Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 85: Fel Battleship

Andrea, who was running in the palace, was extremely fortunate. Fortunately, Azshara\'s palace was too vast, and the outer court was far away from the core area.

Andrea was sure that Azshara was aware of the battle that just happened, but at least so far, the assault team had not been stopped by the armed maids sent by the Queen.

Entering the area of ​​the side hall where the Well of Eternity is located, this is not an area Andrea is familiar with.

Illidan exchanged positions silently and walked in the front. He was very hurt by Tyrande\'s dissatisfied and unfamiliar eyes before.

"I will lead the way, hurry up, there is only a little time left before Sargeras arrives."

Andrea\'s gossipy eyes flicked back and forth between the three childhood sweethearts who seemed as unfamiliar as strangers, but he didn\'t ask inappropriate questions in these tense times.

Xalatas is not as reserved as Andrea. It brazenly mocked in Andrea\'s mind and said, "Ha~ mixed emotions of jealousy and frustration, it seems that the relationship between these three people is very complicated."

"Shut up and let me concentrate."

"Okay~ You are the master, you have the final say."

On the way of running, Malfurion suddenly paused, and then he looked towards the battlefield outside the city with a drastic change of expression.

A gust of wind came from nowhere, and the assault team had to temporarily slow down their progress.

The whistling wind blew the trees planted for greening in the palace, and the strange sound that had never been heard seemed to be the cry of nature.

Andrea, who was also a druid, also heard the weeping in the forest, and turned his head to look at the sad-faced Malfurion in surprise.

"Teacher, is this..."


Malfurion sighed sadly, "A wilderness demigod has fallen on the main battlefield, but I don\'t know who it is."


Illidan recalled the demigod who ignored him back then, and there was an imperceptible sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"This will not be the last demigod to fall. With Archimonde sitting on the front line, even the demigod of the wilderness is just a stronger ant in front of him."

Seeing that the team\'s mood became depressed, Andrea retorted in a deep voice, "Don\'t talk too hard, maybe we are no match on the extraordinary battlefield, but the ordinary army of the Burning Legion is no match for the coalition army."

"As long as there are demigods who are fearless and fearless to entangle the demon lord, our army will be able to exert 120% combat effectiveness under the encouragement of their desperate fighting, and buy enough time for our actions."

Illidan glanced at Andrea contemptuously, "The premise is that our assault operation is successful and Sargeras does not come to Azeroth, otherwise everyone\'s efforts will be in vain."


Tyrande frowned in displeasure, "Why do you want to arouse the enemy\'s will to destroy your prestige? With Elune\'s blessing, we will surely complete the difficult task of banishing the Burning Legion."

"Elune... Heh~"

Facing Tyrande, Illidan couldn\'t maintain a cold attitude. He said with a wry smile, "That\'s because you don\'t know what I saw, and you don\'t know what makes the Burning Legion truly hopeless. I..."

"Let\'s stop here first."

Andrea stopped moving forward, looking solemnly at the distant sky, "I\'m afraid we are in big trouble."

Under the watchful eyes of most people on the battlefield, a metal point infected by evil energy protruded from the portal that had been expanded countless times, and then a flying battleship with a distance of more than 200 meters slowly opened from the portal .

Illidan watched the entry of this warship all the time, and his face became very gloomy, "No, the portal is already big enough to pass through massive objects. If a large number of such space warships enter, the battle situation will definitely be irreversible. Change."

The Well of Eternity was already in sight, and Andrea could even see the Highborne mage beside the well who was being urged by the devil to continue casting spells from afar.

The elegant and proud Highborne couldn\'t see their previous demeanor at all at this time. Because of the excessive consumption of mana, they were all pale and haggard, as if they might collapse due to overdrawing in the next moment.

The giant dragon in the sky took the lead in attacking the fel cruiser, and the scorching super-high temperature dragon\'s breath sprayed on the surface of the battleship, soon roasting part of the metal shell of the battleship red.

But for a cruiser with a total length of more than 200 meters, this amount of damage cannot cause a fatal blow to the hull at all.

The fel anti-aircraft artillery mounted on the ship opened fire under the command of the captain, and the giant dragons had to stop attacking and dodge around. Andrea and others saw with their own eyes that the dual-mounted main guns on the deck of the battleship were adjusting their angles. Gradually align with the direction of the main battlefield.

"We can\'t wait any longer! Keep going, we must stop the portal from expanding as soon as possible. If there are a few more spaceships like this, all our efforts will be in vain!"

The well guard demon guarding the Well of Eternity noticed the movements of Andrea and the others, and rushed towards them under the command of a demon guard who seemed to be much taller than the same kind.

Malfurion was uncharacteristically meek, and took the lead in crashing into the enemy group with the body of a giant bear. The death of the wilderness demigod and the appearance of the fel battleship made him unable to take into account his respect for life in the past.

The archdruid turned into a powerful killing weapon with all his strength. His sharp claws were covered with green blood, and even some demon flesh remained at the corner of his mouth.

Tyrande\'s combat effectiveness is not strong when she is not in the state of hanging, and Stormrage Brothers are not willing to let her rush into the front line and be in danger.

Her diversionary shots and divine spells are very effective in assisting the team. Rhonin and Krasus also stood beside Tyrande and rubbed the big fireball muttering.

The upper elves, who had gradually become numb, saw their resistance, and mechanically raised their heads to look at the place where the battle took place, but they didn\'t understand the situation for a while.

But not all the upper elves were confused by the output of magic power day and night, and Dath\'Rema, who had been waiting for a long time, had a flash of light in his eyes.

"My compatriots, the recent experience should let you all see the true face of the Burning Legion. Do you still want to continue to follow this group of cruel demons?"

Some highborne who were close to demons were selected as supervisors. Seeing that Dath\'Remar openly incited the emotions of everyone present, they shouted and cursed in surprise and anger.

"Sunstrider! Don\'t stop talking, do you want to betray your own people!"

"It\'s you who betrayed!"

Dath\'Remar pointed at the dogs and shouted angrily, "The Highborne have always been noble and confident. We never beg for mercy from anyone. Look at what you are doing now! What is the difference between you and a pug hanging on your master\'s lap! "

"You are looking for death, you must be sick! Come, kill this traitor!"

The overseers who became angry immediately yelled and tried to order others to put out Dath\'Remar\'s resistance, but all the highborne elves present stood still, with very hesitant expressions. Obviously Dath\'Remar\'s words just now caused a lot of trouble. human resonance.

Seeing this, Dath\'Remar lifted his spirits, and once again called out in a high-pitched and infectious voice, "My fellow citizens, it\'s time to stand up against the atrocities of demons!"

"Do you wish to tell your children in the future that the noble high elves managed to escape from the hands of the so-called \'angels\' by begging for mercy?"

"Not for yourselves, but also for our descendants. The Highborne will never succumb to the threat of demons! Join me and let the world see the true demeanor of the descendants of the heroes who put down the troll rebellion!"