves by the giant guardian dragon, but it is also a heavy responsibility.