Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 94: entrust hope to the future

Deprived of the Well of Eternity\'s power, Sargeras thrust the darkness seething into the ground in an attempt to anchor himself to Azeroth.

But as the last holy place blessed by the Titans of the Pantheon, the subconscious repulsion of Azeroth\'s Star Soul began to play a role, and a violent suction came from the portal that had not been closed behind Sargeras.

"Do not"

As the demon closest to the portal, Sargeras was the first to be pulled back, and his unwilling and angry shouts became farther and farther away.

"My expedition will not end here and I will definitely be back"

According to the predetermined plan, Andrea and the others directly teleported to Mount Hyjal, the highest area in Azeroth, according to the space coordinates engraved in advance.

The linkage reaction caused by the destruction of the Well of Eternity was very serious, and the vibration of the entire continent became more and more intense. Andrea and others had to rely on the dense forest of Mount Hyjal to maintain their balance.


Andrea suddenly remembered something, and he turned his head to look at Dath\'Remar with a pale face, looking at Xin Azhali in a trance.

"Dath Rema, do you have any arrangements for Mrs. Felicity and the Moonsong family?"

A bitter smile appeared on Dath\'Remar\'s face, "The Burning Legion is watching too closely, and the overall situation is the top priority. I didn\'t have time to make arrangements for them. Even my wife and Seres stayed in the city."

"Then you still don\'t"

"it\'s useless."

Dath\'Remar seemed to have aged decades at this moment, he looked at his hands blankly.

"The teleportation just used up our last magic power, we can no longer draw arcane energy from the Well of Eternity, it\'s too late"

Andrea opened her mouth to say something, but no matter what she said now, it was powerless.

Andrea, who had witnessed how much Dath\'Rema doted on his little daughter, knew very well that he, who was about to lose his daughter, must now be in more pain than anyone else.


At this moment, a small teleportation light appeared in front of Andrea and the others, and a little girl carved with jade appeared in front of everyone with a blank expression.


Dath\'Rema, who was full of despair, suddenly jumped up when he saw this scene, and he rushed to the baby girl in surprise and hugged her tightly.

"What\'s wrong with you, Mom?"

Little Loli Celes shook her head with her mouth flattened, and reached out to help Das Rema, who was crying with joy, wipe away the tears from her face.

"My mother asked me to grow up healthily in the future. She and Aunt Felicity launched the only single-person teleportation magic tool and sent me out."

Although Celeste is still young, she was relatively precocious as she was raised by a noble family, and the little girl has obviously realized something.

Throwing into her father\'s arms, Celes asked anxiously with tears in her eyes, "Dad, will we never see Mom again?"


Dath\'Rema\'s lips moved, and he was silent for a moment in surprise before he sighed, "Don\'t think about it so much, catch Dad, a big earthquake is coming."


Andrea tried his best to look at the capital Xin Aisalie, which had long been invisible in the distance, and his mood was very complicated at this time.

Madame Felicity, who was full of hatred, finally chose to send Seres, who represented the hope of the future, to some extent, it was a hint.

Please rest assured, I will take good care of Leticia and will not let your hard work go to waste.

The coalition forces of the Rebels led by Garald completely defeated the attack of the Burning Legion, but according to the plan made before the start of the war, Garald did not let the Rebels move forward hastily, but waited for the success or failure signal of the assault team.

Moreover, given the situation encountered by the main force of the rebel army, it would be difficult for them to move forward.

Archimonde fought hard with the strongest demigod Malorne, and in the end he managed to break Malorne\'s neck and win.

But the course of this battle was not smooth, as Archimonde was also severely injured in Malorne\'s temporary counterattack.

Seeing that the situation was completely in favor of his own army, the grieving Cenarius finally complied with his selfishness and put aside his military support duties. Taking advantage of Archimonde\'s serious injury and greatly weakened strength, he rushed to the front line to avenge his father.

At this time, all the demigods who participated in the final battle were almost lost. They used their lives to firmly drag the main force of the Burning Legion to the main battlefield, preventing them from returning to Zin-Azshari unscrupulously.

Agamaggan, Ursok, Usor, Asaman, Aviana, and On\'hara were killed one by one. Although the wolf **** Godrin escaped by chance, he was also seriously injured, and he was within a short distance of death. There is only a thin line.

Even Tortola, the tortoise demigod with the strongest defensive power, was exhausted and exhausted on the battlefield. Like Goldrinn, it would be difficult for him to regain his combat effectiveness without a long period of rest.

However, the Burning Legion was not so easy to get cheap. With the desperate fighting of the demigods and the assistance of mortals, the coalition forces almost killed all the senior officers of the Burning Legion.

Counting Mannoroth who died beside the Well of Eternity, the Burning Legion\'s expedition suffered heavy losses, and it would not be able to recover for at least several thousand years.

Cenarius is the only demigod who is still relatively intact in the final stage of the war, but even in front of the seriously injured Archimonde, Cenarius still has no upper hand.

Unable to defeat Archimonde, Jarod could only patiently order to maintain the front line, dragging the army of the Burning Legion to the main battlefield.

The destruction of the Well of Eternity caused a huge earthquake, and Jarod finally got the signal he wanted.

The suction force coming from the direction of Xin-Aisa Li sucked away the demons that did not belong to this world one by one.

Even Sargeras couldn\'t resist Azeroth\'s repelling force, and these low-level demons were no exception. Archimonde was also sucked back to the portal and washed away amidst the unwilling roar.

The powerful enemy was finally expelled from Azeroth. After being confirmed by the commander-in-chief Jarod, the coalition forces of all ethnic groups cheered loudly.

Amidst the celebrations of the mortals, Cenarius held up Malorne\'s body sadly and proudly, "Father, have you seen that we have succeeded."

Though saddened by the loss of Malorne and his fellow demigods, Cenarius was not overwhelmed.

As the original gods parasitic on Azeroth, the demigods will not die completely because of the destruction of the physical world. Their souls will enter the Emerald Dream and wait for a long resurrection period.

Garrod, who was already prepared, did not give the coalition army too long to celebrate. After the Burning Legion was expelled from the world, he immediately ordered the troops to withdraw and let the magisters launch a super-large teleportation array.

When the coalition forces had just evacuated through the teleportation array, the shocking catastrophe finally began to sweep across the entire continent.